Property:Common name

Showing 5000 pages using this property.
Okra  +, gumbo  +, lady’s finger  +
Fir  +
Pacific silver fir  +, silver fir  +, sapin gracieux  +
Balsam fir  +, sapin baumler  +
Rocky Mountain alpine fir  +, Rocky Mountain subalpine fir  +, corkbark fir  +
White fir  +, Rocky Mountain white fir  +, pino real blanco  +
Fraser fir  +, southern balsam fir  +
Grand fir  +, lowland white fir  +, sapin grandissime  +
Subalpine fir  +, alpine fir  +, sapin concolore  +
Sierra white fir  +, California white fir  +
California red fir  +, Shasta red fir  +
Noble fir  +
Sand-verbena  +
Heart’s delight  +
Clay sand-verbena  +
Fragrant white sand-verbena  +
Yellow sand-verbena  +
Large-fruited sand-verb ena  +
Red sand-verbena  +
Desert sand-verbena  +
Indian-mallow  +
Pelotazo  +
Pelotazo chico  +
Pintapán cimarrón  +
Velvety abutilon  +
Butterprint  +, China jute  +, chingma  +, ,
Biddy biddy  +
Threeseeded mercury  +, copperleaf  +
Foxtail copperleaf  +
Field copperleaf  +
Asian copperleaf  +
California copperleaf  +
Everglades or bastard copperleaf  +
Largeseeded mercury  +, Deam’s threeseeded mercury  +
Slender threeseeded mercury  +
Oneseeded mercury  +
Round copperleaf  +
New Mexico copperleaf  +
Hophornbeam copperleaf  +, pineland threeseeded mercury  +
Shrubby copperleaf  +
Poiret’s copperleaf  +
Cardinal feather  +, palmate copperleaf  +
Rhombic or common threeseeded mercury  +, ricinelle rhomboïde  +
Cuban copperleaf  +
Virginia threeseeded mercury  +
Painted copperleaf  +, beefsteak plant  +, match-me-if-you-can  +
Goldenhead  +
Shockley’s goldenhead  +
Rayless goldenhead  +
Barbed-wire cactus  +, triangle cactus  +, chaco  +
Flowery puncturebract  +
Abrams’s flowery puncturebract  +
Cienega Seca flowery puncturebract  +
Cushenbury flowery puncturebract  +
Parish’s flowery puncturebract  +
Achatocarpus Family  +
Milfoil  +, achillée  +
Siberian yarrow  +, achillée de Sibérie  +
Common yarrow  +, achillée millefeuille  +, herbe-à-dinde  +
Noble yarrow  +
Sneezeweed  +, sneezewort  +, achillée ptarmique  +,
Deer-foot  +, vanilla-leaf  +
Mormon needlegrass  +
Arnow's ricegrass  +
Contracted ricegrass  +
Crested needlegrass  +
Curlyleaf needlegrass  +
San diego needlegrass  +
Southwestern needlegrass  +
Henderson's needlegrass  +
Indian ricegrass  +
Wide-glumed needlegrass  +
Lemmon's needlegrass  +
Letterman’s needlegrass  +
Lobed needlegrass  +
Dore's needlegrass  +
Nelson's needlegrass  +
Nevada needlegrass  +
Common western needlegrass  +
Parish's needlegrass  +
Perplexing needlegrass  +
Pinewoods needlegrass  +
Richardson's needlegrass  +
Sleepygrass  +
Scribner's needlegrass  +
Jiji grass  +
Stuxman's needlegrass  +
Swallen's needlegrass  +
Thurber's needlegrass  +
Wallowa needlegrass  +
Webber's needlegrass  +
Blow-wives  +
Chaff-flower  +
Japanese chaff-flower  +
Onyx flower  +, frost-mat  +
Trumpets  +
Havard’s trumpets  +
Oblique-leaf trumpets  +
Texas trumpets  +
Spreading moonpod  +
Gyp moonpod  +
Angel trumpets  +, yerba de la rabia  +
Berlandier’s trumpets  +
Wright’s trumpets  +
Paurotis palm  +, palmier des Everglades  +
Paurotis palm  +, palmier des Everglades  +
Monkshood  +, aconite  +, wolfsbane  +,
Trailing wolfsbane  +
Wild monkshood  +
Alaska wild-rhubarb  +
Davis’s knotweed  +
Sweet-Flag Family  +
Sweet-flag  +
Sweet-flag  +, belle-angélique  +
Sweet-flag  +, calamus  +
Desertpeony  +
Desert holly  +, dwarf desertpeony  +
Featherleaf desertpeony  +, desert paeonia  +
Thurber’s desertpeony  +
Brownfoot  +
Coyol  +, gru-gru  +
Russian knapweed  +, creeping knapweed  +, Russian centaurea  +, ,
Leather fern  +
Baneberry  +, necklaceweed  +, cohosh  +,
Doll's-eyes  +, actée &agrave  +, gros pédicelles  +
Actée rouge  +
Ray spiked fern  +
Ray spiked fern  +
Wild lime  +
Vasey’s wild lime  +
Trail plant  +
Chamise  +
Red shank  +, ribbon bush  +
Maidenhair fern  +
Western maidenhair  +, Aleutian maidenhair  +, adiante des aléoutiennes  +
Venus's-hair fern  +, southern maidenhair  +
Rosy maidenhair  +
California maidenhair  +
Fragrant maidenhair  +
Northern maidenhair  +, adiante du Canada  +
Brittle maidenhair  +
Hairy maidenhair  +
Green Mountain maidenhair  +
Climbing fumitory  +, Allegheny-vine  +, mountain-fringe  +
Prickbush  +, spinebrush  +
California prickbush or adolphia  +, spineshrub  +
Junco  +, Texas adolphia  +
Pheasant's-eye  +, adonis  +
Summer adonis  +
Autumn adonis  +, bird's-eye  +
Spring adonis  +, ox-eye  +
Persian goatgrass  +
Jointed goatgrass  +
Ovate goatgrass  +
Three-awned goatgrass  +
Tausch's goatgrass  +, Rough-spiked hardgrass  +
Barbed goatgrass  +
Swollen goatgrass  +, Belly-shaped hardgrass  +
Fragile grass  +
False foxglove  +
Scaleleaf false foxglove  +
Rough false foxglove  +
Earleaf false foxglove  +
Caddo false foxglove  +
Leoncita false foxglove  +
Ten-lobed false foxglove  +
Osage false foxglove  +
Pineland false foxglove  +
Plateau false foxglove  +
Fascicled false foxglove  +
Wire-stemmed false foxglove  +
Florida false foxglove  +
Hampton false foxglove  +
Midwest false foxglove  +
Boynton’s false foxglove  +
Harper’s false foxglove  +
Prairie false foxglove  +
San Antonio false foxglove  +
Long-pedicelled false foxglove  +
Coastal false foxglove  +
Saltmarsh false foxglove  +
Navasota false foxglove  +
Nova Scotia false foxglove  +
Savanna false foxglove  +
Ridgestem false foxglove  +
Plukenet’s false foxglove  +
Beautiful false foxglove  +
Purple false foxglove  +, gérardie pourpre  +
Threadleaf false foxglove  +
Skinner’s false foxglove  +
Stiffleaf false foxglove  +
Delicate false foxglove  +
Slenderleaf false foxglove  +, gérardie à feuilles ténues  +
Green false foxglove  +
Pipe-plant  +, pipe-stem wood  +
Agave or Century Plant Family  +
Century plant  +
Century plant  +, maguey  +
Spreading century plant  +
Rough agave  +, maguey cenizo  +
Golden-flowered agave  +
Florida agave  +
Tonto Basin agave  +
Simple desert agave  +
Regel agave  +
Slim-footed agave  +
Havard agave  +
Lechuguilla  +
McKelvey agave  +
Murphey agave  +, Hohokam agave  +
Small agave  +
Palmer agave  +
New Mexico agave  +
Parry agave  +, mescal  +
Small-flowered agave  +
Phillips agave  +
Sisal  +
Fairy-ring agave  +
Thorn-crested agave  +
Ivory-spined agave  +
Clark Mountain agave  +
Weber agave  +, maguey liso  +
Ajo agave  +
Arizona agave  +
Chisos agave  +
Rockroot  +
Snakeroot  +
Crofton weed  +, sticky snakeroot  +
White snakeroot  +
Common white snakeroot  +, eupatoire rugueuse  +
Appalachian white snakeroot  +
Small-leaved white snakeroot  +
Havana snakeroot  +
Fragrant snakeroot  +
Hammock snakeroot  +
Lemmon’s snakeroot  +
Rockhouse white snakeroot  +
Western snakeroot  +
Santa Rita snakeroot  +
Rothrock’s snakeroot  +
Mt. Shasta snakeroot  +
Congested snakeroot  +
Wright’s snakeroot  +
Tropical whiteweed  +
Flat-top whiteweed  +
Cape Sable whiteweed  +
Mountain- or false dandelion  +
Seaside agoseris  +
Point Reyes agoseris  +
Orange or mountain agoseris  +
Colorado Plateau agoseris  +
Prairie agoseris  +
Grassland agoseris  +
Puget Sound agoseris  +
Annual agoseris  +
Coast Range agoseris  +
Sierra Nevada agoseris  +
Steppe agoseris  +
Spearleaf agoseris  +
Willamette agoseris  +
Agrimony  +, aigremoine  +
Common agrimony  +, aigremoine à sépales crochus  +
Soft agrimony  +, aigremoine pubescente  +
Roadside agrimony  +, aigremoine striée  +
Crested wheatgrass  +, Agropyron accrêté  +, Agropyron à crête  +
Siberian wheatgrass  +
Common corncockle  +, nielle  +
Anadyr bent  +
Blasdale's bent  +
Velvet bent  +, Agrostide des chiens  +
Browntop  +, Rhode island bent  +, Colonial bent  +,
Highland bent  +, Dryland browntop  +
Clavate bent  +
California bent  +
Elliott's bent  +
Spike bent  +
Redtop  +, Agrostide blanche  +
Hall's bent  +
Henderson's bent  +
Hoover's bent  +
Howell's bent  +
Winter bent  +, Agrostide d'hiver  +
Idaho redtop  +
Northern bent  +, Agrostide de mertens  +
Small-leaf bent  +
Cloud grass  +
Oregon redtop  +
Dune bent  +
Autumn bent  +, Upland bent  +, Agrostide perennant  +
Ross' bent  +
Rough bent  +, Foin fou  +, Agrostide scabre  +
Creeping bent  +, Agrostide stolonifere  +
Mountain bent  +
Brown bent  +
Delicate hairgrass  +
Silvery hairgrass  +
Spike hairgrass  +
Fig-marigold Family  +
Chocolate-vine  +, five-leaf  +
Hollyhock  +
Common hollyhock  +, rose trémière  +
Russian hollyhock  +
Lady’s mantle  +, alchémille  +
Alpine lady’s mantle  +
Smooth lady's mantle  +, alchémille glabre  +
Clustered lady's mantle  +, alchémille à glomérules  +
Gleaming lady’s mantle  +
Garden lady’s mantle  +
Mountain alchemilla  +, alchémille des montagnes  +
Round-toothed lady’s mantle  +, alchémille subcrénelée  +
Veined lady’s mantle  +
Yellow-green lady’s mantle  +
Colic-root  +, stargrass  +
Unicorn root  +, white stargrass  +
Yellow colic-root  +
White colic-root  +
Water-plantain  +
Grass-leaved water-plantain  +, alisma graminoide  +
Southern water-plantain  +, alisma subcorde  +
Northern water-plantain  +, alisma commun  +
Water-plantain or Arrowhead Family  +
Iodine bush  +
Garlic mustard  +
Trailing four-o’clock  +, umbrella-wort  +, garapatilla  +
Allionia  +, hierba de la hormiga  +, pink three-flower  +, ,
Onion  +
Wild leek  +
Cultivated onion  +
Welsh onion  +, Japanese bunching onion  +
Black garlic  +, Homer’s garlic  +
Garlic  +
Chinese chive  +, oriental garlic  +
J.k. wipff  +
False saltgrass  +
Bugseed grass  +
Sugarstick  +
Aster  +
Marsh alkali aster  +
Alder  +, aulne  +, aune  +
Green alder  +, mountain alder  +, aulne vert  +,
Sitka alder  +, mountain alder  +
Black alder  +, European alder  +
Speckled alder  +, tag alder  +, swamp alder  +,
Thinleaf alder  +, mountain alder  +
Seaside alder  +, brook alder  +
Arizona alder  +, New Mexican alder  +, aliso (Mexico)  +
White alder  +, California alder  +
Red alder  +, Oregon alder  +
Smooth alder  +, hazel alder  +
Aloe Family  +
Aloe  +
Barbados aloe  +, Curaçao aloe  +, medicinal aloe  +, ,
Shortawn foxtail  +, Vulpin a courtes aretes  +
Sonoma shortawn foxtail  +
Creeping meadow foxtail  +, Vulpin roseau  +
Tufted foxtail  +
Cretan meadow foxtail  +
Water foxtail  +, Vulpin genicule  +
Foxtail  +, Boreal foxtail  +, Vulpin alpin  +,
Blackgrass  +, Slender meadow foxtail  +
Meadow foxtail  +, Vulpin des pres  +
Rendle's meadow foxtail  +
Pacific meadow foxtail  +
Pinewoods-lily  +, purple pleat-leaf  +
Propeller flower  +
Ginger-lily  +
Shellflower  +
Lily-of-the-Incas  +, Peruvian-lily  +
Brazilian joyweed  +
Sanguina rea  +
Calicoplant  +, parrotleaf  +
Yellow joyweed  +
Seaside joyweed  +
Smooth joyweed  +
Sessile joyweed  +
Marshmallow  +, guimauve  +
Armenian marshmallow  +, guimauve arménienne  +
Hemp-leaved marshmallow  +
Rough marshmallow  +
Marshmallow  +, guimauve officinale  +
Mexican alvaradoa  +
Madwort  +
Amaranth Family  +
Amaranth  +, pigweed  +
Gree nstripe  +, greenstripe amaranth  +
Tumbleweed amaranth  +, tumble pigweed  +, white amaranth  +
Sand amaranth  +
Southern water-hemp  +, southern amaranth  +
Prostrate pigweed  +, prostrate amaranth  +, matweed  +,
Purple amaranth  +, livid amaranth  +
Californian amaranth  +, California amaranth  +
Salt-marsh water-hemp  +, tidal-marsh water-hemp  +, water-hemp pigweed  +
Love-lies-bleeding  +, purple amaranth  +, foxtail amaranth  +,
Clubfoot amaranth  +, spreading amaranth  +, tropical spreading amaranth  +
Crisp-leaved amaranth  +
Blood amaranth  +, purple amaranth  +, caterpillar amaranth  +
Large-fruit amaranth  +, Argentina amaranth  +, deflexed amaranth  +,
Spleen amaranth  +
Fringed amaranth  +
Florida water-hemp  +, Florida amaranth  +
Mediterranean amaranth  +
Gregg’s amaranth  +, Josiah amaranth  +
Smooth amaranth  +, smooth pigweed  +, green amaranth  +, ,
Prince’s-feather  +, Prince-of-Wales-feather  +, prince’s-feather amarant h  +
Muricate amaranth  +, “African amaranth”  +
Trans-Pecos amaranth  +
Palmer’s amara nth  +
Smartweed amaranth  +, tropical amaranth  +
Powell’s amaranth  +, green amaranth  +, Powell’s smooth amaranth  +
Seabeach amaranth  +, coast amaranth  +
Redroot pigweed  +, redroot amaranth  +, wild-beet amaranth  +, ,
Bonebract amaranth  +, bonebract pigweed  +
Spiny amaranth  +, thorny amaranth  +
Thunberg’s amaranth  +
Torrey’s amaranth  +, Bigelow’s amaranth  +
Joseph’s coat  +, summer poinsettia  +
Rough-fruited water-hemp  +, tall water-hemp  +, rough-fruit amaranth  +
Slender amaranth  +, tropical green amaranth  +, green amaranth  +
Watson’s amaranth  +
Wright’s amaranth  +
Sweet-sultan  +
Huisache-daisy  +
Ragweed  +
Petite herbe à poux  +
Bursage  +
Herbe à poux vivace  +
Burrobush  +
Giant ragweed  +, grande herbe à poux  +
Shadbush  +, serviceberry  +, sarvisberry  +, ,
Alder-leaved shadbush  +, saskatoon  +, saskatoon berry  +,
Lovely shadbush  +, amélanchier gracieux  +
Downy shadbush  +
Mountain shadbush or serviceberry  +, amélanchier de Bartram  +
Eastern shadbush  +, amélanchier du Canada  +
Cusick’s shadbush  +
Fernald’s shadbush  +, amélanchier de Fernald  +
Gaspé shadbush  +, amélanchier de Gaspésie  +
Low shadbush  +, amélanchier bas  +
Wiegand’s shadbush  +, amélanchier de l'intérieur  +
Intermediate shadbush  +, amélanchier intermédiaire  +
Smooth shadbush  +, amélanchier glabre  +
Nantucket shadbush  +
Shining shadbush  +
Pale serviceberry or shadbush  +
Red-twigged shadbush  +, amélanchier sanguin  +
Thicket shadbush  +, amélanchier en épis  +
Utah serviceberry or shadbush  +
Puna needlegrass  +
South american needlegrass  +
Mexican needlegrass  +
Round-leaved orchis  +, amérorchis  +, Amérorchis à feuille ronde  +
Fly-poison  +, crow-poison  +, St. Elmo’s-feather  +,
Toothcup  +, redstem  +
Stalkflower  +
European beachgrass  +, Marramgrass  +
American beachgrass  +, Ammophile à ligule courte  +
Yellowshow  +
Santa Rita Mountain yellowshow  +, saya  +, saiya  +
Mexican yellowshow  +, saya  +, saiya  +,
Wright´s yellowshow  +
Climbing aster  +
Mauritanian grass  +
Raccoon or false grape  +
Porcelainberry  +
Broomweed  +
Texas broomweed  +
Prairie broomweed  +
Southern swamp wallabygrass  +
Common swamp wallabygrass  +
Rough amphibromus  +
Pursh's blue maidencane  +, Hairy maidencane  +
Blue maidencane  +
Fremont’s chaffbush  +
Pimpernel  +, poorman’s weatherglass  +
Scarlet pimpernel  +, mouron rouge  +
Chaffweed  +
Flaxleaf or Mediterranean pimpernel  +
Florida pimpernel  +
Pearly everlasting  +, anaphale marguerite  +, immortelle blanche  +
Short-spined fishhook cactus  +, Tobusch cactus  +
Root cactus  +
Groundstar  +
Hooked groundstar  +, woolly fishhooks  +
Santa Ynez groundstar  +
Bog rosemary  +, andromède  +
Andromède glauque  +
Northern bog or wild rosemary  +, moorwort  +, andromède à feuilles de polium  +
Pinewoods bluestem  +
Barbas de indio  +
Shortspike bluestem  +
Florida bluestem  +
Big bluestem  +, Barbon de gerard  +
Bushy bluestem  +, Bushy beardgrass  +
Wire bluestem  +
Elliott's beardgrass  +
Sand bluestem  +
Liebmann's bluestem  +, Mohr's bluestem  +
Hairy bluestem  +
Split bluestem  +
Tracy's bluestem  +
Broomsedge bluestem  +
Rock jasmine  +
Sweetflower rock jasmine  +
California rock jasmine  +
Filiform rock jasmine  +
Western rock jasmine  +
Pygmyflower  +, rock jasmine  +, androsace septentrionale  +
Funnel-lily  +
Pink funnel-lily  +, small-flowered androstephium  +
Blue funnel-lily  +
Pine fern  +
Windflower  +, anémone  +
Sharp-lobed hepatica  +, anémone &agrave  +, lobes aigus  +,
Round-lobed hepatica  +, anémone d'Amérique  +, hépatique d'Amérique  +
Tenpetal anemone  +
Canada anemone  +, anémone du Canada  +
Carolina anemone  +
Long-headed anemone  +, thimbleweed  +, candle anemone  +,
Columbia windflower  +, western white anemone  +
Drummond's anemone  +
Edge Falls anemone  +
Western windflower  +
Lance-leaved anemone  +
Little mountain anemone  +
Purple anemone  +
Cut-leaved anemone  +, anémone multifide  +
Narcissus-flowered anemone  +
Western pasqueflower  +, mountain pasqueflower  +, pulsatille  +
Okennon's anemone  +
Oregon anemone  +, western wood anemone  +
Northern anemone  +, small-flowered anemone  +
Pasqueflower  +, prairie-smoke  +, prairie-crocus  +,
Piper's anemone  +
Wood anemone  +, anémone &agrave  +, cinq folioles  +
Yellow anemone  +, anémone de Richardson  +
Desert anemone  +
Thimbleweed  +, tall anemone  +, anémone de Virginie  +
Yerba mansa  +
Scalebud  +
Custard-apple  +, soursop  +, alligator-apple  +
Pond-apple  +
Sweetsop  +, sugar-apple  +
Custard-apple family  +
Pintapán del monte  +
Violeta  +
Madeira-vine  +
Madeira-vine  +
Sacasile  +
Pussytoes  +, everlasting  +, ladies’ tobacco  +,
Alpine pussytoes  +
Pearly or handsome or tall pussytoes  +
Box or meadow pussytoes  +
Silver pussytoes  +
Scented or aromatic pussytoes  +
Flat-top or meadow pussytoes  +
Denseleaf pussytoes  +
Low or two-form or cushion pussytoes  +
Stoloniferous pussytoes  +
Whip or stoloniferous pussytoes  +
Fries’s pussytoes  +, antennaire de Fries  +
Frost boil or outcrop pussytoes  +
Pinewoods pussytoes  +
Howell’s pussytoes  +, antennaire de Howell  +
Canadian pussytoes  +, antennaire du Canada  +
Antennaire néodioïque  +
Petaloid pussytoes  +, antennaire pétaloïde  +
Woolly pussytoes  +
