

Ark. Bot., n. s. 7: 34. 1968.

Common names: Round-leaved orchis amérorchis Amérorchis à feuille ronde
Etymology: America plus orchis, from the American distribution of this close relative of Eurasian Orchis
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 550. Mentioned on page 496.

Herbs, perennial, rather succulent. Roots scattered along rhizome, slender, fleshy. Stems scapose. Leaves solitary, basal, spreading, conduplicate; petioles inconspicuous, sheathing or clasping stem; blade orbiculate to broadly elliptic, ovate, obovate, or lance- or oblance-elliptic. Inflorescences terminal, solitary spikes, lax; floral bracts foliaceous. Flowers few to several, resupinate, showy; lip spurred at base, deeply 3-lobed, middle lobe notched, margins entire to crenate or erose; pollinaria 2; pollinia 2; viscidia within single 2-lobed bursicle; stigma flat, narrowly reniform to obcordate, ends flanking bursicle. Fruits capsules.


North America.


Species 1.

Selected References


... more about "Amerorchis"
Charles J. Sheviak +  and Paul M. Catling +
Hultén +
Round-leaved orchis +, amérorchis +  and Amérorchis à feuille ronde +
North America. +
America plus orchis, from the American distribution of this close relative of Eurasian Orchis +
Ark. Bot., n. s. +
Amerorchis +
Orchidaceae - tribe Orchideae subtribe Orchidinae +