

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 4: 20. 1848.

Common names: Copper-weed
Etymology: Greek oxytenes, acuminate, “in allusion to the rigid narrow foliage”
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 29. Mentioned on page 9, 25.

Subshrubs or shrubs, 50–200 cm. Stems erect, virgately branched. Leaves cauline; alternate; petiolate or ± sessile; blades mostly pinnately lobed (lobes 3–7+, linear to filiform), distal (not lobed) linear to filiform, faces usually sericeous to strigillose, sometimes glabrate or glabrous, usually gland-dotted. Heads disciform, in (ebracteate or nearly so) paniculiform arrays, or borne singly or in glomerules of 1–5+. Involucres ± hemispheric, 4–5+ mm diam. Phyllaries persistent, 10–15+ in 2–3 series, distinct, outer 5–7 herbaceous, inner scarious to membranous (± villous). Receptacles convex; paleae spatulate to cuneiform, membranous, distally ± villous. Pistillate florets 5; corollas 0. Functionally staminate florets 10–25+; corollas whitish, funnelform, lobes 5, erect (filaments connate, anthers distinct or weakly coherent). Cypselae plumply obovoid, obcompressed or weakly 3–4-angled, smooth, ± villous, little, if at all, gland-dotted; pappi 0. x = 18.


w United States.


Species 1.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Oxytenia"
John L. Strother +
Nuttall +
Copper-weed +
w United States. +
Greek oxytenes, acuminate, “in allusion to the rigid narrow foliage” +
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia +
Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Ambrosieae +  and Undefined - tribe Undefined subtribe Iveae +
Oxytenia +
Asteraceae - tribe Heliantheae subtribe Ambrosiinae +