Rush or silvery brown pussytoes  +
Small-headed rush pussytoes  +
Whitemargin pussytoes  +
Rocky Mountain pussytoes  +
Littleleaf pussytoes  +
Pygmy pussytoes  +
Narrow-leaved pygmy pussytoes  +, antennaire étroite  +
Field pussytoes  +, antennaire négligée  +
Parlin’s pussytoes  +
Deceitful pussytoes  +, antennaire litigieuse  +
Antennaire de Parlin  +
Small-leaf or Nuttall’s pussytoes  +
Plantain-leaved pussytoes  +, antennaire à feuilles de plantain  +
Sierra pussytoes  +
Showy or handsome pussytoes  +, antennaire magnifique  +
Racemose pussytoes  +
Rosy pussytoes  +, antennaire rosée  +
Desert pussytoes  +
Pulvinate pussytoes  +
Kaibab or woolly pussytoes  +
Charleston Mountain or Charleston pussytoes  +
Singlehead pussytoes  +
Narrowleaf pussytoes  +
Evergreen or everlasting pussytoes  +
Umber or brown or brown-bracted pussytoes  +
Shalebarren pussytoes  +
Chamomile  +
Corn chamomile  +, fausse camomille  +, anthémis des champs  +
Mayweed  +, stinking chamomile  +, camomille maroute  +
Purple silkyscale  +
Purple silkyscale  +
Oldfield grass  +
Arctic sweetgrass  +, Hierochloe pauciflore  +
Vernalgrass  +
Alpine sweetgrass  +, Hierochloé alpine  +
Vanilla sweetgrass  +, Hierochloe odorante  +, Foin d'odeur  +,
California sweetgrass  +
Sweet vernalgrass  +, Flouve odorante  +, Foin d'odeur  +
Coralvine  +, Mexican creeper  +, corona de la reina  +,
Mountain-rose coralvine  +, queen’s-jewels  +
Snapdragon  +
Muflier commun  +
Ringstem  +
Chiricahua rockflower  +
Interrupted windgrass  +
Common windgrass  +, Loose silkybent  +
Parsley-piert  +
Lazydaisy  +
Hairy lazydaisy  +
Plains lazydaisy  +
Riddell’s lazydaisy  +
Arkansas lazydaisy  +
Putty-root  +, Adam-and-Eve  +, aplectrum d’hiver  +
Mauritian grass  +
Melon loco  +
Cape-pondweed  +, water-hawthorne  +
Aponogeton or Cape-pondweed Family  +
Baby sun-rose  +
Nodding-nixie  +
Columbine  +, ancolie  +
Canadian columbine  +, ancolie du Canada  +
Hinckley's columbine  +
Laramie columbine  +
Long-spur columbine  +
Ancolie vulgaire  +
Mouse-ear or thale cress  +
Thale cress  +
Rockcress  +
Garden rockcress  +
Arum Family  +
East Indian holly fern  +
Simpler East Indian holly fern  +
Madrone  +, madroño  +
Arizona madrone  +
Pacific madrone  +
Texas madrone  +
Dwarf mistletoe  +
Lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Western dwarf mistletoe  +
Blumer's dwarf mistletoe  +
Sugar pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Limber pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Coastal dwarf mistletoe  +
Western spruce dwarf mistletoe  +
Western white pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Digger pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Knobcone pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Hemlock dwarf mistletoe  +
Pinyon dwarf mistletoe  +
Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe  +
Chihuahua pine dwarf mistletoe  +
Eastern dwarf mistletoe  +
Southwestern dwarf mistletoe  +
Polargrass  +
Polargrass  +, Arctagrostis à larges feuilles  +
Polar daisy  +, chrysanthème polaire  +
Burdock  +, clotbur  +, bardane  +
Great burdock  +, grande bardane  +
Common or lesser burdock  +, petite bardane  +, cibourroche  +, ,
Woolly burdock  +, bardane tomenteuse  +
Desert bearclaw-poppy  +
Golden bearclaw-poppy  +
Dwarf bearclaw-poppy  +
Great bearclaw-poppy  +
Pendant grass  +, Arctophile fauve  +
Manzanita  +
Santa Cruz manzanita  +
Mount Diablo manzanita  +
Baker’s manzanita  +
Baker’s manzanita  +
Hoary manzanita  +
Santa Catalina Island manzanita  +
Hairy manzanita  +
Santa Rosa Island manzanita  +
Brittleleaf manzanita  +
Santa Cruz Island manzanita  +
La Cruz manzanita  +
Vine Hill manzanita  +
Little Sur manzanita  +
Gabilan manzanita  +
Eastwood’s manzanita  +
Bigberry manzanita  +
Schreiber’s manzanita  +
Gasquet manzanita  +
Hooker’s manzanita  +
Hoover’s manzanita  +
San Bruno Mountain manzanita  +
Island manzanita  +
Klamath manzanita  +
Santa Lucia manzanita  +
Mallory’s manzanita  +
Common manzanita  +
Wieslander’s manzanita  +
Indian manzanita  +
Mount Tamalpais manzanita  +
Montara manzanita  +
Monterey manzanita  +
Morro manzanita  +
Ione manzanita  +
Pinemat manzanita  +
Nissenan manzanita  +
Del Norte manzanita  +
Glossyleaf manzanita  +
Serpentine manzanita  +
Oso manzanita  +
Otay manzanita  +
Pacific manzanita  +
Pajaro manzanita  +
Alameda manzanita  +
Parry manzanita  +
Greenleaf manzanita  +
Pecho manzanita  +
La Panza manzanita  +
Pringle manzanita  +
Sandmat manzanita  +
Pointleaf or Mexican manzanita  +
La Purissima manzanita  +
Rainbow manzanita  +
Refugio manzanita  +
Kings Mountain manzanita  +
Shagbark manzanita  +
Coinleaf manzanita  +
Bonny Doon manzanita  +
Stanford’s manzanita  +
Woollyleaf manzanita  +
Bearberry  +, kinnikinnik  +, bousserole  +,
Marin manzanita  +
Whitehair manzanita  +
Sticky whiteleaf manzanita  +
Capeweed  +
African-daisy  +
Monarch-of-the-veld  +
Blue-eyed African-daisy  +
Alpine bearberry  +
Torpedoberry  +
Red bearberry or manzanita  +, busserole rouge  +
Marlberry  +
Coral ardisia  +, coral-berry  +, spice-berry  +,
Shoebutton ardisia  +
Island marlberry  +
Palm Family  +
Sandwort  +, sabline  +
Hilly sandwort  +
Creeping sandwort  +, sabline rampante  +
Spreading sandwort  +
Livermore sandwort  +
Longstem sandwort  +
Trans-Pecos sandwort  +
Marsh sandwort  +
Thymeleaf sandwort  +, sabline á feuilles de serpolet  +
Arethusa  +, dragon’s-mouth  +, aréthuse  +
Prickly-poppy  +
Marguerite  +
Silverbush  +, wild-mercury  +
Glandular silverbush  +
Hill country silverbush  +
Blodgett’s silverbush  +
Silky silverbush  +, silvery wild-mercury  +
Sonoran or Brandegee’s silverbush  +
Desert silverbush  +
Charleston Mountain silverbush  +, bruise leaf  +
Low silverbush  +
Narrowleaf silverbush  +
Tall silverbush  +
Yuma or New Mexico silverbush  +
Plateau silverbush  +
Desert tansy-aster  +
Desert tansy-aster  +
Gypsum tansy-aster  +
Shrubby alkali tansy-aster  +
Small-flower tansy-aster  +
Chiricahua mountain tansy-aster  +, alkali aster  +
Living-rock cactus  +, star cactus  +, chaute  +,
Jack-in-the-pulpit  +
Green-dragon  +, dragon-root  +
Jack-in-the-pulpit  +, Indian-turnip  +, petit-prêcheur  +
Sixweeks threeawn  +
Arizona threeawn  +
Forktip threeawn  +, Aristide à rameaux basilaires  +
Mojave threeawn  +
Big threeawn  +
Curly threeawn  +
Churchmouse threeawn  +
Poverty grass  +
Florida threeawn  +
Gypsum threeawn  +
Corkscrew threeawn  +
Havard’s threeawn  +
Wooly threeawn  +
Mohr's threeawn  +
Oldfield threeawn  +
Longleaf threeawn  +
Wooton's threeawn  +
Tall threeawn  +
Fendler's threeawn  +
Nealley's threeawn  +
Parish's threeawn  +
Jornada threeawn  +
Wright's threeawn  +
S-curve threeawn  +
Single threeawn  +
Southern threeawn  +
Bottlebrush threeawn  +
Wiregrass  +, Pineland threeawn  +
Seaside threeawn  +
Valley spinycape  +
Dutchman's-pipe  +, aristoloche  +
California snakeroot  +
Birthwort  +, aristoloche clématite  +, asarabacca  +
Cory's Dutchman's-pipe  +
Swanflower  +
Dutchman's-pipe  +
Florida Dutchman's-pipe  +
Marsh's Dutchman's-pipe  +
Texas Dutchman's-pipe  +
Virginia snakeroot  +
Indianroot  +
Wright's Dutchman's-pipe  +
Dutchman's-Pipe Family  +
Spiderflower  +
Wild mustard  +, tickweed  +, yellow cleome  +
Thrift  +
Horseradish  +
Common leopardbane  +
Narrowleaf arnica  +
Arnica à feuilles étroites  +
Serpentine arnica  +
Chamisso arnica  +, leafy arnica  +, arnica de Chamisso  +
Heartleaf arnica  +
Mock leopardbane  +
Rayless arnica  +
Foothill arnica  +
Smallhead arnica  +
Snow arnica  +
Griscom’s arnica  +, arnica de Griscom  +
Lanceleaf arnica  +, arnica à aigrettes brunes  +
Broadleaf arnica  +
Nodding arnica  +
Longleaf arnica  +, northern arnica  +, arnica lonchophylle  +
Spearleaf arnica  +
Lake Louise arnica  +, snow arnica  +
Hairy arnica  +
Nevada arnica  +, Sierra arnica  +
Sticky leaf arnica  +
Parry’s arnica  +, nodding arnica  +
Rydberg’s arnica  +
Twin arnica  +
Klamath arnica  +
Alaska arnica  +
Shasta County arnica  +
Mt. Shasta arnica  +
Indian plantain  +
Chokeberry  +
Red chokeberry  +
Black chokeberry  +
Tall oatgrass  +, Fenasse  +, Fromental  +
Felon-herb  +, mugwort  +, sagebrush  +, ,
Southernwood  +, lad’s love  +, old man  +,
Common wormwood  +, armoise absinthe  +
Siberian wormwood  +
Aleutian wormwood  +
Sweet Annie  +, sweet sagewort  +, armoise annuelle  +
Low sagebrush  +
Hot Springs sagebrush  +
Biennial wormwood  +, armoise bisannuelle  +
Bigelow sagebrush  +
Richardson’s sagewort  +
California sagebrush  +
Field sagewort  +, sand wormwood  +
Bolander sagebrush  +
Silver wormwood  +
Sticky sagebrush  +
Carruth wormwood  +
Northwest mugwort  +, Douglas sagewort  +
Wild tarragon  +
Sand sage  +
Bursage mugwort  +
Fringed sage  +, prairie sagewort  +, armoise douce  +
Congested sagewort  +
Long-leaved sage  +
Silver wormwood  +, white or silver sage  +
Lemon sagewort  +
Island sagebrush  +
Alpine sagewort  +
Black sagebrush  +, black sage  +
Succor Creek mugwort  +
Palmer sagewort  +
Owyhee sage  +
Patterson sagewort  +
Matted sagewort  +
Roman wormwood  +, green-ginger  +, armoise de la mer Noire  +
Porter mugwort  +
Coastal sagewort  +
Pygmy sage  +
Scabland sagebrush  +
Rothrock or sticky sagebrush  +
Serrate-leaved sage  +
Snowfield sagebrush  +
Beach wormwood  +, armoise de Steller  +
Suksdorf sagewort  +
Great Basin sagebrush  +, big sage  +
Three-tipped sagebrush  +
Common mugwort  +, felon-herb  +, green-ginger  +,
Jointhead  +, Small carpetgrass  +
Goat’s-beard  +, bride’s-feathers  +, barbe-de-bouc  +
River cane  +, Giant cane  +
Giant reed  +
Mule Mountain false brickellbush  +
Wild-ginger  +, asaret  +, gingembre sauvage  +
Asaret du canada  +, gingembre sauvage  +
Showy milkwort  +
Pawpaw  +
Polecat-bush  +, flag-pawpaw  +
Polecat-bush  +
Flag-pawpaw  +
Small-flowered pawpaw  +, small-fruited pawpaw  +, dwarf pawpaw  +
Gopher-berry  +, dwarf pawpaw  +
Flag-pawpaw  +
Four-petaled pawpaw  +
Pawpaw  +, dog-banana  +, Indian-banana  +,
Asparagus-fern  +, asperge  +, espárrago  +
Sprenger asparagus-fern  +, emerald-fern  +
Smilax asparagus  +
Garden asparagus  +, common asparagus  +
Climbing asparagus-fern  +, lace-fern  +
Asphodel  +
Onion-weed  +
Lace ferns  +, aspidote  +
California lace fern  +
Indian's dream  +, aspidote touffue  +
Spleenwort Family  +
Spleenwort  +
Abscised spleenwort  +
Black spleenwort  +
Adulterated spleenwort  +
Eared spleenwort  +
Bradley's spleenwort  +
Hemlock spleenwort  +
Countess Dalhousie's spleenwort  +
Scott's spleenwort  +
Little spleenwort  +
Varicolored spleenwort  +
Single-sorus fern  +
Mountain spleenwort  +
Palmer's spleenwort  +
Lobed spleenwort  +
Ebony spleenwort  +, doradille ébène  +
Ruffled spleenwort  +
Triangle spleenwort  +, hairy spleenwort  +
Black-stemmed spleenwort  +
Walking fern  +, doradille ambulante  +
Wall rue  +, doradille des murailles  +
American hart's-tongue  +
Forked spleenwort  +
New World bird's-nest fern  +, American bird's-nest fern  +
Maidenhair spleenwort  +, doradille chevelue  +
Green spleenwort  +, doradille verte  +
Western spleenwort  +
Biscayne spleenwort  +
Curtiss's spleenwort  +
Morzenti's spleenwort  +
Aster  +
Alpine aster  +
Tatarian aster  +
Composite Family  +
False goatsbeard or spiraea  +, feather-tree  +
Lobed croton  +
Western-daisy  +
Comanche western-daisy  +
Eastern western-daisy  +
Texas western-daisy  +
Star-scaled cloak ferns  +
Star-peyote  +, star cactus  +, se a-urchin cactus  +
Palo-zorillo  +
Lady fern  +
American alpine lady fern  +, athyrie alpestre sous-espèce américaine  +
Lady fern  +, athyrie fougère-femelle  +
Southern lady fern  +, lowland lady fern  +
Southwestern lady fern  +
Northwestern lady fern  +
Tobacco-weed  +, gravel-ghost  +, parachute plant  +
Orach  +, saltbush  +
Swamp saltbush  +
Silver orach  +
Hillman’s orach  +
Rydberg’s orach  +
California orach  +
Four-wing saltbu sh  +
Heart-leaf orach  +
Wedgescale  +, crownscale  +
San Jacinto Valley crownscale  +
Valley crownscale  +
Mat-saltbush  +, mat-atriplex  +, matscale  +
Coulter’s orach  +
Coville’s orach  +
Thickleaf orach  +
White-scale saltbush  +, wheelscale orach  +
Little oak orach  +
Gardner’s saltbush  +
Nelson’s saltbush  +
Castle Valley saltbush  +
Jones’ saltbush  +
Welsh’s saltbush  +
Garrett’s saltbush  +
Navajo Bridge saltbush  +
Glabrous orach  +
Gmelin’s orach  +
Blue Valley orach  +
Russian atriplex  +
Pop saltbush  +
Garden orach  +
Desert holly  +
San Joaquin orach  +
Kleberg orach  +
Belgian orach  +
Whiteleaf orach  +
Lindley’s saltbush  +
Slenderleaf saltbush  +
Narrow-leaved atriplex  +
Nude orach  +
Old man saltbush  +
Oblong-leaf orach  +
New Mexico saltbush  +, broadscale  +
Pacific orach  +
Parishes’ orach  +
Parry’s saltbush  +
Spear orach  +, spearscal e  +
Seas hore orach  +
Truckee orach  +
Four-corners orach  +
Desert saltbush  +, cattle-spinach  +
Powell’s orach  +
Thinleaf orach  +, fat-hen  +
Dwarf orach  +
Tumbling orach  +
Stalked orach  +
Creeping saltbush  +, berry saltbush  +
Stinking orach  +, bracteate orach  +
Davidson’s orach  +
Spiny saltbush  +
Sprawling saltbush  +
Suckley’s orach  +
Tatarian orach  +
Torrey’s saltbush  +
Griffiths’ saltbush  +
Wedge orach  +
Tulare orach  +
Watson’s orach  +
Slender orach  +
Wolf’s orach  +
Wright’s orach  +
Aucuba  +, Japanese-laurel  +, spotted-laurel  +
Yellow false foxglove  +
Smooth yellow false foxglove  +
Large-flower yellow false foxglove  +
Entire-leaf yellow false foxglove  +
Spreading yellow false foxglove  +
Combleaf yellow false foxglove  +
Fernleaf yellow false foxglove  +
Downy yellow false foxglove  +
Goldentuft  +, rock-alyssum  +
Basket-of-gold  +, gold-dust  +, rock-madwort  +
Australian feathergrass  +
Pillar-of-smoke  +, Australian plumegrass  +, Stout bamboograss  +
Slender oats  +, Slender wild oats  +
Wild oats  +, Folle avoine  +
Western oats  +
Oats  +, Cultivated oats  +, Naked oats  +, ,
Animated oats  +, Avoine sterile  +
Spike oatgrass  +
Downy alpine oatgrass  +
Broadleaf carpetgrass  +
Common carpetgrass  +
Big carpetgrass  +
Carpetgrass  +
Russian pigweed  +
Upright axyris  +
California ayenia  +
Dwarf or eyebright ayenia  +
Trans-Pecos ayenia  +
Texas or Rio Grande ayenia  +, Tamaulipan kidney petal  +, kidney petal  +
Dense or little-leaf ayenia  +
Dwarf ayenia  +
Azolla Family  +
Groundsel-tree  +
Saltwater false willow  +, narrowleaf baccharis  +
Bigelow’s false willow  +
Shortleaf baccharis or false willow  +
Broombush falsewillow  +
Saltmarsh baccharis  +, Douglas’s falsewillow  +
Saltmarsh baccharis  +, Douglas’s falsewillow  +
Sea-myrtle  +, consumption-weed  +, eastern baccharis  +
Havard’s false willow  +
Malibu baccharis or coyote brush  +
Roosevelt or New Deal weed  +, linear-leaved false willow  +
Chaparral broom  +, coyote brush  +, dwarf chaparral false willow  +
San Simeon or smooth baccharis  +
Plummer’s baccharis  +
Yerba de pasmo  +
Mule’s or mule fat  +, seepwillow  +, water wally  +
Willow-baccharis  +, Great Plains false willow  +
Greasewood  +, rosin-brush  +, groundsel  +,
Desert baccharis  +, squaw false willow  +
Prairie baccharis or false willow  +
Arizona baccharis  +
Encinitas false willow or baccharis  +
Wright’s baccharis or false willow  +
Water-hyssop  +
Blue water-hyssop  +, lemon bacopa  +
Brazilian water-hyssop  +
Western hydranthele  +, Gila River water-hyssop  +
Tropical water-hyssop  +
Brahmi  +, Indian pennywort  +, herb of grace  +
Creeping water-hyssop  +
Round leaf water-hyssop  +
San Diego sunflower  +, San Diego County viguiera  +
Death Valley goldeneye  +
Desert marigold  +
Balsamroot  +
Giant thorny bamboo  +
Oldham's bamboo  +
Common bamboo  +
Wintercress  +, scurvygrass  +, rocket  +, ,
Early winter or Belle Isle or American or land cress  +, scurvygrass  +
Cress  +, yellow-rocket  +, cressy-greens  +
Jarilla  +
Velvet bells  +, alpine bartsia  +, tornarsup-narsue  +, ,
Tandon  +, Madeira-vine Family  +
Carter’s orchid  +
Saltwort Family  +
Bates’s mallow  +
Saltwort  +
Vidrillos  +
Sweetbush  +
American sloughgrass  +, Beckmannie à écailles unies  +
Wax begonia  +
Brazilian begonia  +
Rose of the Andes  +
Tar-flower  +, fly-catcher  +, fly-weed  +
Blackberry-lily  +
Lineseed  +
Broadleaf glandweed or parentucellia  +
Mediterranean lineseed  +
Yellow glandweed or parentucellia or bartsia  +, sticky parentucellia  +
Daisy  +, pâquerette  +
English daisy  +, pâquerette commune  +
Barberry Family  +
Barberry  +, Oregon-grape  +, berbéris  +,
Oregon-grape  +
Japanese barberry  +
Algerita  +, agarito  +, currant-of-Texas  +,
Common barberry  +, épine-vinette  +, berbéris vulgaire  +
Rattan  +
Alabama supplejack  +, American rattan  +
Snakecactus  +
Golden clubcactus  +, golden cereus  +, golden snakecactus  +
Water-fire  +
Texas water-fire  +
Chocolate flower  +
Green eyes  +, Florida-dandelion  +
Myrtlecroton  +, oreja de raton  +
Hoary-alyssum  +
Beet  +, chard  +
Spinach chard  +, Swiss cha rd  +, mangel-wurzel  +,
Birch  +
Yellow birch  +, merisier  +, bouleau jaune  +
Heartleaf birch  +, mountain white birch  +, bouleau &agrave  +, ,
Dwarf birch  +, resin birch  +, bouleau glanduleux  +
Kenai birch  +
Sweet birch  +, cherry birch  +
