Chamaesaracha villosa


Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 4: 368. 1896.

Common names: Trans-Pecos five eyes
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.
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Stems decumbent, pale green, (1.5–)2–5 dm. Herbage villous, hairs mostly elongate, frequently 1-branched at tip, eglandular. Leaves: petiole to 1/4 total leaf length; blade ovate to broadly rhombic, 4–6 × 1.5–3.5 cm, length 2–2.5 times width, mar­gins crenate or entire. Inflo­res­cences 1–5-flowered. Flowers: calyx 5–7 mm, densely pubescent, hairs mostly relatively long; corolla 5–15 mm diam. Berries 8–10 mm diam. 2n = 24.

Phenology: Flowering Mar–Oct (mostly late spring–early summer, depending on rain).
Habitat: Deserts, dry grasslands, roadsides, dry desert washes.
Elevation: 400–1300 m.


Tex., Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango).


Chamaesaracha villosa occurs within 30–40 miles of the Rio Grande River in Trans-Pecos Texas and adjacent Mexico. It is robust and villous, with branching stems forming mounds 1 m across; it is most similar to C. crenata, with which it is easily confused. The prin­ci­pal characters to distinguish the two species are leaf shape and vestiture. The similarities and differences were discussed by J. E. Averett (2010).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Chamaesaracha villosa"
John E. Averett† +
Rydberg +
Saracha +
Trans-Pecos five eyes +
Tex. +, Mexico (Chihuahua +, Coahuila +  and Durango). +
400–1300 m. +
Deserts, dry grasslands, roadsides, dry desert washes. +
Flowering Mar–Oct (mostly late spring–early summer, depending on rain). +
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club +
Chamaesaracha villosa +
Chamaesaracha +
species +