Cyperus serotinus


Descr. Pl. Rar., 18. 1772.

Common names: Tidalmarsh flatsedge
Synonyms: Chlorocyperus serotinus (Rottbøll) Palla Juncellus serotinus (Rottbøll) C. B. Clarke
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 23. Treatment on page 164. Mentioned on page 142, 162.

Herbs, perennial, stoloniferous; stolons terminated by tubers. Culms trigonous, 50–100 cm × 5–8 mm, glabrous. Leaves 3–6, V-shaped, 20–50 cm × 5–8(–10) mm. Inflorescences: spikes not appearing lateral, rays 5–8, 2–7(–12) cm; bracts 3–4, ± horizontal to ascending at 45°, V-shaped, 5–25 cm × 1.5–8 mm; spikes 1–4, ovoid, 2–4 × 2–3 cm; rachis 1–2.7 cm, smooth or hispidulous; rachilla persistent, wingless or with hyaline wings scarcely 0.1 mm wide. Spikelets 7–14, flattened, lanceoloid, 10–20 × 2–2.5 mm; floral scales 10–30, laterally dark brown to reddish brown, medially greenish, laterally 5–9-ribbed, ovate-deltate; anthers 3, 0.5 mm; styles 0.5 mm; stigmas 1.2–1.6 mm. Achenes brown, sessile, ellipsoid, 1.4–1.6 × 1.4–1.5 mm, apex obtuse, apiculate.

Phenology: Fruiting summer.
Habitat: Tidal marshes
Elevation: 0 m


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Introduced; Del., N.J., Pa., Eurasia.


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Lower Taxa

... more about "Cyperus serotinus"
Gordon C. Tucker* +, Brian G. Marcks* +  and J. Richard Carter * +
Rottbøll +
Cyperus sect. Juncellus +
Tidalmarsh flatsedge +
Del. +, N.J. +, Pa. +  and Eurasia. +
Tidal marshes +
Fruiting summer. +
Descr. Pl. Rar., +
Introduced +  and Illustrated +
Chlorocyperus serotinus +  and Juncellus serotinus +
Cyperus serotinus +
Cyperus subg. Juncellus +
species +