Newfoundland dwarf birch  +, Michaux's birch  +, bouleau de Michaux  +
Dwarf birch  +, bouleau mineur  +
Murray's birch  +
Arctic dwarf birch  +, bouleau nain  +
Arctic dwarf birch  +
Arctic dwarf birch  +
Resin birch  +, paper birch  +
River birch  +, red birch  +
Water birch  +, river birch  +
Paper birch  +, canoe birch  +, white birch  +, ,
Weeping birch  +, European white birch  +, silver birch  +,
Gray birch  +, white birch  +, fire birch  +, ,
European white birch  +, downy birch  +
Bog birch  +, dwarf birch  +, bouleau nain  +
Virginia roundleaf birch  +
Birch Family  +
Beggar-ticks  +, bident  +, fourchette  +
Bident de Beck  +
Bident penché  +
Bident conné  +
Bident discoïde  +
Bident d’Eaton  +
Bident feuillu  +
Bident différent  +
Bident hyperboréal  +
Bident poilu  +
Bident à trois divisions  +
Bident vulgaire  +
Rayless-goldenrod  +
Pineland rayless-goldenrod  +
Nuttall’s rayless-goldenrod  +
Copper sida  +
Bishopwood  +, javawood  +, toog  +
Bistort  +
Western or American bistort  +, smokeweed  +
European bistort  +
Alpine bistort  +
Chain Fern Family  +
Deer ferns  +
Hammock fern  +, New World midsorus fern  +
Swamp fern  +, marsh fern  +, dentate midsorus fern  +
Deer fern  +
Bigelow’s desertgrass  +
King’s eyelash grass  +
Hairy dropseed  +
Haitian pine-pink  +
Pine-pink  +, purple bletia  +, sharp-petaled bletia  +
Golden star  +
San Diego golden star  +
Common golden star  +
Mountain golden star  +, inland golden star  +
Dwarf golden star  +
Silverhead  +
Silverweed  +, saltweed  +, samphire  +
Blysmopsis  +
Saltmarsh flat -sedge  +, red clubrush  +, blysmopsis roux  +,
False-nettle  +
False-nettle  +
Spiderling  +
Red spiderling  +, scarlet spiderling  +, hierba del cancer  +,
Spreading hogweed  +, red spiderling  +
Erect spiderling  +
Slimstalk spiderling  +
Tuberous bulrush  +
River bulrush  +, bolboschoenus fluviatile  +, scirpe fluviatile  +
Salt-marsh bulrush  +, alkali bulrush  +, bayonet-grass  +,
Bolboschoenus des marais salés  +, scirpe des marais salés  +
Seacoast bulrush  +
Doll’s-daisy  +
Apalachicola doll’s-daisy  +
White doll’s-daisy  +, asterlike boltonia  +
Carolina doll’s-daisy  +
Clasping-leaf doll’s-daisy  +, decurrent false aster  +
Smallhead doll’s-daisy  +
Cudjoe-wood  +
White alling  +
Sea oxeye daisy  +, seaside tansy or oxeye  +
Ground-cone  +
Northern ground-cone  +, poque  +
Tall bluestem  +
Cane bluestem  +
Australian bluestem  +
Merrills bluestem  +
Awnless bluestem  +
Hybrid bluestem  +
Silver bluestem  +
Longspike silver bluestem  +
Pitted bluestem  +
Springfield bluestem  +
Wright's bluestem  +
Grapefern  +, moonwort  +, botryche  +
Pointed moonwort  +
Upswept moonwort  +
Sparse-lobed grapefern  +, southern grapefern  +
Northern moonwort  +
Prairie moonwort  +, botryche champètre  +
Dainty moonwort  +
Dissected grapefern  +, botryche découpé  +
Echo moonwort  +
Frenchman's Bluff moonwort  +
Western moonwort  +
Alabama grapefern  +
Triangle moonwort  +, botryche élancé  +
Common moonwort  +, botryche lunaire  +
Winter grapefern  +, prostrate grapefern  +
Daisy-leaf moonwort  +, botryche à feuille de matricaire  +
Mingan moonwort  +, botryche de Mingan  +
Western goblin  +
Little goblin  +
Leather grapefern  +, botryche à feuille couchée  +
Blunt-lobed grapefern  +, botryche d'oneida  +
Pale moonwort  +, botryche pâle  +
Paradox moonwort  +
Stalked moonwort  +
Northwestern moonwort  +
False northwestern moonwort  +
Pumice moonwort  +
St. Lawrence grapefern  +, botryche à limbe rugueux  +
Least moonwort  +, botryche simple  +
Spatulate moonwort  +, botryche à segments spatulés  +
Rattlesnake fern  +, common grapefern  +, botryche de virginie  +
Arizona needle grama  +
Gypsum grama  +
Sprucetop grama  +
Sideoats grama  +
Elusive grama  +
Black grama  +
Blue grama  +, Eyelash grass  +
Kay’s grama  +
Parry's grama  +
Purple grama  +
Chino grama  +
Slender grama  +
Texas grama  +
Mat grama  +
Red grama  +
Neally's grama  +
Warnock's grama  +
Brook saxifrage  +
Coast boykinia  +
Bear flower  +, Alaska boykinia  +
Northern shorthusk  +
Southern shorthusk  +, Brachyelytrum dresse  +
Purple falsebrome  +
Thinleaf falsebrome  +
Heath falsebrome  +, Tor grass  +
Tufted falsebrome  +
Slender falsebrome  +
Desert foxglove  +
Arizona desert foxglove  +
Goldenaster  +
Soft goldenaster  +
Desert starvine  +
Water-shield  +
Water-shield  +, purple wen-dock  +, brasénie de Schreber  +
Spider orchid  +
Cabbage  +, cole  +, mustard  +,
Chinese or brown or Indian or leaf mustard  +, mustard-greens  +
Canola  +, oilseed rape  +, rape  +, ,
Black mustard  +
Cabbage  +
Bird-rape  +, wild-rape  +, rapeseed  +, ,
Sahara mustard  +
Mustard Family  +
Snowbush  +
Fendler’s Brickellbush  +
Rayless mock goldenrod  +
Big quakinggrass  +
Perennial quakinggrass  +, Amourette commune  +, Amour du vent  +
Little quakinggrass  +
Cluster-lily  +
Indian valley brodiaea  +
Harvest brodiaea  +, elegant cluster-lily  +
Kaweah brodiaea  +
Mesa brodiaea  +, chaparral cluster-lily  +
San Clemente Island brodiaea  +
Dwarf brodiaea  +
Orcutt’s brodiaea  +
Chinese Camp brodiaea  +
Purdy’s brodiaea  +, Sierran cluster-lily  +
Star brodiaea  +, star-flower cluster-lily  +
Dwarf brodiaea  +
Bromeliad or Pineapple Family  +
Aleut brome  +
Mexican brome  +
Australian brome  +
Arizona brome  +
Field brome  +
Chilean chess  +
Rattlesnake brome  +
California brome  +
Rescue grass  +
Fringed brome  +, Brome cilie  +
Meadow brome  +, Hairy chess  +
Three-awned brome  +
Great brome  +, Ripgut grass  +
Meadow brome  +, Upright brome  +, Brome dresse  +
Weeping brome  +
Tall brome  +
Hall's brome  +
Lopgrass  +, Brome mou  +
Smooth brome  +, Hungarian brome  +, Brome inerme  +
Australian brome  +
Kalm's brome  +, Brome de kalm  +
Chinook brome  +
Wooly brome  +
Lanceolate brome  +
Hairy woodbrome  +, Flanged brome  +, Brome a larges glumes  +
Scaly brome  +
Compact brome  +
Maritime brome  +
Sharpglume brome  +
Virginia brome  +
Orcutt's brome  +
Pacific brome  +
Colorado brome  +, Great-basin brome  +
Nodding brome  +
Woodland brome  +
Canada brome  +
Arctic brome  +
Smooth brome  +, Brome a grappes  +
Hairy brome  +
Richardson's brome  +
Meadow brome  +
Foxtail chess  +, Red brome  +
Broom brome  +
Ryebrome  +, Brome des seigles  +
Sitka brome  +, Alaska brome  +
Squarrose brome  +
Barren brome  +
Suksdorf's brome  +
Cheatgrass  +, Downy chess  +
Texas brome  +
Common brome  +
Breadnut  +
Breadnut  +
Paper-mulberry  +
Paper-mulberry  +
American buckwheat-vine  +, ladies’-eardrops  +, eardrop vine  +,
Bryony  +
White bryony  +
Cretan or red bryony  +, wild hop  +
Maternity plant  +, devil’s backbone  +
Chandelier plant  +, tingo tingo  +
Lavender scallops  +
Air or life or curtain or Mexican love plant  +, live or good-luck or miracle or sprouting leaf  +, floppers  +,
Buffalograss  +
Bluehearts  +
American bluehearts  +
Florida bluehearts  +
Buckleya  +, pirate-bush  +
Butterfly bush  +
Summer-lilac  +
Oak-leaved butterfly bush  +, parlor-oak  +
Lindley’s butterfly bush  +
Woolly butterfly bush  +
Wand butterfly bush  +
Squarestem butterfly bush  +
Escobilla butterfly bush  +
Rio Grande butterfly bush  +
Panamint or Utah butterfly bush  +
Rat-tail orchid  +
Bulbostyle  +
Bulbostyle capillaire  +
Hill-mustard  +
Turkish rocket  +
Burmannia Family  +
Flowering- Rrush Family  +
Flowering-rush  +
Boxwood Family  +
Box  +
Locustberry  +
Fanwort  +
Water-shield Family  +
Cactus Family  +
Sea-rockets  +
Bolander's reedgrass  +
Shorthair reedgrass  +
Cain's reedgrass  +
Bluejoint  +, Calamagrostide du canada  +
Small reedgrass  +
Circumpolar reedgrass  +, Calamagrostide fausse-deschampsie  +
Bushgrass  +, Chee reedgrass  +, Feathertop  +, ,
Leafy reedgrass  +
Hovell's reedgrass  +
Dense-pine reedgrass  +
Lapland reedgrass  +, Calamagrostide de lapponie  +
Plains reedgrass  +
Mum's reedgrass  +
Pacific reedgrass  +
Serpentine reedgrass  +
Wood reedgrass  +
Pickering's reed bentgrass  +, Calamagrostide de pickering  +
Porter's reedgrass  +
Purple reedgrass  +, Calamagrostide pourpre  +
Pinegrass  +, Pine reedgrass  +
Jones' reedgrass  +, Ditch reedgrass  +
One-and-a-half-flowered reedgrass  +
Slimstem reedgrass  +
Northern reedgrass  +, Calamagrostide contractee  +
Calamagrostide dressee  +
Rainier reedgrass  +
Cascade reedgrass  +, Tweedy's reedgrass  +
Foerster's reedgrass  +, Feather reedgrass  +
Cumberland sandreed  +
Pine-barren sandreed  +
Florida sandreed  +
Giant sandreed  +
Prairie sandreed  +
Red maids  +
Pot marigold  +
Water arum arum  +, wild calla  +
Water arum  +, wild calla  +
Poppy mallow  +, wine cup  +, wild hollyhock  +
Light or pale or plains poppy mallow  +, plains wine cup  +
Bush’s poppy mallow  +
Fringed or finger poppy mallow  +, finger wine cup  +
Annual or tall wine cup  +, tall poppy mallow  +
Woods poppy mallow  +
Texas poppy mallow  +
Clustered or purple poppy mallow  +, sand poppy  +, triangular-leaf mallow  +
Water-starwort  +
Narrowleaf water-starwort  +
Fassett’s water-starwort  +
Autumnal or northern water-starwort  +, callitriche hermaphrodiate  +
Longstock water-starwort  +
Winged water-starwort  +
Vernal water-starwort  +, callitriche des marais  +
Nuttall’s water-starwort  +
Pond water-starwort  +, callitriche des eau× stagnantes  +
Terrestrial water-starwort  +
Effluent water-starwort  +
Cypress-pine  +
White cypress-pine  +
Heather  +, Scotch heather  +, ling  +, ,
Incense-cedar  +, cedro incienso  +
White globe-lily  +, fairy lantern  +
Diogenes’ lantern  +
Catalina mariposa-lily  +
Pleasant Valley mariposa-lily  +
Slender mariposa-lily  +
Arroyo de la Cruz mariposa-lily  +
Beavertail-grass  +
Goldenbowl mariposa-lily  +
Cox’s mariposa-lily  +
Dunn’s mariposa-lily  +
Cat’s ear  +
Inyo County star-tulip  +
Greene’s mariposa-lily  +
Long-haired star- tulip  +
Single-flowered mariposa-lily  +
Yellow star- tulip  +
Shasta star-tulip  +
San Luis mariposa-lily  +
Munz’s mariposa-lily  +
Palmer’s mariposa-lily  +
Panamint mariposa-lily  +
Siskiyou mariposa-lily  +
Plummer’s mariposa-lily  +
Mount Diablo fairy lantern  +
Cedars fairy lantern  +
San Luis Obispo mariposa-lily  +
Alkali mariposa-lily  +
Tiburon mariposa-lily  +
Pussy ears  +
Oakland star-tulip  +
Umpqua mariposa-lily  +
Large-flowered star-tulip  +
Shirley Meadows star-tulip  +, mariposa-lily  +
Alexandrian laurel  +
Grass pink  +, calopogon  +
Bearded grass-pink  +
Many-flowered grass-pink  +
Pale grass-pink  +
Calopogon tubéreux  +
Marsh-marigold  +, populage  +
Cowslip  +, cowflock  +, kingcup  +, ,
Strawberry Shrub Family  +
Strawberry-shrub  +, sweetshrub  +, spicebush  +
Carolina-allspice  +, sweetshrub  +
California spicebush  +, sweetshrub  +
Cupseed  +
Tack-stem  +
Yellow tack-stem  +
White tack-stem  +
Celestial-lily  +, Bartram’s ixia  +
Calypso  +, fairy-slipper  +
Spicewood  +, lid-flower  +
Pale lid-flower  +
Myrtle-of-the-river  +
Camas  +, quamash  +
Prairie camas  +
Cusick camas  +
Howell camas  +
Leichtlin camas  +
Eastern camas  +, wild hyacinth  +
Flaxweed  +, false-flax  +, gold-of-pleasure  +
Suncups  +
San Benito suncup  +
Leafless bentspur orchid  +
Strap ferns  +
Narrow strap fern  +
Tailed strap fern  +
Wide strap fern  +
Long strap fern  +
Aster  +
Great northern or western bog aster  +, aster modeste  +
Pygmy-poppy  +
Yellow pygmy-poppy  +
White pygmy-poppy  +
Canella or wild-cinnamon  +, Latin canella  +, cinnamon  +, ,
Canella  +, wild-cinnamon  +, cinnamon-bark  +
Canella or Wild-Cinnamon Family  +
Golden canna  +, bandana-of-the-everglades  +
Louisiana canna  +
Indian-shot  +, platanillo  +
Hemp Family  +
Hemp  +, Indian hemp  +, marijuana  +, ,
Hemp  +, marihuana (marijuana)  +, pot  +, ,
Canna Family  +
Crucifixion thorn  +
False croton  +
Chestnutleaf false croton  +
Sacatrapo  +, Texasweed  +
Caper Family  +
Goat’s head  +
Shepherd’s-purse  +
Bittercress  +
Sandcarpet  +
Plumeless thistle  +, chardon  +
Plumeless or welted thistle  +, chardon épineux  +
Welted or curled thistle  +, chardon crépu  +
Musk or nodding thistle  +, chardon penché  +
Italian thistle  +
Slender-flowered thistle  +
Carex  +, laîche  +
Carex à bec obscur  +
Carex brûlé  +
Summer sedge  +
White sedge  +
Carex du lac à l’Ours-Blanc  +
Carex alopécoïde  +
Carex à gaine tronguée  +
Carex des Appalaches  +
Carex subétroit  +
Carex dru  +
Drooping woodland sedge  +, carex comprimé  +
Silvery-flowered sedge  +, carex argenté  +
Assiniboia sedge  +
Carex épi-de-blé  +
Carex atratiforme  +
Carex brun foncé  +
Carex doré  +
Back’s sedge  +, carex de Back  +
Carex de Bailey  +
Carex de Bebb  +
Carex bicolore  +
Carex lisse  +
Carex à têtes  +
Carex à épis globulaires  +
Carex de Buxbaum  +
Carex blanchâtre  +
Carex capillaire  +
Carex capité  +
Chestnut sedge  +, carex châtain  +
Carex céphaloïde  +
Carex porte-tête  +
Cherokee sedge  +, wolftail sedge  +
Carex à long rhizome  +
Carex à toupet  +
Northern elegant sedge  +, carex élégant  +
Northwest sedge  +
Carex conoïde  +
Cordilleran sedge  +
Carex de Crawe  +
Carex de Crawford  +
Carex accrêté  +
Carex à écailles cachées  +
Carex dense  +
Davis’ sedge  +
White-edge sedge  +, weak sedge  +
Carex de Rudge  +
Carex de Boott  +
Carex déprimé  +
Carex diandre  +
Carex digital  +
Carex disperme  +
Carex distique  +
Carex ivoirin  +
Carex maigre  +
Carex glauque  +
Yellow sedge  +, carex jaune  +
Carex fourrager  +
Carex folliculé  +
Handsome sedge  +, carex joli  +
Carex fuligineux  +
Carex de Garber  +
Elk sedge  +
Carex des glaces  +
Carex des graviers  +
Carex grêle  +
Graceful sedge  +, carex filiforme  +
Carex granuleux  +
Carex de Gray  +
Carex gris  +
Carex gynandre  +
Carex à côtes  +
Olney’s hairy sedge  +
Carex de Hayden  +
Carex des tourbières  +
Carex hirsute  +
Carex hérissé  +
Carex à feuilles poilues  +
Fuzzy sedge  +, hairy Sierra sedge  +
Carex de Hitchcock  +
Carex à bec entier  +
Carex moniliforme  +
Tawny sedge  +, carex de Host  +
Carex de Houghton  +
Carex porc-épic  +
Carex continental  +
Carex gonflé  +
James’s sedge  +, grass sedge  +
Juniper sedge  +
Sea Isle Japanese sedge  +
Carex de Krause  +
Carex de Lachenal  +
Carex lacustre  +
Carex de Laponie  +
Wiregrass  +, carex à fruits tomenteux  +
Carex à tiges faibles  +
Carex laxiflore  +
Lemmon’s sedge  +
Carex à tiges grêles  +
Carex leptonervé  +
Carex des bourbiers  +
Carex livide  +
Carex des forêts  +
Carex faux-lupulina  +
Carex houblon  +
Carex luisant  +
Carex de Mackenzie  +
Carex des Malouines  +
Carex marin  +
Carex maritime  +
Carex moyen  +
Carex membraneux  +
Mendocino sedge  +
Carex de Fernald  +
Carex de l’arrière-pays  +
Carex de Michaux  +
Carex à petite arête  +
Wretched sedge  +
Carex dérangeant  +
Carex à utricule lisse  +
Carex à odeur de nard  +
Carex noir  +
Carex normal  +
Carex de Norvège  +
Carex de Nouvelle-Angleterre  +
San Luis Obispo sedge  +
Carex à fruits clairsemés  +
Carex oligosperme  +
Carex en chapelet  +
Orono sedge  +
Carex des lièvres  +
Sharpscale sedge  +
Carex paléacé  +
Carex pâle  +
Carex pauciflore  +
Carex de Peck  +
pedunculate sedge  +, long-stalked sedge  +, carex pédonculé  +
Carex laineux  +
Carex de Pennsylvanie  +
Carex misandroïde  +
Carex plantain  +
Carex à larges feuilles  +
Carex très grêle  +
Carex des prairies  +
Drooping sedge  +, carex vert poireau  +
Carex des prés  +
Carex à bec étalé  +
Carex faux-souchet  +
Carex rayonnant  +
Carex rariflore  +
Carex dressé  +
Carex réfléchi  +
Richardson’s sedge  +, carex de Richardson  +
Roan Mountain sedge  +
Carex en rosace  +
Carex rostré  +
Carex à fruits ronds  +
Carex â écailles rousses  +
Carex des rochers  +
Carex salin  +
Carex de Sartwell  +
Carex saxatile  +
Rocky Mountain sedge  +
Carex scabre  +
Carex de Schweinitz  +
Carex à balais  +
Carex à écailles contrastantes  +
Carex sec  +
Carex silicicole  +
Carex faux-rubanier  +
Sprengel’s sedge  +, long-beaked sedge  +, carex de Sprengel  +
Carex stérile  +
Carex stipité  +
Carex raide  +
Carex à long style  +
Carex subspathacé  +
Carex prostré  +
Carex de Swan  +
Carex compact  +
European woodland sedge  +
Carex tendre  +
Carex tênuiflore  +
Carex coloré  +
Carex à fruits rugueux  +
Carex à fruits glabres  +
Carex tordu  +
Carex tribuloïde  +
Carex à fruits velus  +
Carex trisperme  +
Carex de Tuckerman  +
Carex massette  +
Carex en ombelle  +
Carex des ours  +
Carex utriculé  +
Carex vacillant  +
Carex engaîné  +
Dark-green sedge  +
Carex vésiculeux  +
Carex virescent  +
Greenish sedge  +, carex verdâtre  +
Long-stalked yellow sedge  +
Carex à tige basse  +
Long-stalked yellow sedge  +
Carex à bec court  +
Carex vulpinoïde  +
Carex de Wiegand  +
Willdenow’s sedge  +
Carex de Williams  +
Papaya  +
Papaya  +, papaw  +, pawpaw  +,
Papaya Family  +
Carline-thistle  +
Saguaro  +, giant cactus  +
California tree-anemone  +
Sandy-woods chaffhead  +
Pineland chaffhead  +
Florida paintbrush  +
Hairy chaffhead  +
Bristleleaf chaffhead  +
Woolly chaffhead  +
Bristlehead  +
Hornbeam  +
American hornbeam  +, blue-beech  +
American hornbeam  +, blue beech  +, musclewood  +, ,
Fig-marigold  +
Hottentot-fig  +
Spiderflower  +, few-leaved beeplant  +
Distaff thistle  +
Smooth distaff thistle  +
Woolly distaff thistle  +
White-stem distaff thistle  +
