Sp. Pl. 2: 741. 1753.
Shrubs, heavily armed. Stems erect, extensively branched from base, striate, shoots modified to thorns, 1–3 cm, new growth glaucous, older stems hirsute to tomentose, hairs gray to red-brown. Leaves persistent, alternate, unifoliolate or odd-pinnate (3-foliolate in seedlings), leaflets gradually reduced to phyllodes; stipules absent; petiolate; phyllodes spinelike, surfaces pubescent. Inflorescences 1–5-flowered, axillary, usually clusters, rarely short racemes; bracts absent; bracteoles 2, immediately subtending calyx. Flowers papilionaceous; calyx bilabiate, lobes 5, abaxial lip 3-lobed, adaxial lip 2-lobed; corolla yellow; stamens 10, monadelphous; anthers dorsifixed; ovary sessile; style incurved, glabrous. Fruits legumes, partly enclosed by calyx, pedicellate, slightly compressed, ovoid, oblong, or linear, dehiscent, densely villous. Seeds 1–6, reniform. x = 16.
Introduced; w Europe, n Africa, introduced also in South America, c, n Europe, Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands (Hawaii, New Zealand), Australia.
Species ca. 20 (1 in the flora).
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