

Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 391. 1762.

Common names: Dwarf morning glory
Etymology: Latin evolvo, not twisting, alluding to nontwining habit, as contrasted with Convolvulus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.
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Annuals, perennials, or subshrubs. Stems ascending, decumbent, erect, procumbent, or prostrate, glabrous, glabrate, or hairy. Leaves: sessile or subsessile; blade elliptic, lanceolate, linear, oblanceolate, oblong, orbiculate, or ovate, 2–35 mm, surfaces glabrate, glabrous, or hairy. Inflorescences 2 or 3+-flowered cymes or flowers solitary. Flowers: sepals lance-linear, lanceolate, lanceolate-ovate, oblong, or ovate, 2–6 mm; corolla usually blue, lavender, purple, or white, rarely violet, campanulate, funnelform, or rotate, 3–15+ mm, limb 5-angled or -lobed to subentire, 5–12(–22) mm diam.; styles 2, distinct or basally connate, each 2-fid 1/2+ length; stigma lobes 4, filiform to subclavate. Fruits capsular, globose to ovoid, dehiscence circumscissle or valvate. Seeds 1–4, complanate to ± globose, glabrous, surfaces smooth or verrucose. x = 13.


North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, introduced in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia.


Species ca. 100 (7 in the flora).

A record of Evolvulus nummularius (Linnaeus) Linnaeus for Florida is based on Rugel 108 (US), which is probably from Cuba (D. B. Ward 1968b).

Selected References



1 Peduncles plus pedicels filiform, (8–)12–50+ mm. > 2
2 Herbage glabrous or sparsely hairy and glabrescent, hairs appressed; stems usually procumbent or prostrate, sometimes decumbent. Evolvulus convolvuloides
2 Herbage usually hairy, hairs ± appressed to spreading, sometimes tomentose; stems usually ascending, decumbent, or erect, rarely procumbent. > 3
3 Leaf blades lanceolate, lance-linear, or linear; sepals lanceolate to lance-linear, 3–3.5 mm, abaxially pilose to tomentose; corolla limbs (10–)12–22 mm diam. Evolvulus arizonicus
3 Leaf blades elliptic, lanceolate, oblong, or ovate; sepals lanceolate, 2–2.5 mm, abaxially glabrous or pilose; corolla limbs (5–)7–10 mm diam. Evolvulus alsinoides
1 Peduncles plus pedicels stout, 0–2(–5+) mm. > 4
4 Leaves distichous. > 5
5 Stems decumbent to prostrate; leaf blades usually ovate to broadly ovate, sometimes suborbiculate, 5–8(–10) × 4–7 mm. Evolvulus grisebachii
5 Stems ascending or procumbent; leaf blades elliptic, lanceolate, oblong, or ovate, 4–25 × 2–10 mm. Evolvulus sericeus
4 Leaves pentastichous. > 6
6 Internodes usually 4+ mm; leaf blades elliptic to linear; outer sepals ovate, 3–4 mm; rhizomatous perennial. Evolvulus arenarius
6 Internodes rarely 4+ mm; leaf blades usually elliptic, sometimes linear-oblong or narrowly lanceolate to oblanceolate, rarely oblong; outer sepals lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 4–5 mm; subshrub. Evolvulus nuttallianus
... more about "Evolvulus"
Daniel F. Austin† +
Linnaeus +
Dwarf morning glory +
North America +, Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +, South America +, introduced in Europe +, Africa +, Asia +  and Australia. +
Latin evolvo, not twisting, alluding to nontwining habit, as contrasted with Convolvulus +
Sp. Pl. ed. +
Evolvulus +
Convolvulaceae +