Safflower  +
Hickory  +, caryer  +, hicorier  +
Water hickory  +, bitter pecan  +
Bitternut hickory  +, pignut  +, noyer amer  +,
Scrub hickory  +
Pignut hickory  +, sweet pignut  +
Pecan  +, pecanier  +, nogal morado  +,
Shellbark hickory  +, kingnut  +
Nutmeg hickory  +, nogal  +
Shagbark hickory  +, shellbark hickory  +, noyer tendre  +,
Carolina hickory  +
Sand hickory  +
Black hickory  +
Mockernut hickory  +
Pink Family  +
Fishtail palm  +
Clustering fishtail palm  +, caryote doux  +
Solitary fishtail palm  +
Nuttall’s saxifrage  +
Mountain heather  +
Arctic white heather  +
Love-vine  +
Chestnut  +, châtaignier  +
American chestnut  +, châtaigner d'Amérique  +
Ozark chinkapin  +
Chinquapin  +, chinkapin  +, dwarf chestnut  +
Indian paintbrush  +, painted-cup  +, owl’s-clover  +
California or coast paintbrush  +
Tiburon paintbrush  +
Johnny-nip  +, paintbrush owl’s-clover  +
Humboldt Bay owl’s-clover  +
Mead’s owl’s-clover  +
Northwestern or narrow-leaved paintbrush  +
Applegate’s paintbrush  +
Brewer’s paintbrush  +
Wavy-leaved paintbrush  +
Aquarius Plateau paintbrush  +
Cobwebby or cotton paintbrush  +
Valley tassels  +, narrow-leaved owl’s-clover  +
Short-lobed paintbrush  +
Short-styled owl’s-clover  +
Field owl’s-clover  +
Deer paintbrush  +
Chambers’s paintbrush  +
Green-tinged or Gearheart Mountain paintbrush  +
John Christ’s paintbrush  +
Desert paintbrush  +
Yellowish or common wallowa paintbrush  +
Ash gray paintbrush  +
Lemon paintbrush  +
Painted-cup  +, red or scarlet paintbrush  +
Collegial paintbrush  +
Coville’s or cushion or Rocky Mountain paintbrush  +
Cock’s-comb paintbrush  +
Mt. Rainier or obscure paintbrush  +
Dense-flowered owl’s-clover  +
San Luis Obispo owl’s-clover  +
Siskiyou paintbrush  +
Elegant paintbrush  +
Elmer’s paintbrush  +
Purple owl’s-clover  +, escobita  +
Yellow paintbrush  +
Rustic or rural paintbrush  +
Woolly or felt paintbrush  +
Fraternal paintbrush  +
Genevieve’s paintbrush  +
Glandular paintbrush  +
Mt. Gleason paintbrush  +
Slender paintbrush  +
San Clemente Island paintbrush  +
Hayden’s paintbrush  +
Hispid or harsh or bristly paintbrush  +
Channel Islands paintbrush  +
Northern paintbrush  +
Texas paintbrush  +
Entire-leaved or southwestern paintbrush  +
Kaibab paintbrush  +
Kerry’s paintbrush  +
Kral’s paintbrush  +
Cut-leaved paintbrush  +
Woolly paintbrush  +
San Bernardino Mountains paintbrush  +
Mt. Lassen paintbrush  +
Monterey paintbrush  +
Lemmon’s paintbrush  +
Leschke’s paintbrush  +
Golden paintbrush  +
Wyoming or narrow-leaved or long-leaf paintbrush  +
Lindheimer’s paintbrush  +
Thin-lobed owl’s clover  +
Linear-lobed or lineated paintbrush  +
Yellowish paintbrush  +
Camp Martin paintbrush  +
Clokey’s paintbrush  +
Mendocino Coast paintbrush  +
Mexican paintbrush  +
Scarlet or common or giant red paintbrush  +
Dixon’s paintbrush  +
Seep or thread-torch paintbrush  +
Alkaline or annual paintbrush  +, Great Basin thread-torch  +
Thread-torch  +, California thread-torch  +
Mogollon or White Mountains paintbrush  +
Soft-leaved paintbrush  +
Heckard’s paintbrush  +
Alpine or dwarf paintbrush  +
Arizona or southern mountains paintbrush  +
Snow or snowy paintbrush  +
Western or western yellow paintbrush  +
Pale wallowa paintbrush  +
Organ Mountains paintbrush  +
Ornate paintbrush  +
Pale paintbrush  +
Dwarf pale or foothills paintbrush  +
Pale paintbrush  +
Pale or yellow paintbrush  +
Yukon paintbrush  +
Mountain or rosy or small-flowered paintbrush  +
Pale small-flowered paintbrush  +
Olympic Mountains paintbrush  +
Tushar Mountains paintbrush  +
Native paintbrush  +
Peck’s paintbrush  +
Peirson’s paintbrush  +
Hairy paintbrush  +
Steen’s Mountain paintbrush  +
Mojave Desert paintbrush  +
Salmon Creek paintbrush  +
Frosted or pruinose paintbrush  +
Alpine or short-flowered paintbrush  +
Beautiful or showy paintbrush  +
Prairie or purplish paintbrush  +
Raup’s paintbrush  +
Reveal’s paintbrush  +
Rhexia-leaved or rosy paintbrush  +
Rigid paintbrush  +
Purple alpine paintbrush  +
Cliff paintbrush  +
Monte Neva paintbrush  +
Barneby’s paintbrush  +
Split-haired paintbrush  +
Northern or sulfur or yellow paintbrush  +
Franciscan paintbrush  +
Jepson’s paintbrush  +
Suksdorf’s paintbrush  +
Santa Catalina paintbrush  +
Hairy owl’s clover  +, slender paintbrush  +
Thompson’s paintbrush  +
Tomentose paintbrush  +
Pitkin Marsh paintbrush  +
Coastal paintbrush  +
Victoria’s owl’s-clover  +
Sticky paintbrush  +
Wight’s paintbrush  +
Wooton’s paintbrush  +
John Day or yellow-hairy paintbrush  +
She-oak  +
River she-oak  +, Cunningham's beefwood  +
Beach she-oak  +, coast she-oak  +, casuarina  +, ,
Swamp she-oak  +, gray she-oak  +, suckering Australian-pine  +, ,
She-oak or Casuarina Family  +
Brookgrass  +, Water whorlgrass  +, Catabrosa aquatique  +
False grama  +
Wild-cabbage  +
Blue cohosh  +, caulophylle  +
Blue cohosh  +, squaw-root  +, papoose-root  +,
Bushkiller  +
American melonleaf  +
Five-lobe-cucumber  +
New Jersey-tea  +, Céanothe d'Amérique  +
Island ceanothus  +
Arching ceanothus  +
Rincon Ridge ceanothus  +
Mountain whitethorn  +
Hoary-leaf ceanothus  +
Monterey buck brush  +
Lakeside ceanothus  +
Cropleaf ceanothus  +
Calistoga ceanothus  +
Fendler’s ceanothus  +
Coyote ceanothus  +
Wavyleaf ceanothus  +
La Cuesta ceanothus  +
Vine Hill ceanothus  +
Fresno mat  +
Point Reyes ceanothus  +
Mount Vision ceanothus  +
Carmel ceanothus  +
Hearst ceanothus  +
Inland Jersey tea  +, Céanothe á feuilles étroites  +
Santa Barbara ceanothus  +
Coast whitethorn  +
Deer brush  +
Jepson’s ceanothus  +
Lemmon’s ceanothus  +
Chaparral whitethorn  +
Maritime ceanothus  +
Utah mountain lilac  +
Mason's ceanothus  +
Island big-pod ceanothus  +
Sandflat ceanothus  +
Orcutt’s ceanothus  +
Vail Lake ceanothus  +
Otay Mountain ceanothus  +
Palmer’s ceanothus  +
Wartleaf ceanothus  +
Parry’s ceanothus  +
Little-leaf ceanothus  +
Coville’s ceanothus  +
Cobb Mountain ceanothus  +
Siskiyou mat  +
Holly-leaf ceanothus  +
Pine Hill ceanothus  +
Redstem ceanothus  +
Sonoma ceanothus  +
Green-bark ceanothus  +
Blueblossom  +
Woolly-leaf ceanothus  +
Varnish-leaf ceanothus  +
Barranca brush  +
Staff-tree or Bittersweet Family  +
Bittersweet  +
Oriental bittersweet  +
American bittersweet  +
Cockscomb  +
Silver cockscomb  +
West Indian cockscomb  +
Palmer’s cockscomb  +
Woolflower  +
Giant feathergrass  +
Hackberry  +, sugarberry  +, bois inconnu  +
Sugarberry  +, palo blanco  +
Lindheimer hackberry  +
Hackberry  +, micocoulier occidental  +, bois inconnu  +
Desert hackberry  +
Netleaf hackberry  +, palo blanco  +
Dwarf hackberry  +, micocoulier de Soper  +
Indian sandbur  +
Slimbristle sandbur  +, Green sandbur  +
Southern sandbur  +
Slender sandbur  +
Mat sandbur  +, Longspine sandbur  +, Cenchrus à épines longues  +
Big sandbur  +
Coastal sandbur  +, Common sandbur  +
Sanddune sandbur  +, Dune sandbur  +
Knapweed  +, star thistle  +, cornflower  +,
Blessed thistle  +, chardon bénit  +
Purple star-thistle  +, caltrops  +, chausse-trappe  +,
Bachelor’s-button  +, garden cornflower  +, cornflower  +, ,
Low cornflower  +
Diffuse or tumble or white knapweed  +, centaurée diffuse  +
North African knapweed  +
Iberian star thistle or knapweed  +
Brown or brown-ray knapweed  +, centaurée jacée  +, jacée des prés  +
Globe centaurea  +, big-head knapweed  +, yellow bachelor’s button or cornflower  +,
Tocalote  +, Maltese star thistle or centaury  +, Napa thistle  +,
Mountain cornflower or bluet  +, centaurée des montagnes  +
Black knapweed  +, lesser knapweed  +, centaurée noire  +
Tyrol or short-fringed or Vochin knapweed  +, centaurée noirâtre  +
Wig knapweed  +
Greater knapweed  +, hardheads  +, centaurée scabieuse  +
Yellow or Barnaby star-thistle  +, St. Barnaby’s thistle  +, centauré du solstice  +
Spotted knapweed  +, centaurée maculée ou tachetée  +
Sicilian star-thistle  +, sulphur-colored Sicilian thistle  +, sulphur knapweed  +
Squarrose knapweed  +
Meadow or protean knapweed  +
Larkdaisy  +
Spikeweed  +
Fitch’s spikeweed  +
Red triangles  +
Helleborine  +
Phantom orchid  +, snow orchid  +
Mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste  +
Aleutian mouse-ear chickweed  +
Alpine mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste alpin  +
Céraiste laineux  +
Arctic mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste arctique  +
Field or prairie mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste des champs  +
Trans Pecos mouse-ear chickweed  +
Bering mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste du détroit de Bering  +
Bialynick’s mouse-ear chickweed  +
Gray mouse-ear chickweed  +
Short-stalked mouse-ear chickweed  +
Starwort mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste à trois styles  +
Forked mouse-ear chickweed  +
Dark-green mouse-ear chickweed  +
Anomalous mouse-ear chickweed  +
Fastigiate mouse-ear chickweed  +
Fischer’s mouse-ear chickweed  +
Common mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste commun  +
Mountain mouse-ear chickweed  +
Sticky mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste aggloméré  +
Great mouse-ear chickweed  +
Nodding mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste penché  +
Sticky mouse-ear chickweed  +
Regel’s mouse-ear chickweed  +, céraiste de Regel  +
Five-stamen mouse-ear chickweed  +
Newfoundland mouse-ear chickweed  +
Chihuahuan mouse-ear chickweed  +
Dusty miller  +, snow-in-summer  +, céraiste tomenteux  +
Large field mouse-ear chickweed  +
Octoraro Creek chickweed  +
Western field mouse-ear chickweed  +
Sand heath  +, Florida rosemary  +
Hornwort Family  +
Hornwort  +, cornifle  +
Coontail  +, hornwort  +, cornifle nageante  +
Hornwort  +, cornifle échinée  +
Antler ferns  +, water ferns  +, floating ferns  +
Wild or white or South African foxglove  +
Mountain-mahogany  +
Coastal mountain mahogany  +
Santa Catalina mountain mahogany  +
Eastern mountain-mahogany  +
Curl-leaf mountain mahogany  +
Littleleaf or dwarf mountain-mahogany  +
Alder-leaf mountain mahogany  +
Buffalo Nut Family  +
Stingleaf or stinging serpent  +
Pincushion  +, dustymaidens  +
Sharsmith or southern Sierra or mountain pincushion  +
White pincushion  +
Pebble or straw-bed pincushion  +
Morning brides  +, Cusick’s pincushion  +
Hoary pincushion  +, Douglas’s dustymaiden  +
Alpine dustymaidens or pincushion  +
Evermann’s pincushion  +
Fremont or desert pincushion  +, pincushion flower  +
Yellow pincushion  +
Inner Coast Range chaenactis  +
Sand buttons  +, South Coast Ranges pincushion  +
Showy or bighead dustymaidens  +, Mojave pincushion  +
Sierra pincushion  +, Nevada dustymaidens  +
John Day pincushion  +
Parish chaenactis  +
Santolina pincushion  +
Desert or Esteve or broad-flower pincushion  +
Shasta pincushion  +
Thompson’s pincushion  +
Fleshy pincushion  +, fleshcolor pincushion  +, Xantus pincushion  +
Flowering quince  +
Japanese flowering quince  +
Common flowering-quince  +
Dwarf-snapdragon  +
Lesser toadflax  +, chénorhinum mineur  +
Tiny lazy daisy  +
Edwards lazy daisy  +
Pretty lazy daisy  +
Spreading lazy daisy  +
Rose-heath  +
Guadalupe lazy daisy  +
Awnless lazy daisy  +
Parry’s lazy daisy  +
Mountain misery  +
Southern mountain misery  +
Fern bush  +, desert sweet  +
Fullstem  +
White-cedar  +, false-cypress  +, faux-cypres  +
Port-Orford-cedar  +, ginger-pine  +
Alaska-cedar  +, yellow-cypress  +
Atlantic white-cedar  +, southern white-cedar  +
Leatherleaf  +, dwarf cassandra  +, cassandre caliculé  +, ,
Bamboo palm  +, parlor palm  +
Bamboo palm  +
Blazing-star  +, devil’s-bit  +, fairy-wand  +,
Chamomile  +
Fireweed  +, rosebay willowherb  +
Fireweed  +, rosebay willowherb  +, épilobe à feuilles étroites  +
Alpine or dwarf fireweed  +, river-beauty  +, épilobe à feuilles larges  +
Little rose  +
Waxflower  +
Geraldton wax  +
White sunbonnet  +
Silverpuff  +
Woolly sunbonnet  +
Slender chasmanthium  +
Shiny chasmanthium  +
Birdbill chasmanthium  +
Longleaf chasmanthium  +
Lip fern  +
Texas lip fern  +
Alabama lip fern  +
Arizona lip fern  +
Bonaire lip fern  +
Cleveland's lip fern  +
Mrs. Cooper's lip fern  +
Coville's lip fern  +
Eaton's lip fern  +
Slender lip fern  +
Fendler's lip fern  +
Prickly lip fern  +
Coastal lip fern  +
Glandular lip fern  +
Hairy lip fern  +
Beaded lip fern  +
White-footed lip fern  +
Fairy swords  +
Southern lip fern  +
Newberry's lip fern  +
Parry's lip fern  +
Pringle's lip fern  +
Woolly lip fern  +
Villous lip fern  +
Viscid lip fern  +
Wooton's lip fern  +
Wright's lip fern  +
Yavapai lip fern  +
Hand fern  +, dwarf staghorn  +
Hand fern  +
Celandine  +, greater celandine  +, rock-poppy  +, ,
Turtlehead  +
Cuthbert’s turtlehead  +
White turtlehead  +, galane glabre  +
Lyon’s or pink turtlehead  +
Erwin’s or red turtlehead  +
Red turtlehead  +
Rose or purple turtlehead  +
Goosefoot Family  +
Goosefoot  +
Lamb’s-quarters  +, pigweed  +
Good King Henry  +, allgood  +, fat-hen  +,
California goosefoot  +, soap plant  +
Strawberry-blig ht  +, Indian-paint  +, Indian ink  +
Oak-leaf goosefoot  +
Sowbane  +, nettle-leaf goosefoot  +
Narr owleaf goosefoot  +
Red pigweed  +, red goosefoot  +, coast-blite  +
Maple-leaf goosefoot  +
City goosefoot  +
Prince’s-plume  +, chimaphile  +
Striped prince’s-plume  +, spotted wintergreen  +, chimaphile maculée  +
Little prince’s-plume  +, Menzies’ wintergreen  +
Pipsissewa  +, chimaphile à ombelles  +
Glory-of-the-snow  +
Snowlover  +
Rocky Mountain snowlover  +
Tweedy's snowlover  +
Mexican devilweed  +, spiny aster  +
Slimspike windmill-grass  +
Swollen windmill-grass  +
Paraguayan windmill-grass  +
Fringed windmill-grass  +
Hooded windmill-grass  +
Spreading windmill-grass  +
Tall windmill-grass  +
Rhodesgrass  +
Comb windmill-grass  +
Radiate windmill-grass  +
Mexican windmill-grass  +
Texas windmill-grass  +
Black windmill-grass  +
Plump windmill-grass  +
Tumble windmill-grass  +
Feather windmill-grass  +, Feather fingergrass  +
Soap plant  +, amole  +
Red hills soap plant  +
Purple amole  +
Camatta canyon amole  +
Saltmarsh bird's-beak  +
Point Reyes bird's-beak  +
Tecopa bird's-beak  +
Gum or Spanish succory  +
Rush skeletonweed  +
Spineflower  +
Narrow-leaf spineflower  +
Two-lobe spineflower  +
Hernandez’s spineflower  +
Blakley’s spineflower  +
Great Basin brittle spineflower  +
Brewer’s spineflower  +
Cleveland’s spineflower  +
Wrinkled spineflower  +
San Francisco spineflower  +
Villose spineflower  +
Diffuse spineflower  +
Douglas’s spineflower  +
Lacinate spineflower  +
Howell’s spineflower  +
Ramona spineflower  +
Pink spineflower  +
Spoon-sepal spineflower  +
Orcutt spineflower  +
Palmer’s spineflower  +
San Fernando spineflower  +
Parry’s spineflower  +
Long-awned spineflower  +
Prostrate spineflower  +
Ben Lomand spineflower  +
Monterey spineflower  +
Prickly spineflower  +
Devil’s spineflower  +
Scott Valley spineflower  +
Robust spineflower  +
Mojave spineflower  +
Turkish rugging  +
Starlite spineflower  +
One-awn spineflower  +
Sonoma spineflower  +
Priest Valley spineflower  +
Watson’s spineflower  +
Wheeler’s spineflower  +
Whitewater spineflower  +
Pinyon spineflower  +
Bigelow’s false thoroughwort  +
Cape Sable false thoroughwort  +
Ivy-leaf false thoroughwort  +
Coco-plum Family  +
Green and gold  +
Western chinkapin  +
Giant golden chinkapin  +
Bush golden chinquapin  +, Sierra chinkapin  +
Woody goldenrod  +
Cainito  +
Satin leaf  +, damson-plum  +, saffron-tree  +
Mackie's pest  +, Lovegrass  +
Golden beardgrass  +
Florida rhaphis  +
Vetiver  +, Khus-khus  +, Khas-khas  +
Goldenaster  +
DeLaney’s goldenaster  +
Florida goldenaster  +
Godfrey’s goldenaster  +
Cottony goldenaster  +
Cruise’s goldenaster  +
Highlands goldenaster  +
Lynn Haven goldenaster  +
Pineland goldenaster  +
Dress’s goldenaster  +
Maryland goldenaster  +
Coastalplain goldenaster  +
Scrubland goldenaster  +
Golden-saxifrage  +, dorine  +
American golden-saxifrage  +, water-mat or  +, carpet  +,
Pacific golden-saxifrage  +
Iowa golden-saxifrage  +
Rosendahl’s golden-saxifrage  +
Northern golden-saxifrage  +, dorine à quatre étamines  +
Wright’s golden-saxifrage  +
Rabbitbrush  +
Long-flowered rabbitbrush  +
Pintwater rabbitbrush  +
Greene’s rabbitbrush  +
Truckee rabbitbrush  +
Arizona rabbitbrush  +
Grand Canyon glowweed or evening-daisy  +
Vasey’s rabbitbrush  +
Yellow or sticky-leaf rabbitbrush  +
Chicory  +, chicorée  +
Yellow fugosia  +, sulphur mallow  +
Bugbane  +, snakeroot  +, cohosh  +
American bugbane  +
Arizona bugbane  +
Tall bugbane  +
Mount Hood bugbane  +, cut-leaved bugbane  +
Black snakeroot  +, black cohosh  +
Appalachian bugbane  +
Stout woodreed  +, Sweet woodreed  +, Cinna roseau  +
Sierran woodreed  +, Bolander's woodreed  +
Drooping woodreed  +, Slender woodreed  +, Cinna à larges feuilles  +
Camphor tree  +
Enchanter’s nightshade  +, circée du Canada  +
Thistle  +, chardon  +
Tall or roadside thistle  +
Anderson’s or rose thistle  +
Franciscan thistle  +
Arizona thistle  +
Four Corners thistle  +
Rothrock’s thistle  +
Desert mountains thistle  +
Canada or creeping or field thistle  +, chardon du Canada ou des champs  +, cirse des champs  +
Barneby’s thistle  +
