


Man. S.E. Fl., 936, 1506, fig. [p. 937]. 1933.

Common names: Stopper
Etymology: For Charles A. Mosier, 1871–1936, first superintendent of Royal Palm State Park, Florida’s first state park (now Everglades National Park)
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10.

Shrubs or trees, glabrous or pubescent, hairs simple. Leaves usually subopposite or whorled, sometimes decussate; blade venation brochidodromous [hyphodromous]. Inflorescences 1- or 3(–5)-flowered, axillary, often solitary flowers, sometimes dichasia or racemes with 1–3(–5) decussate pairs of flowers. Flowers 4-merous, sessile or pedicellate; hypanthium obconic to campanulate; calyx lobes distinct in bud, usually erect in fruit; petals white; stamens [30–]76–120[–250]; connective usually with 1 terminal oil gland; ovary [1 or]2–4-locular; placen­tation axile [to parietal], placenta not prominent; ovules [3–]9–40 per locule. Fruits berries, dark purple, red, or black, ellipsoid to globose. Seeds 2–27, subreniform; seed coat smooth or leathery, surface cells isodiametric and not overlapping; embryo whitish, C-shaped, oily; cotyledons linear, reflexed, less than 1/4 length of embryo; hypocotyl as wide as or wider than cotyledons.


Florida, Mexico, West Indies, Central America (Guatemala).


Species ca. 20 (1 in the flora).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Mosiera"
Andrew Salywon +
Stopper +
Florida +, Mexico +, West Indies +  and Central America - Guatemala. +
For Charles A. Mosier, 1871–1936, first superintendent of Royal Palm State Park, Florida’s first state park - now Everglades National Park +
Man. S.E. Fl., +
Mosiera +
Myrtaceae +