subfamilyPolygonaceae subfam. Eriogonoideae
subgenusChorizanthe subg. Amphietes
speciesChorizanthe robusta
Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii
Phytologia 67: 358. 1989.
Common names: Scott Valley spineflower
EndemicConservation concern
Basionym: Chorizanthe douglasii var. hartwegii Bentham in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 14: 26. 1856 (as hartwegi)
Synonyms: Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegii (Bentham) Goodman
Plants erect, (0.5–)1–3 × (0.1–)1–2.5 dm. Leaf blades 1.5–5 × 0.2–0.5(–0.7) cm. Involucres 2.5–3.5 mm, margins rose-pink.
Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jul.
Habitat: Sandy outcrops, annual grassland communities
Elevation: 200-300 m
Of conservation concern.
Variety hartwegii is known from a few populations in Scott Valley, Santa Cruz County. The epithet “hartwegii” was misapplied to Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana until 1989; see B. Ertter (1996) for details. Scott Valley spineflower is federally listed as endangered.
Selected References
Lower Taxa