Palouse thistle  +
Indian or clustered or short-style thistle  +
Platte or prairie thistle  +
Carolina or purple or soft or smallhead thistle  +
Ashland thistle  +
Rocky Mountain fringed thistle  +
Fish Lake thistle  +
Osterhout’s thistle  +
Slough thistle  +
Graygreen thistle  +
Peregrine thistle  +
Field thistle  +, chardon discolore  +
California swamp or Douglas’s thistle  +
Brewer’s thistle  +
Drummond’s or dwarf or short-stemmed thistle  +
Mountaintop or Eaton’s thistle  +
Clokey or Spring Mountains or white-spine thistle  +
Mountain or alpine thistle  +
Tall mountain thistle  +
Northern mountain thistle  +
Steens Mountain or ghost thistle  +
Snake Range thistle  +
Edible thistle  +, cardon  +
Hall’s thistle  +
Macoun’s thistle  +
Wenatchee thistle  +
Blackland or Engelmann’s thistle  +
Prairie or Flodman’s thistle  +, chardon de Flodman  +
Leafy or foliose or elk thistle  +
Fountain thistle  +
Mt. Hamilton thistle  +
Chorro Creek bog thistle  +
Graham’s thistle  +
Melancholy thistle  +
Hooker’s or white thistle  +
Bristly or horrid or yellow or bull thistle  +
Mount Tamalpais or Vasey’s thistle  +
Davis’s thistle  +
Greene’s thistle  +
Joanna’s thistle  +
Kamchatka thistle  +
Black or Le Conte’s thistle  +
Long-style thistle  +
Mojave thistle  +
Swamp thistle  +, dunce-nettle  +, horsetops  +,
Desert or New Mexico thistle  +
Nuttall’s thistle  +
Western thistle  +
Compact cobwebby thistle  +
Coulter’s thistle  +
Cuesta Ridge thistle  +
Martin’s thistle  +
Ownbey’s thistle  +
European swamp or marsh thistle  +, cirse ou chardon des marais  +
Parry thistle  +
Adobe Hills thistle  +
Dune or sand-dune thistle  +
Lost or Palo Alto thistle  +
Wyoming thistle  +
Cedar Rim thistle  +
Pasture thistle  +
Hill’s thistle  +
Brownie or Alameda County thistle  +
Remote-leaved or fewleaf thistle  +
Pacific fringed or fringe-scaled thistle  +
Remote-leaved thistle  +
Sand-hill or coastal-plain thistle  +
Surf thistle  +
Rydberg’s or alcove thistle  +
Meadow or elk thistle  +, chardon écailleux  +
Dinnerplate or sessile or stemless thistle  +
La Graciosa thistle  +
Shasta Valley thistle  +
Thorne’s thistle  +
Texas or Texas purple or southern thistle  +
Tracy’s thistle  +
Cliff thistle  +
Wavyleaf or gray or pasture thistle  +
Sacramento Mountains thistle  +
Virginia thistle  +
Bull or common or spear thistle  +, gros chardon  +, chardon vulgaire ou lancéolé  +,
Wheeler’s thistle  +
Wright’s marsh thistle  +
Greek pertaining to ivy or vine)  +
Marine vine or ivy  +, sorrell vine  +, hierba del buey  +,
Possum grape  +, seasonvine  +, waterwithe treebine  +,
Pussypaws  +
One-seeded pussypaws  +
Mariposa pussypaws  +
Four-petaled pussypaws  +
Rockrose  +
Citron  +, preserving or stock melon  +
Colocynth  +, bitter apple  +, bitter cucumber  +,
Watermelon  +, sandia  +
Twig-rush  +, sawgrass  +, marisque  +
Marisque inerme  +
Bristly lovegrass  +
Chaparral clarkia or fairyfan  +
Farewell-to-spring  +
Lindley’s clarkia  +
Whitney’s clarkia  +
Glandular clarkia or fairyfan  +
Small’s southern clarkia  +
Two lobed clarkia  +
Mariposa clarkia  +
Brandegee’s clarkia  +
Northern clarkia  +
Botta’s clarkia  +, punch bowl godetia  +
Brewer’s clarkia  +, fairy fans  +
Red ribbons  +
Santa Clara red ribbons  +
Raiche’s clarkia or red ribbons  +
Speckled clarkia  +
Davyi’s clarkia  +
Campo or delicate clarkia  +
Dudley’s clarkia  +
Canyon or willowherb clarkia  +
Kern River or slender clarkia  +
Presidio clarkia  +
Slender clarkia  +
Tracy’s clarkia  +
California gaura  +, heterogaura  +, mountain clarkia  +
Vine Hill clarkia  +
Jolon clarkia  +
Lassen clarkia or godetia  +
Lewis’s clarkia  +
Merced clarkia  +
Mildred’s clarkia  +
Waltham Creek clarkia  +
Mosquin’s clarkia  +
Prostrate clarkia  +
Pinkfairies  +
Purple or winecup clarkia  +
Diamond or tongue clarkia  +, diamond fairyfan  +, rhomboid farewell-to- spring  +
Beaked clarkia  +
Farewell-to-spring  +, ruby chalice clarkia  +
Ramona clarkia  +
Red spotted or redspot clarkia  +
Springville clarkia  +
Lake Amador clarkia  +
Temblor Range clarkia  +
Elegant or woodland clarkia  +, mountain garland  +
Sierra clarkia  +
Fort Miller clarkia or fairyfan  +
Gunsight or Xantus’s clarkia  +
Kern Canyon clarkia  +
Spring beauty  +
Siberian narrow-leaved claytonia  +
Arctic claytonia  +
Henderson’s claytonia  +
Carolina spring beauty  +
Cordate-leaved spring beauty  +
Pale claytonia  +
Pallid claytonia  +
Coast Range claytonia  +
Western spring beauty  +
Fell-fields claytonia  +
Rydberg’s spring beauty  +
Sierra Nevada claytonia  +
Ogilvie claytonia  +
Marsh claytonia  +
Indian-lettuce  +
Large-flowered Indian-lettuce  +
Mojave Indian-lettuce  +
Davidson’s Indian-lettuce  +
Miner’s-lettuce  +
Intermountain miner’s-lettuce  +
Madrean miner’s-lettuce  +
Rocky Mountain spring beauty  +
Erubescent miner’s-lettuce  +
Cushion miner’s-lettuce  +
Creeping spring beauty  +
Brandegee’s claytonia  +
Scamman’s claytoni a  +
Candy flower  +
Beringian spring beauty  +
Great Basin claytonia  +
Eastern spring beauty  +
Lake Washington claytonia  +
Spreading pogonia  +
Smaller spreading pogonia  +
Clematis  +, clématite  +
Addison's virgin's-bower  +, Addison Brown's clematis  +, Addison's leather-flower  +,
Erect mountain clematis  +, white-haired leather-flower  +
Pine-woods clematis  +, pine-hyacinth  +
Bigelow's clematis  +
Virgin's-bower  +
Marsh clematis  +, curly clematis  +, blue-jasmine  +
Barbas de chivato  +
Fremont's clematis  +
Glaucous clematis  +
Hairy clematis  +, sugar-bowls  +
Pipestem  +
Virgin's-bower  +, old man's beard  +, hierba de chivo  +
Morefield's clematis  +, Morefield's leather-flower  +
Purple clematis  +, clématite occidentale  +
Erect silky leather-flower  +, curly-heads  +
Ropevine  +
Bellflower clematis  +, Pitcher's clematis  +
Alabama leather-flower  +
Sweet autumn clematis  +, yam-leaved clematis  +
Scarlet clematis  +, crimson clematis  +
Pale clematis  +
Leather-flower  +
Virgin's-bower  +, clématite de Virginie  +
Traveler's joy  +, old man's beard  +
Millboro leather-flower  +, grape clematis  +, grape leather-flower  +
Spiderflower Family  +
Spiderflower  +
Bird spiderflower  +, Levant mustard  +
Fringed spiderflower  +
Stinkweed  +
Narrowleaf rhombopod  +
Shortstalk stinkweed  +
Hillman’s or desert stinkweed  +
Mojave stinkweed  +
Palmer’s cleomella  +, Rocky Mountain stinkweed  +
Slender stinkweed  +
Spiderflower  +
Showy or garden spiderflower  +, volantines-preciosos  +
Sweet pepperbush  +
Mountain sweet pepperbush  +
Coastal sweet pepperbush  +, summersweet  +
Downy sweet pepperbush  +
White Alder Family  +
Buckwheat tree  +, black titi  +
Clintonia  +
Red clintonia  +
Blue bead-lily  +, yellow clintonia  +, corn- lily  +
White clintonia  +, speckled wood-lily  +
Queen’s-cup  +, bride’s- bonnet  +
Balsam - or monkey-apple  +
Autograph-tree  +
Bull-nettle  +, mala mujer  +
Tread softly  +, finger rot  +
Texas bull-nettle  +
Ivy gourd  +
Scarlet gourd  +
Sea-grape  +
Pigeon-plum  +, dove-plum  +, uvilla  +,
Shore-grape  +, uva de playa  +
Silver palm  +
Silver palm  +
Coral beads  +
Red-berried moonseed  +, coral vine  +, margil  +,
Sarsaparilla  +, correhuela  +
Scurvy-grass  +
Coconut palm palm  +, cocotier  +
Coconut palm  +, cCcocotier  +
Frog-orchis  +, long-bracted orchid  +
Carolina jointgrass  +
Wrinkled jointgrass  +
Pitted jointgrass  +
Smooth jointgrass  +
Wallflower-cabbage  +, tall wallflower-cabbage  +
Job's-tears  +
Moss grass  +, Mud grass  +
Blackbrush  +
Chinese-houses  +, blue-eyed Mary  +
San Antonio collinsia  +
White collinsia  +
Desert mountain blue-eyed Mary  +
Child’s blue-eyed Mary  +
Chinese-houses  +
Round-headed Chinese-houses  +
Large-flowered blue-eyed Mary  +
Greene’s blue-eyed Mary  +
Purple Chinese-houses  +
Broad-leafed collinsia  +
Narrowleaf blue-eyed Mary  +
San Francisco collinsia  +
Parry’s blue-eyed Mary  +
Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary  +
Sticky blue-eyed Mary  +
Few-flowered collinsia  +
Tincture plant  +
Torrey’s blue-eyed Mary  +
Violet blue-eyed Mary  +
Wright’s blue-eyed Mary  +
Taro  +, dasheen  +
Elephant's-ear  +, wild taro  +
Nakedwood  +
Greenheart  +, coffee colubrina  +, wild coffee  +
Asian nakedwood  +, latherleaf  +
Las Animas nakedwood  +, California snakebush  +
Cuban nakedwood  +
Soldierwood  +
Sierran nakedwood  +
Comal nakedwood  +
Texan hog-plum  +
Columbia River goldenrod  +
Bastard toadflax  +
Bastard Toadflax Family  +
Summer-holly  +, mock arbute or arbutus  +, summer-blooming-manzanita  +
Marshlocks  +
Purple marshlocks  +, marsh potentilla  +, comaret des marais  +
White Mangrove Family  +
Rangoon creeper  +
Dayflower  +, widow's-tears  +
Asiatic dayflower  +, comméline commune  +
Spiderwort Family  +
Climbing wortclub  +
Sweet-fern  +, comptonie  +
Sweet-fern  +, comptonie voyageuse  +
Snakewood  +
Correll's snakewood  +
Javelina bush  +
Bitter snakewood  +
Brazilian bluewood  +
Squaw bush  +
Green snakewood  +
Warnock's snakewood  +
Buttonwood  +
Betony-leaf mistflower  +
Blue mistflower  +
Palm-leaf mistflower  +
Cancer- or squaw-root  +
Bear corn  +
American cancer-root  +, conopholis d'Amérique  +
Hare’s-ear mustard  +
Rabbit’s-ear  +, rabbit-ears  +, treacle mustard  +,
Florida semaphore cactus  +
Larkspur  +
Rocket larkspur  +
Lily-of-the-valley  +
European lily-of-the-valley  +, muguet  +
American lily-of the-valley  +
Horseweed  +
Vergerette du Canada  +
Goldthread  +, coptide  +
Goldthread  +, goldenroot  +, yellow snakeroot  +, ,
Coral-root  +, corallorhize  +
Bentley’s coral-root  +
Spotted coral-root  +, corallorhize maculée  +
Merten’s coral-root  +, western coral-root  +
Fall coral-root  +, small-flowered coral-root  +, corallorhize d’automne  +
Striped coral-root  +, corallorhize striée  +
Early coral-root  +, northern coral-root  +, corallorhize trifide  +
Wister’s coral-root  +
Jute  +
East Indian or West African mallow  +
Jackswitch  +, woolly corchorus  +, mallet  +,
Red or Orinoco jute  +
Slippery burr  +, broomweed  +
Horn-fruited jute  +
Bird’s-beak  +
Yakima bird’s-beak  +
Desert bird’s-beak  +
Kern Plateau bird’s-beak  +
King’s bird’s-beak  +
Heller’s bird’s-beak  +
Nodding bird’s-beak  +
Nevin’s bird’s-beak  +
Bird-on-nest  +, Mount Diablo bird’s-beak  +
Purple or sticky bird’s-beak  +
Hairy bird’s-beak  +
Hansen’s bird’s-beak  +
Pringle’s bird’s-beak  +
Bushy bird’s-beak  +
Slender bird’s-beak  +
Fresno County bird’s-beak  +
Kaibab Plateau bird’s-beak  +
Broom crowberry  +, corème  +
Corème de Conrad  +
Sandaster  +
Bugseed  +, tick-seed  +
American bugseed  +
Hyssop-leaved bugseed  +
Boat-shaped bugseed  +
Slender bugseed  +, shiny bugseed  +
Okhotia n bugseed  +, Alaskan bugseed  +
Pacific bugseed  +
Pallas bugseed  +
Pale bugseed  +
Hairy bugseed  +
Welsh’s bugseed  +
Dogwood Family  +
Dogwood  +
Pagoda or alternate-leaf dogwood  +, cornouiller à feuilles alternes  +
Kinnikinnik  +
Eastern roughleaf dogwood  +
Bunchberry  +, dwarf cornel  +, quatre-temps  +
Rough-leaved dogwood  +
Flowering dogwood  +
Stiff dogwood  +
Smooth Dogwood  +
Kousa dogwood  +
European cornel  +, cornelian cherry  +
Pacific or mountain dogwood  +
Pale dogwood  +, cornouiller oblique  +
Creek dogwood  +
Gray dogwood  +, cornouiller à grappes  +
Roundleaf dogwood  +, cornouiller rugueux  +
Bloodtwig dogwood  +
Red-osier dogwood  +, cornouiller stolonifère  +, hart rouge  +
Blackfruit dogwood  +
Lapland cornel  +, cornouiller de Suède  +
Western cordilleran bunchberry  +
Strapwort  +
Purple pampas grass  +
Pampas grass  +
Golden corydalis  +, corydalis dorée  +
Fitweed  +
Pink and yellow corydalis  +, pale corydalis  +, harlequin-flower  +,
Hazel  +
American hazel or hazelnut  +, noisetier d'Amérique  +
European hazel or hazelnut  +, avelline  +
Beaked hazel or hazelnut  +
Beaked hazel  +, noisetier &agrave  +, long bec  +
Gray hairgrass  +
Pincushion cactus  +
Cushion foxtail cactus  +
Big Bend cactus  +
Duncan’s pincushion cactus  +
Sea-urchin cactus  +, rhinocerous cactus  +
Hes ter’s pincushion cactus  +, Hester’s foxtail cactus  +
Nipple beehive cactus  +
Nellie’s pincushion cactus  +
Missouri foxtail cactus  +
Nickels’s pincushion cactus  +
Santa Cruz beehive cactus  +
Cochise pincushion cactus  +, Cochise foxtail cactus  +
Pi neapple cactus  +
Carpet foxtail cactus  +
Pineapple cactus  +
Cob cactus  +, white-column foxtail cactus  +
Beehive cactus  +, pincushion cactus  +
Golden marguerite  +, yellow chamomile  +
Creeping cotoneaster  +
Prostrate or purple-flowered cotoneaster  +
Yunnan cotoneaster  +
Necklace or winter-green cotoneaster  +
Crisp’s cotoneaster  +
Bearberry cotoneaster  +
Diels' cotoneaster  +
Spreading or stretch-fruit cotoneaster  +
Fang’s cotoneaster  +
Franchet’s cotoneaster  +
Tree cotoneaster  +
Gamble’s cotoneaster  +
Hjelmqvist’s cotoneaster  +
Earthquake cotoneaster  +
Herringbone cotoneaster  +
Entire-leaved cotoneaster  +
Cream-flowered or late or Parney's cotoneaster  +
Hedge or shiny cotoneaster  +, cotonéaster à feuilles aiguës  +
Magnificent cotoneaster  +
Dark cotoneaster  +
Orange-drop cotoneaster  +
One-stoned cotoneaster  +
Few-flowered or Kokonor cotoneaster  +
Silverleaf cotoneaster  +
Truncate-leaved or Cangshan cotoneaster  +
Bullate cotoneaster  +
Willow-leaved cotoneaster  +
Khasiberry or Simon’s cotoneaster  +
Stern’s cotoneaster  +
Tengyueh cotoneaster  +
McLaren's cotoneaster  +
Vested or woolly cotoneaster  +
Taiping cotoneaster  +
Swedish cotoneaster  +
Cotta grass  +
Brass-buttons  +, cotule  +
Sea-cabbage  +
Sea-kale  +
Helmet orchid  +
Pygmyweed  +, Latin crassus  +, thick  +,
Water pygmyweed  +, river-leek  +
Jade plant  +
Sand pygmyweed  +
Tilliwort  +, mossy tillaea  +
Hilaire  +, Stonecrop or Orpine Family  +
Hawthorn  +, aubépine  +
Eastern mayhaw  +
Sunny hawthorn  +
Elkwater hawthorn  +
Ashe hawthorn  +
Valley Head hawthorn  +
Barberry-leaved hawthorn  +
Biltmore hawthorn  +
Blueberry haw  +, hoghaw  +, pomette bleue  +
Brainerd hawthorn  +, aubépine de Brainerd  +
Brazos hawthorn  +
Britton hawthorn  +
Late or pear hawthorn  +
Castlegar hawthorn  +
Fireberry hawthorn  +, aubépine dorée  +
Piper’s hawthorn  +
Pringle hawthorn  +, aubépine de Pringle  +
Kansas hawthorn  +
Hillside hawthorn  +
Thames hawthorn  +
Crayton hawthorn  +
Cockspur hawthorn  +, aubépine ergot-de-coq  +
Cypress Hills hawthorn  +
Dodge hawthorn  +
Douglas or black hawthorn  +
Enderby hawthorn  +
Cerro hawthorn  +
St. Clair or fecund hawthorn  +
Fan-leaved hawthorn  +, aubépine flabelliforme  +
Yellow hawthorn  +
Gattinger’s hawthorn  +
Huckleberry or Suksdorf hawthorn  +
Gregg hawthorn  +
Harbison hawthorn  +
Holmes’ hawthorn  +, aubépine de Holmes  +
Intricate hawthorn  +
Passionate hawthorn  +
Aubépine pubérulente  +
Jesup hawthorn  +
Jones hawthorn  +
Weeping hawthorn  +
Woodland hawthorn  +, aubépine épineuse  +, aubépine à deux styles  +
Laurentian hawthorn  +
Dwarf hawthorn  +
Large-thorn hawthorn  +, aubépine á épines longues  +
Eastern hawthorn  +, aubépine à lobes aigus  +
Margaret’s hawthorn  +
Parsley haw  +
Red haw  +, downy hawthorn  +
English hawthorn  +, one-seeded hawthorn  +, aubépine monogyne  +
Nixon’s dwarf hawthorn  +
Bush’s hawthorn  +
Okanagan hawthorn  +
O'Kennon hawthorn  +
Western mayhaw  +
Ouachita hawthorn  +
Bird-cherry hawthorn  +
Pennsylvania thorn  +
Plumleaf hawthorn  +
Washington thorn  +
Poplar hawthorn  +
Frosted hawthorn  +
Beautiful hawthorn  +
Dotted or white haw  +, aubépine ponctuée  +
Loch Lomond hawthorn  +
Reverchon hawthorn  +
Mountain river hawthorn  +
Adams Creek hawthorn  +
Battle Creek hawthorn  +
Red bracteole hawthorn  +
Willow hawthorn  +
Sargent hawthorn  +
Rough hawthorn  +, aubépine scabride  +
Schuette or royal hawthorn  +, aubépine de Schuette  +
Great Plains hawthorn  +
Hope-of-summers  +
Stone’s hawthorn  +
Northern downy hawthorn  +, northern red haw  +, aubépine subsoyeuse  +
Succulent hawthorn  +, aubépine succulente  +
Texas red haw  +
Tracy hawthorn  +
Three-flower hawthorn  +
Scalp Creek hawthorn  +
One-flowered hawthorn  +
Bear's Paw hawthorn  +
Green hawthorn  +
Altai hawthorn  +
Williams hawthorn  +
Wooton’s hawthorn  +
Rufous mayhaw  +
Vail’s hawthorn  +
Hawksbeard  +, crépis  +
Longleaf or tapertip hawksbeard  +
Slender or dark hawksbeard  +
Baker’s hawksbeard  +
Cusick’s hawksbeard  +
Idaho hawksbeard  +
Rough hawksbeard  +
Italian hawksbit  +
Smooth hawksbeard  +, crépis capillaire  +
Elegant hawksbeard  +
Stinking or roadside hawksbeard  +
Limestone or small-flower hawksbeard  +
Modoc or Siskiyou hawksbeard  +
Modoc or Siskiyou hawksbeard  +
Mountain hawksbeard  +
Dwarf alpine hawksbeard  +
Turkish hawksbeard  +
Gray or western hawksbeard  +
Largeflower hawksbeard  +
Naked hawksbeard  +
Smallflower hawksbeard  +
Red hawksbeard  +
Anderson’s hawksbeard  +
Barber’s hawksbeard  +
Smooth hawksbeard  +
Hall’s or meadow hawksbeard  +
Fiddleleaf or naked-stem or scapose or dandelion hawksbeard  +
Bristly hawksbeard  +
Narrowleaf hawksbeard  +, crépis des troits  +
Beaked or weedy hawksbeard  +
Striped hawksbeard  +
String-lily  +, swamp-lily  +
Poison bulb  +, tree crinum  +
Frostweed  +, rushrose  +, rockrose  +
Alderson rushrose  +
