Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium
Cat. Pl. New Bern 30. 1837.
Common names: Pondcypress
Basionym: Cupressus disticha var. imbricaria Nuttall Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2: 224. 1818
Synonyms: Taxodium ascendens
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 2.
Trees to ca. 30 m; trunk to 2 m diam. Bark brown to light gray, typically somewhat thicker and more deeply furrowed than that of other varieties. Branchlets with leaves not in 2 ranks, mostly ascending vertically. Leaves ca. 3–10 mm, appressed and overlapping, mostly narrowly lanceolate, free portion not contracted or twisted basally. 2n = 22.
Habitat: Blackwater rivers, lake margins, swamps, Carolina Bay lakes, pocosins, and wet, poorly drained, pine flatwoods
Elevation: 0–100 m
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Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C.
The name Taxodium distichum (Linnaeus) Richard var. nutans (Aiton) Sweet has been misapplied to this taxon; the type of this name belongs to var. distichum (F. D. Watson 1985).
Selected References
Lower Taxa