Oxytropis borealis

de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle

Prodr. 2: 275. 1825.

Common names: Boreal locoweed oxytrope boréal
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Plants cespitose, appearing acaulescent, 4–30 cm, glandular-viscid, especially stipules and calyces, herbage spreading-hairy. Leaves 1–25 cm; stipules membranous, light tan or gray­ish, 8–21 mm, often with debris adhering, usually prominently glandular, pilose or glabrous abaxially, margins ciliate; leaflets 17–39+, blades oblong to lanceolate or elliptic, 1.5–22 × 1–6 mm, apex acute or obtuse, surfaces pilose or glabrous, often glandular. Peduncles 1–27 cm, axis 0.5–19 cm in fruit, hirsute, pilose, or villous-pilose, hairs spreading; bract lanceolate to lanceolate-linear, shorter than or surpassing calyx, glandular or glabrous, margins ciliate. Racemes 3–19+-flowered, dense or nearly capitate. Calyces cylindric to shortly so, villous, hairs black and white; tube 4–7 mm, lobes 1–5(–8) mm, usually glandular. Corollas whitish, yellowish, ochroleucous, lilac, purple, bluish, or pink-purple, keel tip maculate or not, (9–)11–18(–21) mm. Legumes mostly erect, sessile, ovoid to subcylindric, 8–21(–30) × 4–7 mm, bilocular or incom­pletely so, glandular, strigose to pilose.


North America, Asia.


Varieties 5 (5 in the flora).

Considerable confusion has existed over typification of Oxytropis borealis (S. L. Welsh 1990). The relation­ships of this species with several Eurasian taxa in sect. Gloeocephala Bunge are not well understood (R. C. Barneby 1952b).

Selected References



1 Racemes subcapitate or nearly so, 5–10-flowered; wing petal blades dilated distally to 3.5–5 mm; leaflets (17 or)19–27(–37). Oxytropis borealis var. borealis
1 Racemes elongate, or subcapitate and elongating in fruit; wing petal blades not especially dilated distally, 2–3 mm, or if wider, then inflorescence not subcapitate; leaflets 17–39+. > 2
2 Peduncles 2.5–7 cm; calyx lobes 1–1.5 mm, not or obscurely tuberculate. Oxytropis borealis var. hudsonica
2 Peduncles (1–)4–27 cm; calyx lobes 1–4(–4.5) mm, prominently tuberculate. > 3
3 Corollas white or bluish, keel tips maculate; inflorescence axis often (2–)3–15 cm in fruit; se continental Alaska, n British Columbia, s Yukon. Oxytropis borealis var. sulphurea
3 Corollas white, ochroleucous, pink-purple, lilac, or yellowish, keel tips maculate or not; inflorescence axis often (1.5–)4–19 cm in fruit; Alaska to n, nc United States. > 4
4 Corollas pink-purple, lilac, whitish, or yellow; leaflet blades not thick or stiff; plants glandular. Oxytropis borealis var. viscida
4 Corollas usually white or ochroleucous, rarely fading bluish; leaflet blades thick and stiff; plants markedly viscid. Oxytropis borealis var. australis
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Stanley L. Welsh +
de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle +
Boreal locoweed +  and oxytrope boréal +
North America +  and Asia. +
Papilionoideae de +
Oxytropis borealis +
Oxytropis +
species +