Gulf Coast frostweed  +
Hoary or plains frostweed  +
Canada rockrose or frostweed  +, crocanthème du Canada  +
Carolina sunrose or frostweed  +
Pine barren frostweed  +
Bushy rockrose or frostweed  +
Georgia frostweed  +
Clustered frostweed  +
Island rushrose  +
Florida scrub frostweed or sunrose  +
Low or creeping frostweed  +
Rosemary frostweed  +
Broom or peak rushrose  +
Ione rushrose  +
Slender scratchdaisy  +
Hooker’s scratchdaisy  +
Stiff-leaf scratchdaisy  +
Christmas berry  +
Rockflower  +
Catalina rockflower  +
Silver July croton  +
Healing or silver croton  +
California croton  +
Capitate or woolly croton  +, hogwort  +
Mexican croton  +
Cortez’s croton  +, palillo  +
Cory’s croton  +
Grassland croton  +, hierba del gato  +, rosval  +,
Elliott’s or pondshore croton  +
Bush croton  +, encinilla  +, hierba loca  +
Sand or tooth-leaved or tropic croton  +, vente conmigo  +
Woolly croton  +
Low croton  +, pepperbush  +, salvia  +
Salvia  +, Torrey’s croton  +, vara blanca  +
Two-color croton  +
Goatweed  +, woolly croton  +
Three-seed croton  +
Tharp’s three-seed croton  +
Grannybush  +, pineland croton  +
Rushfoil  +
Elliptic-leaf rushfoil  +, Willdenow’s croton  +
Michaux’s croton  +, narrow-leaf rushfoil  +
One-seed croton  +, prairie tea  +
Parks's croton  +
Leatherweed  +
Desert leatherweed  +
Beach tea  +, gulf croton  +, hierba de jabalí  +
Trans-Pecos croton  +
Dove weed  +, turkey mullein  +
Soliman’s croton  +
Sonora croton  +
Scented croton  +
Skunkweed  +, Texas croton  +
Wiggins’ croton  +
Bearded creeper  +, common crupina  +
Foxtail pricklegrass  +
Swamp pricklegrass  +
Modest pricklegrass  +
Parsley fern  +, rock-brake  +, cliff-brake  +,
American parsley fern  +
Cascade parsley fern  +
Alaska parsley fern  +
Slender rock-brake or cliff-brake  +, Steller's rock-brake  +, fragile rock-brake  +,
Comb fern  +
Red-hair comb fern  +, Florida tree fern  +
Toothache grass  +
Florida orangegrass  +
Melon  +, cucumber  +
West Indian or bur gherkin  +
Hedgehog or teasel gourd  +
Cantaloupe  +, honeydew  +, muskmelon  +
Gulf Coast melon  +
Horned or jelly melon  +, kiwano  +, African horned cucumber  +,
Gooseberry gourd  +, paddy melon  +
Garden cucumber  +
Finger-leaf or coyote gourd  +
Fig leaf or Malabar gourd  +, fig leaf or blackseed squash  +, chilacayote  +, ,
Buffalo  +, foetid  +, Missouri gourd  +, ,
Winter or Hubbard or blue Hubbard or golden Hubbard or turk’s turban or banana or Queensland blue or buttercup or Hokkaido squash  +, winter marrow  +, Queensland blue or Atlantic giant or mammoth pumpkin  +
Scallop, pattypan, crookneck, straightneck, acorn, summer, or spaghetti squash  +
Butternut or Tahitian squash  +, golden cushaw  +, calabaza  +, ,
Coyote gourd or melon  +
Rock goldenrod  +
Charleston rabbitbrush  +, Panamint rock goldenrod  +
Waxweed  +, Mexican heather  +, cigar flower  +
Clammy cuphea  +, blue waxweed  +
Redwood or Cypress Family  +
Cypress  +
Arizona cypress  +, Arizona smooth cypress  +, Cuyamaca cypress  +, ,
Baker cypress  +, Modoc cypress  +
Gowen cypress  +, Mendocino cypress  +, Santa Cruz cypress  +
MacNab cypress  +
Monterey cypress  +, ciprés Monterrey  +
Sargent cypress  +
Hidden-lily  +
Zedoary  +
Memphis grass  +
Ive à feuilles de lampourde  +
Bur cucumber  +
Cut-leaf or Texas coastal plain cyclanthera  +
Slender cyclanthera  +
Central Texas cyclanthera  +
Trans-Pecos cyclanthera  +
Winged pigweed  +
Quince  +
Cholla  +
Peach Springs cholla  +
Buckhorn cholla  +
Pencil cholla  +
Teddy-bear cholla  +
California cholla  +
Davis cholla  +
Silver cholla  +, golden cholla  +
Chain-fruit cholla  +
Gander cholla  +
Tree cholla  +, coyonostyle  +
Klein cholla  +, tasajillo  +
Desert Christmas cholla  +, Christmas cactus  +
Munz cholla  +
Coastal cholla  +
Diamond cholla  +
Cane cholla  +, walkingstick cactus  +
Sheathed cholla  +, abrojo  +
Staghorn cholla  +
Whipple cholla  +
Wolf cholla  +
Kenilworth ivy  +
Lemon grass  +
Iwarancusa grass  +
Citronella grass  +, Nardgrass  +
Manatee-grass Family  +
Cardoon  +, artichoke  +, artichoke thistle  +
Ethiopian dogstooth grass  +
Bermudagrass  +
African bermudagrass  +
African bermudagrass  +
African dogstooth grass  +, Floridagrass  +
Magennis' dogstooth grass  +
Caper-tree  +
Bay-leaved caper-tree  +, limber-caper  +, mimbre del monte  +
Crested dogtail  +, Cynosure accrêté  +, Crételle des prés  +
Bristly dogtail  +
Sedge Family  +
Umbrella-sedge  +, flatsedge  +
Shining flatsedge  +
Denton’s flatsedge  +
Variable flatsedge  +
Teasel-flatsedge  +
Teasel sedge  +
Red-rooted flatsedge  +
Fendler’s sedge  +
Brown galingale  +
Mexican papyrus  +
Gray’s sedge  +
Mohlenbrock’s sedge  +
Houghton’s flatsedge  +
Pinewoods sedge  +
Bristly flatsedge  +
Umbrella-plant  +
Porter’s sedge  +
Rusty flatsedge  +
Papyrus  +, Egyptian paper-reed  +
Fuzzy flatsedge  +
Plukenet’s sedge  +
Rough flatsedge  +
Purple nut-sedge  +, coco-grass  +
Schweinitz’s flatsedge  +
Tidalmarsh flatsedge  +
Showy sedge  +
Rusby’s sedge  +
False nutsedge  +
Lady’s-slipper  +, moccasin-flower  +, cypripède  +,
Small pink lady’s-slipper  +, pink moccasin-flower  +, stemless lady’s-slipper  +,
Ram’s-head  +
California lady’s-slipper  +
White lady’s-slipper  +
Clustered lady’s-slipper  +, brownie lady’s-slipper  +
Spotted lady’s-slipper  +
Ivory lady’s-slipper  +, purloined slipper  +
Mountain lady’s slipper  +
Small yellow lady’s-slipper  +
Sparrow’s-egg lady’s-slipper  +, Franklin’s lady’s-slipper  +
Showy lady’s-slipper  +, queen lady’s-slipper  +, cypripède royal  +
Cyrilla Family  +
Asiatic holly fern  +
Cowhorn orchid  +, cigar orchid  +, bee-swarm orchid  +
Bladder fern  +, brittle fern  +
Bulblet bladder fern  +, cystoptère bulbifère  +
Brittle fern  +, fragile fern  +, cystoptère fragile  +
Laurentian bladder fern  +, cystoptère laurentienne  +
Mountain bladder fern  +, cystoptère des montagnes  +
Southern bladder fern  +, lowland brittle fern  +
Southwestern brittle fern  +
Tennessee bladder fern  +
Mackay's brittle fern  +, cystoptère ténue  +
Orchardgrass  +, Dactyle pelotonnfi  +
Durban crowfoot  +
Double combgrass  +
Buttongrass  +
Orchis  +
Fischer’s orchid  +
Leopard marsh orchid  +
Spurgecreeper  +
California oatgrass  +
Flattened oatgrass  +, Danthonie comprimée  +
Mountain heath-grass  +
Timber oatgrass  +, Danthonie intermédiare  +
Parry's oatgrass  +
Downy oatgrass  +
Poverty oatgrass  +, Danthonie à épi  +
One-spike oatgrass  +
Spurge-laurel  +, February daphne  +
Mezereon  +, paradise-plant  +
California pitcher plant  +, cobra-lily or  +, plant  +
Umbrella plant  +, Indian rhubarb  +
Bush cinquefoil  +
Shrubby cinquefoil  +, potentille frutescente  +
Mullein-foxglove  +
Sotol  +
Desert spoon  +
Fluffgrass  +
Mosquitograss  +
Durango root  +
Swamp loosestrife  +, water willow  +, décodon verticillé  +
Climbing-hydrangea  +, wood-vamp  +
Eureka or July gold  +
Beautiful pawpaw  +
Rugel's pawpaw  +
White trailing iceplant  +
Larkspur  +, delphinium  +
Alabama larkspur  +
Alpine larkspur  +
Anderson's larkspur  +
Anthony Peak larkspur  +
Baker's larkspur  +
Subalpine larkspur  +, tall larkspur  +, Barbey's larkspur  +
Columbia Gorge larkspur  +
Flathead larkspur  +, low larkspur  +, little larkspur  +
Arctic larkspur  +
Hospital Canyon larkspur  +
Scarlet larkspur  +
Blue larkspur  +, Carolina larkspur  +
Pine woods larkspur  +, blue larkspur  +, Gulf Coast larkspur  +
Plains larkspur  +, white larkspur  +, Penard's larkspur  +
Dwarf larkspur  +, Blue Mountain larkspur  +, mountain larkspur  +
Strict larkspur  +, meadow larkspur  +
Tall larkspur  +
Mogollon larkspur  +
Geyer's larkspur  +, poisonweed  +
Olympic Mountain larkspur  +
Glaucous larkspur  +
Mountain larkspur  +, Brown's larkspur  +, Hooker's larkspur  +, ,
Greene's larkspur  +
Small-flowered gypsum-loving larkspur  +
Kern County larkspur  +
Pale-flowered western larkspur  +
Hutchinson's larkspur  +, Hutchinson's delphinium  +
Unexpected larkspur  +
Yellow larkspur  +
Sierra Madre larkspur  +, Edwards' Plateau larkspur  +
Menzies' larkspur  +
White-flowered Menzies' larkspur  +
Ozark larkspur  +
New Mexico larkspur  +, White Mountain larkspur  +
Red larkspur  +, scarlet larkspur  +
Light-yellow-flowered larkspur  +
Pale-flowered Parish's larkspur  +
Parish's larkspur  +, Apache larkspur  +, Clary's larkspur  +,
Dune larkspur  +, Blochman's larkspur  +
Parry's larkspur  +
Mount Pinos larkspur  +
High mountain larkspur  +
Purpus' larkspur  +, rose-colored larkspur  +
Valley larkspur  +, recurved larkspur  +
Robust larkspur  +
Sapello Canyon larkspur  +
Rocky Mountain larkspur  +
Umatilla larkspur  +
Sutherland's larkspur  +
Trelease's larkspur  +
Dwarf larkspur  +
Cow-poison  +, poison larkspur  +
Swamp larkspur  +
Umbrella larkspur  +
San Clemente Island larkspur  +
Thorne's larkspur  +, Thorne's royal larkspur  +
Wenatchee larkspur  +
Wooton's larkspur  +
Island tree-poppy  +
Bush-poppy  +
Ghost orchid  +, frog orchid  +, palm-polly  +, ,
Bipinnate cuplet fern  +, cuplet fern  +
Beaded cuplet fern  +
Hay-scented fern  +, dennstaedtie à lobules ponctués  +
Silvery-spleenwort  +, silvery glade fern  +, athyrie fausse-thélyptère  +
Alpine hairgrass  +, Deschampsie alpine  +
Tufted hairgrass  +, Deschampsie cespiteuse  +
Annual hairgrass  +
Slender hairgrass  +
Crinkled hairgrass  +, Wavy hairgrass  +, Deschampsie flexueuse  +
Mackenzie hairgrass  +
Deschampsie naine  +
Tansy mustard  +
Flixweed  +, tansy mustard  +
Fern grass  +
Spike grass  +
Elf orpine  +
Flax-lily  +
Cerulean flax-lily  +, umbrella dracaena  +
Pink  +, carnation  +, oeillet  +
Deptford pink  +, oeillet arméria  +
Sweet William  +, oeillet barbu  +
Clusterhead pink  +
Maiden pink  +, oeillet à delta  +
Garden or cottage pink  +, oeillet mignardise  +
Northern pink  +
Pincushion plant  +
Lapland pincushion plant  +, diapensie de Laponie  +
Alaskan pincushion plant  +
Diapensia Family  +
Rabbit-tobacco  +, dwarf cudweed  +
Silver rabbit-tobacco  +
Big-head rabbit-tobacco  +
Barneby rabbit-tobacco  +
Spring or many-stem rabbit-tobacco  +
Gulf rabbit-tobacco  +
American beakgrain  +
Obovate beakgrain  +
Bleeding-heart  +, dicentre  +
Squirrel-corn  +, dicentre du Canada  +
Golden eardrops  +
Dutchman's-breeches  +, dicentre &agrave  +, capuchon  +
Eastern bleeding-heart  +
Pacific bleeding-heart  +
White eardrops  +
Steer's-head  +
Narrow-leaved panicgrass  +
Hairy panicgrass  +, Panic laineux  +
Panic du district de columbia  +
Northern panicgrass  +, Panic boreal  +
Bosc's panicgrass  +, Panic de bosc  +
Small-seeded panicgrass  +
Deer-tongue grass  +, Panic clandestin  +
Variable panicgrass  +
Kunth's panicgrass  +
Starved panicgrass  +, Panic appauvri  +
Forked panicgrass  +
Sword-leaf panicgrass  +
Florida panicgrass  +, Erect-leaf panicgrass  +
Broadleaved panicgrass  +, Panic à larges feuilles  +
Soft-tufted panicgrass  +
Leibergs panicgrass  +
Linear-leaved panicgrass  +, Panic à feuilles linéaires  +
Soft-leaved panicgrass  +
Sarita panicgrass  +
Naked-stemmed panicgrass  +
Few-flowered panicgrass  +
Stiff-leaved panicgrass  +
Corm-based panicgrass  +
Long-stalked panicgrass  +
Many-flowered panicgrass  +
Blunt-glumed panicgrass  +
Ravenel's panicgrass  +
Tall-swamp panicgrass  +
Velvety panicgrass  +
Round-fruited panicgrass  +
Cushion-tufted panicgrass  +
Slender panicgrass  +
Wilcox’s panicgrass  +
Wright's panicgrass  +
Pale panicgrass  +, Panic jaunâtre  +
Ringed dichanthium  +
Awned dichanthium  +
Queensland bluegrass  +
Blue dicks  +, covenna  +, grass nuts  +, ,
Fork-toothed ookow  +
Firecracker flower  +
Wild hyacinth  +, round-toothed ookow  +
Twining brodiaea  +, snake-lily  +
Pitchfork  +
Forking ferns  +
Forked fern  +, net fern  +
Orcutt’s or Baja bird’s-beak  +
Water purslane or starwort  +
Hoary-aster  +
Foxglove  +
Yellow foxglove  +
Grecian or woolly foxglove  +, digitale laineuse  +
Straw foxglove  +, digitale jaune  +
Purple foxglove  +, digitale pourpre  +
Sand witchgrass  +
Southern crabgrass  +
Fall witchgrass  +
Blue couch  +
Slender crabgrass  +
Smooth crabgrass  +, Digitaire astringente  +
Western witchgrass  +
Hairy crabgrass  +, Digitaire sanguine  +
Spectacle-pod  +
African daisy  +, Cape marigold  +
Viper grass  +
Venus’s-flytrap  +, flytrap  +, meadow-clam  +,
Yam  +, ñame  +
White yam  +, greater yam  +, water yam  +
Aerial yam  +, potato yam  +
Cinnamon vine  +, Chinese yam  +
Zanzibar yam  +
Wild yam  +, yam root  +, colic root  +
Yam Family  +
Ebony  +, persimmon  +
Ceylon ebony  +
Malay persimmon  +
Black persimmon  +, chapote  +
Possumwood  +
False Diphasium  +
Alpine club-moss  +, lycopode alpin  +
Northern running-pine  +, lycopode aplati  +
Southern running-pine  +, lycopode en éventail  +
Sitka club-moss  +, lycopode de Sitka  +
Blue ground-cedar  +, lycopode à trois épis  +
Umbrella-leaf  +
Sessile monkeyflower  +
Narrow-leaved or purple-lip pansy monkeyflower  +
Low bush monkeyflower  +
Orange-bush monkeyflower  +
Whitney’s monkeyflower  +
Bigelow’s monkeyflower  +
Bolander’s monkeyflower  +
Santa Cruz Island or broadleaf monkeyflower  +
Wide-throat yellow monkeyflower  +
Rock bush monkeyflower  +
Cascades monkeyflower  +
Cleveland’s bush monkeyflower  +
Slope monkeyflower  +
Compact monkeyflower  +
Congdon’s monkeyflower  +
Dense-fruited monkeyflower  +
Cusick’s monkeyflower  +
Deschutes monkeyflower  +
Brownies  +, purple mouse-ears  +
Fremont’s monkeyflower  +
Sierra bush monkeyflower  +
Granite-crack monkeyflower  +
Jepson’s monkeyflower  +
Johnston’s monkeyflower  +
Kellogg’s monkeyflower  +
Layne’s monkeyflower  +
Least-flowered monkeyflower  +
Monterey monkeyflower  +
Southern bush monkeyflower  +
Skunky monkeyflower  +
Mohave monkeyflower  +
Dwarf or purple monkeyflower  +
Steamboat or eggleaf monkeyflower  +
Parry’s monkeyflower  +
Island bush monkeyflower  +
Calico monkeyflower  +
Pansy or yellow-lip pansy monkeyflower  +
Red bush monkeyflower  +
Egg Lake monkeyflower  +
Rattan’s monkeyflower  +
Death Valley monkeyflower  +, rock midget  +
Santa Susana bush monkeyflower  +
Thompson’s monkeyflower  +
Torrey’s monkeyflower  +
Santa Catalina Island monkeyflower  +
Tricolor monkeyflower  +
Vandenberg monkeyflower  +
Sticky monkeyflower  +
Twin-sorus fern  +
Vegetable fern  +
Diplazie à feuilles allongées  +
Narrow-leaved glade fern  +, narrow-leaved-spleenwort  +, glade fern  +,
Wall-rocket  +
Annual or stinking wall-rocket  +, stink-weed  +, cross-weed  +, ,
Perennial or slimleaf wall-rocket  +, flixweed  +
Leatherwood  +
Ozark leatherwood  +
Western leatherwood  +
Eastern leatherwood  +, wicopy  +, moosewood  +, ,
California dissanthelium  +
Saltgrass  +
Spectacle-pod  +
Gulf sebastian-bush  +
Spinyherb  +
Shootingstar  +
Alpine shootingstar  +
Jeweled shootingstar  +
Frigid shootingstar  +
Padre’s shootingstar  +
Mission shootingstar  +
Bonneville shootingstar  +
Sticky shootingstar  +
White shootingstar  +
Ellis’s shootingstar  +
French’s shootingstar  +
Western arctic shootingstar  +
Mosquito-bill  +
Tall mountain shootingstar  +
Pride-of-Ohio  +
Poet’s shootingstar  +
Cusick’s shootingstar  +
Syncline shootingstar  +
Greene’s shootingstar  +
Alkali-meadows shootingstar  +
Scented shootingstar  +
Sierran shootingstar  +
Wasatch shootingstar  +
Tall flat-topped aster  +
Cornel-leaved or cornel-leaf whitetop aster  +
Southern tall flat-topped or southern whitetop aster  +
Tall flat-topped white aster  +, parasol whitetop  +, aster à ombelle  +
Horsefly’s eye  +
Leopard’s bane  +
Oriental leopard’s-bane  +
Great leopard’s-bane  +
Plantain-leaved leopard’s-bane  +
Tusilla  +
Contra yerba  +, tusilla  +
Mackenzie River dwarf primrose  +
Bering dwarf primrose  +
Gorman’s dwarf primrose  +
Idaho dwarf primrose  +
Cliff dwarf primrose  +
Rocky Mountain dwarf primrose  +
Snow dwarf primrose  +
Alaska dwarf primrose  +
Whitlow grass  +, whitlow wort  +
Rosea iceplant  +
Sundew  +, catch-fly  +, dew-threads  +, ,
Great or English sundew  +, droséra d’Angleterre  +
Shortleaf or dwarf sundew  +
Pink sundew  +
Threadleaf sundew  +, dew-threads  +
Narrow- or oblong- or spatulate- or spoon-leaved or water sundew  +, droséra intermédiaire  +
Linear-leaved sundew  +, droséra à feuilles linéares  +
Roundleaf sundew  +, droséra à feuilles rondes  +
Tracy’s or Gulf Coast threadleaf sundew  +
Mountain-avens  +, dryade  +
Alaskan mountain-avens  +
Drummond’s or yellow mountain-avens  +, dryade de Drummond  +
Hooker’s mountain-avens  +
Entire-leaved mountain-avens  +, dryade a feuilles entières  +
Drymary  +
Thickleaf drymary  +, inkweed  +
Wood beauty  +
Tall drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Arizona drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Mazama drymocallis or wood beauty  +
John Day drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Cordilleran drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Ewan’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Deseret drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Leafy drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Idaho drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Greene’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Parish’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Coast drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Hansen’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Austin’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Wasatch drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Crum’s drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Cliff drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Siskiyou or globose drymocallis or wood beauty  +
Wood Fern Family  +
Wood fern  +, shield fern  +, dryoptère  +
Marginal wood fern  +, coastal wood fern  +
Mountain wood fern  +, eastern spreading wood fern  +, dryoptère arquée  +
Spinulose wood fern  +, toothed wood fern  +, dryoptère de cartheuser  +
Log fern  +
Cinnamon wood fern  +
Clinton's wood fern  +, dryoptère de clinton  +
Crested wood fern  +, dryoptère à crêtes  +
Northern wood fern  +, spreading wood fern  +, dryoptère dressée  +
Male fern  +, dryoptère fougère mâle  +
Fragrant wood fern  +, dryoptère fragrante  +
Goldie's wood fern  +, dryoptère de goldie  +
Goldie's wood fern  +, dryoptère de goldie  +
Evergreen wood fern  +, fancy fern  +, dryoptère spinuleuse  +
Southern wood fern  +
Marginal wood fern  +, dryoptère à sores marginaux  +
Whitewood  +, milkbark  +
Guiana-plum  +
Mock- or Indian-strawberry  +
Live-forever  +, siempreviva  +
Abrams’s dudleya or liveforever  +
San Bernardino Mountains dudleya  +
San Luis Obispo serpentine dudleya  +
Pierpont Springs liveforever  +
San Luis Obispo dudleya  +
Santa Clara Valley dudleya  +
Arizona dudleya  +
Orcutt’s dudleya  +
Candleholder dudleya  +
Coast dudleya  +, sand-lettuce  +
Canyon liveforever or dudleya  +, rock-lettuce  +
San Gabriel Mountains dudleya  +
Mission dudleya  +
Powdery dudleya  +
Munchkin dudleya  +
Greene’s dudleya  +
Lance-leaved dudleya  +
Palmer’s liveforever  +
Conejo or Diablo range dudleya  +
Chalk dudleya  +
Panamint dudleya  +
Laguna Beach dudleya  +
Santa Barbara Island dudleya  +
Verity’s dudleya  +
Green liveforever  +, bright green dudleya  +
Island green dudleya  +
Sticky dudleya  +
Duliche  +
Fisher's tundragrass  +, Dupontie de fisher  +
Areca palm  +, butterfly palm  +
Mexican-tea  +, wormseed  +
Jerusalem-oak  +, feather-geranium  +
Cut-leaf goosefoot  +, small-leaved wormseed  +
Clammy goosefoot  +, small crumbweed  +
Dogweed  +
Yellow-aster  +
Ebony Family  +
Squirting or exploding cucumber  +
Lila de los llanos  +
Purple coneflower  +
Narrow-leaved purple coneflower  +, blacksamson echinacea  +
Topeka purple coneflower  +
Smooth purple coneflower  +
Pale purple coneflower  +
Bush’s purple coneflower  +
Yellow coneflower  +
Eastern purple coneflower  +
Sanguine purple coneflower  +
Wavy-leaf purple coneflower  +
Tennessee purple coneflower  +
Barrel cactus  +, eagle-claw cactus  +, echinocactus  +
Blue barrel cactus  +, visnaga meloncillo  +
Many-headed barrel cactus  +, cottontop cactus  +
Horse-crippler  +, devil’s-head  +, manca caballo  +
Strawberry hedgehog cactus  +, hedgehog cactus  +, pitaya  +, ,
Arizona claret-cup cactus  +, Arizona hedgehog cactus  +
Berlandier’s hedgehog cactus  +
Chisos Mountains hedgehog cactus  +
Claret-cup cactus  +, scarlet hedgehog cactus  +
Texas rainbow cactus  +, spiny hedgehog cactus  +
Davis’s hedgehog cactus  +
Engelmann’s hedgehog cactus  +, strawberry hedgehog cactus  +
Strawberry cactus  +, pitaya  +, alicoche  +
Fendler’s hedgehog cactus  +, strawberry cactus  +
Leding’s hedgehog cactus  +
Nichol’s hedgehog cactus  +, golden hedgehog cactus  +
Yellow-flowered alicoche  +, allicoche cactus  +
Rainbow cactus  +
Weniger’shedgehog  +, ashy white ra inbow cactus  +, langtry rainbow cactus  +
Alicoche  +, ladyfinger cactus  +
Pencil cactus  +, dahlia hedgehog cactus  +, sacasil  +
Lace hedgehog cactus  +
Arizona rainbow cactus  +, rainbow hedgehog cactus  +
Claret-cup cactus  +, kingcup cactus  +
Small-flowered h edgehog cactus  +, nylon hedgehog cactus  +
Awnless barnyard grass  +
Barnyard grass  +, Echinochloa pied-de-coq  +
Gulf barnyard grass  +
Japanese millet  +
Siberian millet  +, White panic  +
American barnyard grass  +
Echinochloa de l'ouest  +
Chihuahuan barnyard grass  +
Late barnyard grass  +
Early barnyard grass  +
Florida barnyard grass  +
Creeping river grass  +
Antelope grass  +
Coast barnyard grass  +, Echinochloa de walter  +
Wild or wild mock cucumber  +, wild balsam apple  +
Concombre grimpant  +
Mariposa cactus  +
Wild balsam apple  +
Coulter’s wild balsam apple  +
Globe thistle  +
Tall globe-thistle  +, boulette de Hongrie  +
Southern globe-thistle  +
Great globe-thistle  +, boulette commune  +
Mitsumata  +, paperbush  +, Japanese paper plant  +
South American elodea  +
Water-weed  +
Tropic daisy  +
Tropical daisy  +
Perennial veldtgrass  +
Panic veldtgrass  +
Longflowered veldtgrass  +, Annual veldtgrass  +
Water-hyacinth  +, jacinthe d’eau  +
Rooted water-hyacinth  +
Oleaster Family  +
Russian olive  +, oleaster  +, olivier de Bohême  +
American silver-berry  +, wolf willow  +, chalef argenté  +
Cherry elaeagnus or silver-berry  +, gumi  +, natsugumi  +
Silverthorn  +, spotted elaeagnus  +, thorny-olive  +
Autumn-olive  +
Oil palm  +
African oil palm  +, palmier à huile d’Afrique  +
Waterwort Family  +
Waterwort  +, élatine  +
Asian waterwort  +
American waterwort  +, élatine américaine  +
Short-seed waterwort  +
California waterwort  +
Chilean waterwort  +
Mosquito waterwort  +
Small waterwort  +, élatine naine  +
Ojibway waterwort  +, élatine du lac Ojibway  +
Southwestern waterwort  +
Three-stamened waterwort  +
Spike-rush  +, spikesedge  +, éléocharide  +
Needle spike-rush (spikesedge)  +, éléocharide aciculaire  +
Éléocharide ambiquë  +
Purple spikerush  +
Baldwin’s spike-rush  +
Pretty spikerush  +
Britton’s spike-rush  +
Dwarf spike-rush  +
Flat-stemmed spike-rush  +, éléocharide comprimée  +
Éléocharide elliptique  +
Engelmann’s spike-rush  +
Horsetail spike-rush  +, jointed spike-rush (spikesedge)  +, knotted spike-rush  +
Éléocharide à tiges rouges  +
Pale spike-rush  +, wrinkle-sheathed spike-rush  +
Green spikerush  +, éléocharide olivâtre  +
Bent spikerush  +
Éléocharide intermédiaire  +
Éléocharide du Kamtchatka  +
Éléocharide à gros épi  +
Éléocharide à tétons  +
Black-fruited spike-rush  +
Neat spike-rush  +, éléocharide brillante  +
Blunt spike-rush  +, éléocharide obtuse  +
Ovate spike-rush  +, éléocharide ovale  +
Common spike-rush  +, marsh spike-rush  +, éléocharide des marais  +
Small spike-rush  +, éléocharide naine  +
Square-stemmed spike-rush  +
Few-flowered spike-rush  +, éléocharide à cinq fleurs  +
Robbin’s sppike-rush  +, éléocharide Robbins  +
Beaked spike-rush  +, walking sedge  +
Slender spike-rush  +, dog’s hair  +
Éléocharide à tige ailée  +
Éléocharide grêle  +
Éléocharide unigume  +
Viviparous spike-rush  +, sprouting spike-rush  +
Wolf’s spike-rush  +
Elephant’s foot  +
African finger millet  +
Finger millet  +, Ragi  +
Goosegrass  +, Eleusine des indes  +, Eleusine d'inde  +
Threespike goosegrass  +
Woolyspike balsamscale  +
Pan-american balsamscale  +
Copperbush  +
Georgia-plume  +
Yellow coralbells  +
Water-weed  +
Longclaw orchid  +, spurred neottia  +
Alaskan wheatgrass  +
High-arctic wheatgrass  +
Montana wheatgrass  +
Arizona wheatgrass  +
Baker's wheatgrass  +
Great plains wildrye  +, Élyme du canada  +
Bearded wheatgrass  +
Church's wildrye  +
Awnless wlldrye  +
Unequal-glumed wildrye  +
Longleaf squirreltail  +
California squirreltail  +
Common squirreltail  +
Southeastern wildrye  +
Common western wildrye  +, Blue wildrye  +
Northwestern wildrye  +
Hoffmann's wheatgrass  +
Bottlebrush grass  +, Glumeless wlldrye  +
Southwestern wildrye  +
Thickspike wheatgrass  +
Streambank wheatgrass  +
Early wildrye  +
Northern wheatgrass  +
Big squirreltail  +
Mexican wildrye  +
Quackgrass  +, Couchgrass  +, Chiendent  +,
Eastern riverbank wildrye  +, Élyme des rivages  +
Scribner's wheatgrass  +
Siberian wildrye  +
Sierra wheatgrass  +
Northern stebbins' wheatgrass  +
Stebbins' wheatgrass  +
Syenson's wildrye  +
Texan wildrye  +
Slender wheatgrass  +, Élyme à chaumes rudes  +, Agropyre à chaumes rudes  +
Downy wildrye  +
Arctic wheatgrass  +, Élyme latiglume  +
Virginia wildrye  +, Élyme de virginie  +
Snakeriver wheatgrass  +
Northern riverbank wildrye  +, Élyme de wiegand  +
False quackgrass  +
Doublegee  +, southern threecornerjack  +, spiny emex  +
Devil’s-thorn  +, little jack  +, spiny threecornerjack  +,
Tasselflower  +, pualele  +
Florida tasselflower  +, Fosberg’s pualele  +
Lilac tasselflowers  +
Emory bush  +
Crowberry  +, camarine  +
Brittlebush  +, incienso  +
Panamint daisy  +
Naked-stemmed daisy  +
Florida butterfly orchid  +
False rue-anemone  +
Willamette rue-anemone  +
Western rue-anemone  +
Siskiyou rue-anemone  +
Engelmann daisy  +, cutleaf daisy  +
Softfeather pappusgrass  +
Nineawn pappusgrass  +
Buryseed umbrellagrass  +
Prieur's umbrellagrass  +
Mormon-tea  +, joint-fir  +, cañatilla  +, ,
Clap-weed  +, popote  +, tepopote  +
Boundary ephedra  +, pitamoreal  +
California ephedra  +, cañatillo  +
Cory's ephedra  +
Navajo ephedra  +
Fasciculate ephedra  +
Death Valley ephedra  +
Nevada ephedra  +
Clap-weed  +
Mormon-tea  +
Mexican-tea  +
Green ephedra  +
Mormon-tea or Joint-fir Family  +
Galé’s epidendrum  +
Green-fly orchid  +
Night-smelling epidendrum  +
Rigid epidendrum  +
Pine-cone epidendrum  +
Beechdrops  +, cancer-root  +, épifage  +
Trailing arbutus  +
Mayflower  +, ground laurel  +
Willowherb  +
Alpine or pimpernel willowherb  +, épilobe à feuilles de mouron  +
Arctic willowherb  +, épilobe arctique  +
Tall annual willowherb  +, épilobe d’automne  +
Smooth spike-primrose  +
Hummingbird trumpet  +
Garrett’s firechalice  +
Hummingbird trumpet  +
Fringed willowherb  +, épilobe cilié  +
Talus or clavatefruit willowherb  +
Selfing willowherb  +
Dahurian willowherb  +, épilobe de Daourie  +
Denseflower willowherb  +
Downy willowherb  +, épilobe dressé  +
Glaucous willowherb  +
Glandular willowherb  +
Great or great hairy willowherb  +, codlins and cream  +, épilobe hirsute  +
Hornemann’s willowherb  +, épilobe de Hornemann  +
Yuba Pass willowherb  +
Milkflower willowherb  +, épilobeà fleurs blanches  +
Slenderfruit willowherb  +
Bog willowherb  +, épilobe leptophylle  +
Yellow willowherb  +
Chaparral willowherb  +
Olympic Mountain willowherb  +
Willowherb  +
Nevada willowherb  +
Snow Mountain willowherb  +
Rockfringe  +
Dwarf willowherb  +
Grant’s Pass willowherb  +
Oregon willowherb  +
Largeflower spike-primrose  +
Marsh willowherb  +, épilobe palustre  +
Smaller hairy willowherb  +
Leafy willowherb  +
Stiff willowherb  +
Rocky Mountain willowherb  +, épilobe des Rocheuses  +
Northern willowherb  +
Siskiyou willowherb  +
Shrubby willowherb  +
Torrey’s willowherb  +
Dark red helleborine  +
Chatterbox  +, stream orchid  +, giant helleborine  +
Broad-leaved helleborine  +
Climbing cactus  +
Button cactus  +, ping-pong ball cactus  +
Sand snapdragon  +
Horsetail Family  +
Horsetail  +, scouring rush  +, prêle  +
Field horsetail  +, common horsetail  +, prêle des champs  +
River horsetail  +, pipes  +, prêle fluviatile  +
Common scouring rush  +, prêle d'hiver  +
Smooth scouring rush  +
Marsh horsetail  +, prêle des marais  +
Meadow horsetail  +, prêle des prés  +
Dwarf scouring rush  +, prêle faux-scirpe  +
Wood horsetail  +, prêle des bois  +
Giant horsetail  +
Variegated scouring rush  +, prêle panachée  +
Prêle littorale  +
Japanese lovegrass  +
Thalia lovegrass  +
Bahia lovegrass  +
Mediterranean lovegrass  +
Stinkgrass  +, Éragrostide fétide  +
Gophertail lovegrass  +
Cuming's lovegrass  +
Gummy lovegrass  +
Weeping lovegrass  +
Elliott's lovegrass  +
Long lovegrass  +
Chihuahua lovegrass  +
Sandbar lovegrass  +, Éragrostide de frank  +
Slimflower lovegrass  +
Bigtop lovegrass  +
Teel lovegrass  +, Éragrostide hypnoide  +
Plains lovegrass  +
Pond lovegrass  +
Lehmann's lovegrass  +
Mourning lovegrass  +
Sixweeks lovegrass  +
Mexican lovegrass  +
Little lovegrass  +, Eragrostide faux-paturin  +
Alkali lovegrass  +
Rio grande lovegrass  +
Tufted lovegrass  +, Eragrostide pecttnee  +
India lovegrass  +, Eragrostide poilue  +
Hairysheath lovegrass  +
Dominican lovegrass  +
Coastal lovegrass  +
Creeping lovegrass  +
Red lovegrass  +
Tumble lovegrass  +
Neverfail lovegrass  +
Silveus' lovegrass  +
Purple lovegrass  +, Eragrostide brillante  +
Spike lovegrass  +
Sawtooth lovegrass  +
Swallen's lovegrass  +
Sand lovegrass  +
Chinese lovegrass  +
Winter-aconite  +
Winter-aconite  +
Fireweed  +
Desert mallow  +
Desert five-spot  +
Centipede grass  +
Sand lily  +
Sand lily  +, lonely lily  +
Sandwort  +
Mount Dellanbaugh sandwort  +
Prickly sandwort  +
Slender mountain sandwort  +
Ballhead sandwort  +
Loosehead sandwort  +
Suffrutescent sandwort  +
Eastwood’s sandwort  +
Fendler’s sandwort  +
Ferris’s sandwort  +
Franklin’s sandwort  +
Thompson’s sandwort  +
Hooker’s sandwort  +
King’s sandwort  +
Mohave sandwort  +
Crater Lake sandwort  +
Meadow Valley sandwort  +
Bear Valley sandwort  +
Altai grass  +
Annual wheatgrass  +
Heath  +
Scots heath  +
Spanish heath  +
Crossleaf heath  +
Cornish heath  +
Heath Family  +
Goldenbush  +
Whiteflower rabbitbrush  +
Goldenfleece  +
Arizona goldenbush  +
Bloomer’s goldenbush  +
Boundary goldenbush  +, chaparral goldenweed  +
Deer goldenbush  +, goldenweed  +
Charleston Mountain goldenbush  +
Cooper’s goldenbush  +
Cooper’s goldenbush  +
Crisped goldenbush  +
Cliff goldenbush  +
Laguna Mountain goldenbush  +
Whitestem goldenbush  +, sharp-scale goldenweed  +
California goldenbush  +, heather goldenweed  +
Eastwood’s goldenbush  +
Whiteflower goldenbush  +
Greene’s goldenbush  +, rabbitbrush  +
Turpentine bush  +
Greenwood’s goldenbush  +, heath-goldenrod  +
Narrowleaf goldenbush  +
Wyoming goldenbush  +, linear-leaved discoid gumweed  +
Dwarf goldenbush  +
Rabbitbrush  +
Bernardina rabbitbrush  +
Bigelow’s rabbitbrush  +
Pungent rabbitbrush  +
Rainbow Hills rabbitbrush  +
Rush rabbitbrush  +
Broadscale rabbitbrush  +
Smooth-fruit rabbitbrush  +
Dwarf rabbitbrush  +
Rubber rabbitbrush  +
Shiny-bract rabbitbrush  +
Great Basin rabbitbrush  +
Smooth-fruit rabbitbrush  +
Willowlike rabbitbrush  +
Rydberg’s goldenbush  +
Serpentine goldenbush  +
Thickbracted goldenbush  +
Palmer’s goldenbush or goldenweed  +
Mojave or punctate rabbitbrush  +
Parish’s goldenbush or rabbitbrush  +
Rough rabbitbrush  +
Narrow-bract rabbitbrush  +
Howard’s rabbitbrush  +
Low rabbitbrush  +
Broadleaf rabbitbrush  +
One-headed rabbitbrush  +
Mountain rabbitbrush  +
Nevada rabbitbrush  +
Parry’s rabbitbrush  +
Salmon River rabbitbrush  +
Vulcan rabbitbrush  +
Pinebush  +, pine goldenweed  +
Columbian goldenbush  +, Columbia goldenweed  +
Singlehead goldenbush  +, goldenweed  +
Green or round-leaf rabbitbrush  +
Watson’s goldenbush  +
Winward’s goldenbush  +
Subalpine or cedar breaks goldenbush  +
Fleabane  +, érigéron  +, vergerette  +
Abajo fleabane  +
Acoma fleabane  +
Fleabane  +
Vergerette du Kamtchatka  +
Hall’s fleabane  +
Stalked fleabane  +
Alice Eastwood’s fleabane  +
Bighorn fleabane  +
Alpine fleabane  +
Sierra Ancha fleabane  +
Eastern daisy fleabane  +, vergerette annuelle  +
Wasatch fleabane  +
Silver fleabane  +
Dry-sun fleabane  +
Arizona fleabane  +
Idaho fleabane  +
Golden fleabane  +
Shining fleabane  +
Basalt fleabane  +
Sand fleabane  +
Bigelow’s fleabane  +
Biolett’s fleabane  +
Blochman’s fleabane  +
Bloomer’s fleabane  +
Brewer’s fleabane  +
Tufted fleabane  +
Bald daisy  +
Abajo fleabane  +
Hoary fleabane  +
Cascade fleabane  +
Lone fleabane  +
Siskiyou fleabane  +
Dwarf yellow fleabane  +
Clokey’s fleabane  +
Fern-leaf fleabane  +
Dwarf mountain fleabane  +, vergerette à feuilles segmentées  +
Navajo fleabane  +
San Rafael fleabane  +
Long-leaf fleabane  +
Coulter’s fleabane  +
Cronquist’s fleabane  +
Davis’s fleabane  +
Willamette fleabane  +
Denali fleabane  +
White cushion fleabane  +
Spreading fleabane  +
Eaton’s fleabane  +
Tall fleabane  +
Swamp fleabane  +, vergerette élevée  +
Volcanic daisy  +
Elmer’s fleabane  +
Engelmann’s fleabane  +
Evermann’s fleabane  +
Spruce-fir fleabane  +
Thread-leaf fleabane  +
Fan-leaf fleabane  +
Trailing fleabane  +
Flett’s fleabane  +, Olympic Mountains fleabane  +
Leafy fleabane  +
Beautiful fleabane  +
Garrett’s fleabane  +
Geiser’s fleabane  +
Streamside fleabane  +
Subalpine fleabane  +
Seaside fleabane  +
Uinta Mountain fleabane  +
Quill fleabane  +
Rocky Mountain alpine fleabane  +
Greene’s narrow-leaf fleabane  +
Heliograph Peak fleabane  +
Hess’s fleabane  +
Howell’s fleabane  +
Arctic Alpine fleabane  +, petite vergerette  +
Tundra fleabane  +
Hyssop-leaf fleabane  +, vergerette à feuilles d’hysope  +
Lava rayless fleabane  +
Jones’s fleabane  +
Kachina fleabane  +
Karwinsky’s fleabane  +
Klamath fleabane  +
Chiricahua fleabane  +
Lackschewitz fleabane  +
Woolly fleabane  +
Mt. Lassen fleabane  +
Broad fleabane  +
Leiberg’s fleabane  +
Rockslide fleabane  +
Lemmon’s fleabane  +
Desert yellow fleabane  +
Lobed fleabane  +
Short-ray fleabane  +, vergerette à feuilles fines  +
Maguire’s fleabane  +
Imperfect fleabane  +
Mad River fleabane  +
Foothill fleabane  +
Black-head fleabane  +
Starved fleabane  +
Plains fleabane  +
Muir’s fleabane  +
Kern River fleabane  +
Dwarf fleabane  +
Marysvale fleabane  +
Needle-leaf fleabane  +
New Mexico fleabane  +
Buff fleabane  +
Gorge fleabane  +
Chaparral fleabane  +
Sheep fleabane  +
Wand fleabane  +
Pale fleabane  +
Parish’s fleabane  +
Parry’s fleabane  +
Wandering fleabane  +
Philadelphia fleabane  +, vergerette de Philadelphie  +
Vergerette de Provancher  +
Feather-leaf fleabane  +
Piper’s fleabane  +
Fish Creek fleabane  +
Porsild’s Arctic fleabane  +
Pringle’s fleabane  +
Corpus Christi fleabane  +
Hairy fleabane  +
Vergerette délicate  +
Basin fleabane  +
Shaggy fleabane  +
Purple fleabane  +
Pygmy fleabane  +
Oak-leaf fleabane  +
Hooker’s fleabane  +
California rayless fleabane  +
Clear Creek fleabane  +
Zuni fleabane  +
White cushion fleabane  +
Sacramento Mountain fleabane  +
Rydberg’s fleabane  +
Salish fleabane  +
Salmon River fleabane  +
Saints fleabane  +
Rock fleabane  +
Scepter-bearing fleabane  +
Rock fleabane  +
Serpentine fleabane  +
Zion fleabane  +
Sivinski’s fleabane  +
Bracted Utah fleabane  +
Showy fleabane  +
Common eastern fleabane  +, vergerette rude  +
Limestone fleabane  +
Hairless fleabane  +
Supple fleabane  +
Rio Grande fleabane  +
Slender fleabane  +
Slender-leaf fleabane  +
Running fleabane  +
Alberta fleabane  +
Tweedy’s fleabane  +
Uinta fleabane  +
Lone fleabane  +
One-flower fleabane  +
Vergerette à capitules laineux  +
Indian Canyon fleabane  +
Bear River fleabane  +
Utah fleabane  +
Rambling fleabane  +
Delicate fleabane  +
Early white-top fleabane  +
Bald-fruit fleabane  +
Early blue-top fleabane  +
Neighbor fleabane  +
Sticky tall fleabane  +
Watson’s fleabane  +
Wilken’s fleabane  +
Yukon fleabane  +
Loquat  +
Pipewort Family  +
Pipewort  +, button-rods  +, hat-pins  +,
Eriocaulon aquatique  +
&Eacute  +, riocaulon de Parker  +
Southwestern cupgrass  +
Bearded cupgrass  +
Prairie cupgrass  +
Canyon cupgrass  +
Longleaf cupgrass  +
Caribbean cupgrass  +
Vernal cupgrass  +
Louisiana cupgrass  +
Texas cupgrass  +
Ériochloé velue  +
Wild buckwheat  +
Abert’s wild buckwheat  +
Single-stem wild buckwheat  +
Winged wild buckwheat  +
Canadian River wild buckwheat  +
Cimarron wild buckwheat  +
Shale barren wild buckwheat  +
Trinity wild buckwheat  +
Ibex wild buckwheat  +
Mono wild buckwheat  +
Rock-jasmine wild buckwheat  +
Wind-loving wild buckwheat  +
Angle-stem wild buckwheat  +
Annual wild buckwheat  +
Ione wild buckwheat  +
Irish Hill wild buckwheat  +
Santa Cruz Island wild buckwheat  +
Baker’s wild buckwheat  +
Slickrock wild buckwheat  +
Ivy League wild buckwheat  +
Widtsoe wild buckwheat  +
Coast Range wild buckwheat  +
Sulphur Hot Springs wild buckwheat  +
Arizona wild buckwheat  +
Kaye’s wild buckwheat  +
Bailey’s wild buckwheat  +
Bailey’s woolly wild buckwheat  +
Bateman’s wild buckwheat  +
Pretty wild buckwheat  +
Pahrump Valley wild buckwheat  +
Short-flower wild buckwheat  +
Parry’s wild buckwheat  +
Brandegee’s wild buckwheat  +
Piute wild buckwheat  +
Shevock’s wild buckwheat  +
Bannock wild buckwheat  +
Short-stem wild buckwheat  +
Wasatch Plateau wild buckwheat  +
Parasol wild buckwheat  +
Cottam’s wild buckwheat  +
Loose-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Red Desert wild buckwheat  +
Dwarf wild buckwheat  +
Butterworth’s wild buckwheat  +
Matted wild buckwheat  +
San Carlos wild buckwheat  +
Nodding wild buckwheat  +
One-eyed wild buckwheat  +
Coastal wild buckwheat  +
Santa Ynez wild buckwheat  +
Cithara wild buckwheat  +
Hoover’s desert trumpet  +
Comb Wash wild buckwheat  +
Umtanum Desert wild buckwheat  +
Juniper wild buckwheat  +
Colorado wild buckwheat  +
Arrow-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Wenatchee wild buckwheat  +
Smooth arrow-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Darin’s wild buckwheat  +
Congdon’s wild buckwheat  +
Annual desert trumpet  +
Grand Valley wild buckwheat  +
Correll’s wild buckwheat  +
Golden wild buckwheat  +
Crisp-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Sticky wild buckwheat  +
Heil’s wild buckwheat  +
Niles’s wild buckwheat  +
Orbicular-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Bicknell wild buckwheat  +
Velvety wild buckwheat  +
Coville wild buckwheat  +
Saffron wild buckwheat  +
Cronquist’s wild buckwheat  +
Crosby’s wild buckwheat  +
Cusick’s wild buckwheat  +
Darrow’s wild buckwheat  +
Chaparral wild buckwheat  +
Davidson’s wild buckwheat  +
Skeleton weed  +
Tall skeleton weed  +
Flat-topped skeleton weed  +
Nevada skeleton weed  +
Colorado Desert wild buckwheat  +
Great Basin Desert wild buckwheat  +
Churchill Narrows wild buckwheat  +
Jaynes Canyon wild buckwheat  +
Divergent wild buckwheat  +
Douglas’s wild buckwheat  +
Sunflower Flat wild buckwheat  +
Southern wild buckwheat  +
Eastwood’s wild buckwheat  +
Spreading wild buckwheat  +
Tall wild buckwheat  +
Tall woolly wild buckwheat  +
Elegant wild buckwheat  +
Long-stem wild buckwheat  +
Ephedra wild buckwheat  +
Telescope Peak wild buckwheat  +
Limestone wild buckwheat  +
Heather-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Esmeralda wild buckwheat  +
Toiyabe wild buckwheat  +
Vanishing wild buckwheat  +
Ladder wild buckwheat  +
Drop-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Coastal California buckwheat  +
Sonoran Desert California buckwheat  +
Coastal California buckwheat  +
Mojave Desert California buckwheat  +
Yukon wild buckwheat  +
Alpine golden wild buckwheat  +
Piper’s wild buckwheat  +
Grand Valley desert trumpet  +
St. Catherine’s-lace  +
Santa Barbara Island’s St. Catherine’s-lace  +
San Clemente Island’s St. Catherine’s-lace  +
Santa Catalina Island’s St. Catherine’s-lace  +
Gilman’s wild buckwheat  +
Glandular wild buckwheat  +
Gordon’s wild buckwheat  +
Cottony wild buckwheat  +
Slender woolly wild buckwheat  +
Palomar Mountain wild buckwheat  +
White Mountains wild buckwheat  +
Rose-and-white wild buckwheat  +
Pacific Island wild buckwheat  +
Red-flowered pacific island wild buckwheat  +
St. Nicholas wild buckwheat  +
Gregg’s wild buckwheat  +
Seven River Hills or gypsum wild buckwheat  +
Havard’s wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s rough wild buckwheat  +
Clokey’s wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s woolly wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s Great Basin wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s Coast Range wild buckwheat  +
Tabeau Peak wild buckwheat  +
Heermann’s grooved wild buckwheat  +
Strawflower wild buckwheat  +
Chisos Mountains wild buckwheat  +
Parsnip-flower wild buckwheat  +
Bractless parsnip-flower wild buckwheat  +
Hawkweed wild buckwheat  +
Klamath Mountain wild buckwheat  +
Hairy-flower wild buckwheat  +
Hoffmann’s wild buckwheat  +
Furnace Creek Wash wild buckwheat  +
Snake Range wild buckwheat  +
Hooker’s wild buckwheat  +
Howell’s wild buckwheat  +
Gate Canyon wild buckwheat  +
Frosted wild buckwheat  +
Goodman’s unarmed wild buckwheat  +
Unarmed wild buckwheat  +
Desert trumpet  +, Indian pipeweed  +, bottle stopper  +
Napkinring wild buckwheat  +
Antelope sage  +
James’s antelope sage  +
Kansas antelope sage  +
Wavy-margined antelope sage  +
Jones’s wild buckwheat  +
Red Mountain wild buckwheat  +
San Gorgonio wild buckwheat  +
Southern mountain wild buckwheat  +
Kennedy’s wild buckwheat  +
Sweet Ridge wild buckwheat  +
Purpus wild buckwheat  +
Ruby Mountains wild buckwheat  +
Clipped wild buckwheat  +
Woolly-cup wild buckwheat  +
Sarah’s wild buckwheat  +
Lance-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Inyo wild buckwheat  +
Seaside wild buckwheat  +
Lemmon’s wild buckwheat  +
Butterfly wild buckwheat  +
San Juan wild buckwheat  +
Slender-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Dubakella Mountain wild buckwheat  +
Lobb’s wild buckwheat  +
Cache Valley wild buckwheat  +
Harper’s wild buckwheat  +
Long-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Tiburon wild buckwheat  +
Golden carpet wild buckwheat  +
Mokelumne Hill wild buckwheat  +
Jack’s wild buckwheat  +
Spotted wild buckwheat  +
Imperfect wild buckwheat  +
Marum-leaf wild buckwheat  +
McCloud wild buckwheat  +
Marum-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Scale-bract wild buckwheat  +
Sonora Pass wild buckwheat  +
Yellow-flowered wild buckwheat  +
Juniper Mountain wild buckwheat  +
San Bernardino wild buckwheat  +
Johnston’s wild buckwheat  +
Bear Lake wild buckwheat  +
Pahute Mesa wild buckwheat  +
Great Basin wild buckwheat  +
Slender wild buckwheat  +
Panamint wild buckwheat  +
Scarlet wild buckwheat  +
Schoolcraft’s wild buckwheat  +
Simpson’s wild buckwheat  +
Lost Creek wild buckwheat  +
Western Mojave wild buckwheat  +
Pineland wild buckwheat  +
Fredonia wild buckwheat  +
Many-flowered wild buckwheat  +
Many-flowered wild buckwheat  +
Rio Grande wild buckwheat  +
Mark’s wild buckwheat  +
Irion County wild buckwheat  +
Snow Mountain wild buckwheat  +
Bird nest wild buckwheat  +
Snow wild buckwheat  +
Pinnacles wild buckwheat  +
False naked wild buckwheat  +
Ear-shaped wild buckwheat  +
Ben Lomand wild buckwheat  +
Reduced wild buckwheat  +
Protruding wild buckwheat  +
Mouse wild buckwheat  +
Naked wild buckwheat  +
Harford’s wild buckwheat  +
Port Orford wild buckwheat  +
Little-flower wild buckwheat  +
Frémont’s wild buckwheat  +
Kings River wild buckwheat  +
Sierran crest wild buckwheat  +
Weston’s wild buckwheat  +
Money or Kearney wild buckwheat  +
Deeth wild buckwheat  +
Dugway wild buckwheat  +
Harper wild buckwheat  +
White-woolly wild buckwheat  +
Fort Mohave wild buckwheat  +
Elsinore wild buckwheat  +
Heavenly wild buckwheat  +
Dwarf cushion wild buckwheat  +
Slide Mountain cushion wild buckwheat  +
Monarch wild buckwheat  +
Sierran cushion wild buckwheat  +
Long-stemmed cushion wild buckwheat  +
Cushion wild buckwheat  +
Branched cushion wild buckwheat  +
Purple cushion wild buckwheat  +
Cushionbury wild buckwheat  +
Steamboat Springs wild buckwheat  +
Palmer’s wild buckwheat  +
Panamint Mountain wild buckwheat  +
Cedar Breaks wild buckwheat  +
Panguitch wild buckwheat  +
Parish’s wild buckwheat  +
Seacliff wild buckwheat  +
Few-flower wild buckwheat  +
Clay-loving wild buckwheat  +
Waldo wild buckwheat  +
Deer Lodge wild buckwheat  +
Wire-stem wild buckwheat  +
Yucca wild buckwheat  +
Sorrel wild buckwheat  +
Fox-tail wild buckwheat  +
Kettle Dome wild buckwheat  +
Nevada City wild buckwheat  +
Pueblo Mountains wild buckwheat  +
Prostrate wild buckwheat  +
Meteor Crater wild buckwheat  +
Yellow turbans  +
Hairy Shasta wild buckwheat  +
Red-root wild buckwheat  +
Kidney-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Ripley’s wild buckwheat  +
Pagoda wild buckwheat  +
Altered andesite wild buckwheat  +
Beatley’s wild buckwheat  +
Mt. Rose wild buckwheat  +
Wand wild buckwheat  +
Round-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Lahontan Basin wild buckwheat  +
Wyman Creek wild buckwheat  +
Saltwort wild buckwheat  +
Hoary wild buckwheat  +
Westwater wild buckwheat  +
Cliff wild buckwheat  +
Shockley’s wild buckwheat  +
Siskiyou wild buckwheat  +
Smith’s wild buckwheat  +
Railroad Canyon wild buckwheat  +
Frisco wild buckwheat  +
Spoon-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Barron’s wild buckwheat  +
Mountain meadow wild buckwheat  +
Redding’s wild buckwheat  +
Spurry wild buckwheat  +
Scabland wild buckwheat  +
Goose Lake wild buckwheat  +
Greene’s wild buckwheat  +
Proliferous wild buckwheat  +
Strict wild buckwheat  +
Kidney-shaped wild buckwheat  +
Bushy wild buckwheat  +
Temblor wild buckwheat  +
Broad-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Granite Mountain wild buckwheat  +
Tall wild buckwheat  +
Ternate wild buckwheat  +
San Pedro River wild buckwheat  +
Thomas’s wild buckwheat  +
Virgin wild buckwheat  +
Atwood’s wild buckwheat  +
Thompson’s wild buckwheat  +
Thorne’s wild buckwheat  +
Thurber’s wild buckwheat  +
Thyme-leaf wild buckwheat  +
Tiehm’s wild buckwheat  +
Sandhill wild buckwheat  +
Little desert trumpet  +
Tripod wild buckwheat  +
Mt. Diablo wild buckwheat  +
Woodside wild buckwheat  +
Twisselmann’s wild buckwheat  +
Sulphur flower  +
Ahart’s sulphur flower  +
One-eyed sulphur flower  +
Golden sulphur flower  +
Santa Clara sulphur flower  +
Sherman Pass sulphur flower  +
Sherwin Grade sulphur flower  +
Yellowstone sulphur flower  +
Flagstaff sulphur flower  +
Coville’s sulphur flower  +
Deseret sulphur flower  +
Emperor’s sulphur flower  +
Bicolor sulphur flower  +
American Valley sulphur flower  +
Starry sulphur flower  +
Sierra Nevada sulphur flower  +
Warner Mountains sulphur flower  +
Goodman’s sulphur flower  +
Haussknecht’s sulphur flower  +
Scott Mountain sulphur flower  +
Kittitas sulphur flower  +
Juniper sulphur flower  +
Scott Valley sulphur flower  +
Subalpine sulphur flower  +
Old Baldy sulphur flower  +
Modoc sulphur flower  +
Mohave sulphur flower  +
Munz’s sulphur flower  +
Nelson’s sulphur flower  +
Nevada sulphur flower  +
American River sulphur flower  +
Porter’s sulphur flower  +
Buffalo Bill’s sulphur flower  +
Sandberg’s sulphur flower  +
Small’s sulphur flower  +
Beautiful sulphur flower  +
Spreading sulphur flower  +
Ferris’s sulphur flower  +
Donner Pass sulphur flower  +
Common sulphur flower  +
Spring-flowering sulphur flower  +
Panamint sulphur flower  +
Blushing wild buckwheat  +
Bear Valley wild buckwheat  +
Idria wild buckwheat  +
Gray’s wild buckwheat  +
Wicker-stem wild buckwheat  +
Two-toothed wild buckwheat  +
Clay hill wild buckwheat  +
Sticky wild buckwheat  +
Visher’s wild buckwheat  +
Watson’s wild buckwheat  +
Wetherill’s wild buckwheat  +
Wooton’s wild buckwheat  +
Bastard-sage  +
Ringed-stem bastard-sage  +
Knot-stem bastard-sage  +
Olancha Peak bastard-sage  +
Short-stemmed bastard-sage  +
Rough-node bastard-sage  +
Wright’s bastard-sage  +
Point Sublime wild buckwheat  +
Zion wild buckwheat  +
Large-flowered tridens  +, Shortleaf woolygrass  +
Nealley's erioneuron  +, Neali.ey's woolygrass  +
Hairy tridens  +, Hairy woolygrass  +
Cotton-grass  +, bog-cotton  +, linaigrette  +
Linaigrette à feuilles étroites  +
Closed-sheath cotton-grass  +, linaigrette à anthères courtes  +
Linaigrette àbelle crinière  +
Russett (Rusty) cotton-grass  +, linaigrette de Chamisso  +
Linaigrette grêle  +
White cotton-grass  +, linaigrette de Scheuchzer  +
Linaigrette ténue  +
Tussock cotton-grass  +, linaigrette à large gaine  +
Tawny cotton-grass  +, linaigrette de Virginie  +
Linaigrette verte  +
Woolly sunflower  +
Beautiful woolly sunflower  +
Golden or yellow yarrow  +
Jepson’s woolly sunflower  +
Common woolly sunflower  +
Hall’s woolly sunflower  +
White easterbonnets or woolly daisy  +
San Mateo woolly sunflower  +
Mohave or Barstow woolly sunflower  +
Manystem woolly sunflower  +
Yosemite woolly sunflower  +
Pringle’s woolly sunflower  +
Seaside woolly sunflower  +, lizard tail  +
Woolly easterbonnets  +, Wallace’s woolly daisy  +
Garden - or salad-rocket  +, rocket-salad  +, rocket  +, ,
Dog mustard  +, rocket-weed  +, bracted-rocket  +,
Wallflower  +
Wormseed mustard  +
Wallflower  +
Wormseed mustard  +
Stalked monkeyflower  +
Wing-stem or chickweed monkeyflower  +
Nez Perce monkeyflower  +
Rock-jasmine monkeyflower  +
Sand-loving monkeyflower  +
Beach monkeyflower  +
Villous-bracted monkeyflower  +
Bearded monkeyflower  +
Yellow and white monkeyflower  +
Short-pedicel monkeyflower  +
Short-flower monkeyflower  +
Brewer’s monkeyflower  +
Olympic monkeyflower  +
Limestone monkeyflower  +
Mexican moss monkeyflower  +
Scarlet monkeyflower  +
Carson Valley monkeyflower  +
Charleston Mountains monkeyflower  +
Chinati Mountains monkeyflower  +
Arizona big red monkeyflower  +
Coralline monkeyflower  +
Tinytooter monkeyflower  +
Mannered monkeyflower  +
Coastal or tooth-leaf monkeyflower  +
Palomar monkeyflower  +
Party-colored monkeyflower  +
Eastwood’s monkeyflower  +
California blushing monkeyflower  +
San Bernardino Mountains monkeyflower  +
Slender-stemmed monkeyflower  +
Fernleaf monkeyflower  +
Many-flowered monkeyflower  +
Rocky Mountain or petiole-purse monkeyflower  +
Bent-stem or Dudley’s monkeyflower  +
Geyer’s monkeyflower  +, mimule de James  +
Shieldbract monkeyflower  +
Slender-stalked monkeyflower  +
Magnificent monkeyflower  +
Common or seep monkeyflower  +
Hall’s monkeyflower  +
Hardham’s monkeyflower  +
Thin-sepal monkeyflower  +
Texas monkeyflower  +
Disappearing monkeyflower  +
Liverwort monkeyflower  +
Cut-leaf monkeyflower  +
Broad-tooth monkeyflower  +
Great purple or Lewis’s monkeyflower  +
Threadleaf primrose monkeyflower  +
Stanislaus or Whipple’s monkeyflower  +
Michigan monkeyflower  +
Bentham’s monkeyflower  +
Colorado monkeyflower  +
Montia-like monkeyflower  +
Muskflower  +, musk plant  +, mimule musqué  +
Calyx-nose monkeyflower  +
Norris’s monkeyflower  +
Bare monkeyflower  +
Palmer’s monkeyflower  +
Pennell’s panther  +
Parish’s monkeyflower  +
Southwestern mat monkeyflower  +
Stalk-leaf monkeyflower  +
Serpentine Canyon monkeyflower  +
Primrose monkeyflower  +
Wing-leaf monkeyflower  +
Pulsifer’s or candelabrum monkeyflower  +