Metastelma bahamense


Cat. Pl. Cub. 174. 1866.

Common names: Fragrant swallow-wort
Synonyms: Cynanchum northropiae (Schlechter) Alain Epicion northropiae (Schlechter) Small Metastelma northropiae Schlechter
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Stems herbaceous, glabrate, sparsely puberulent in 1 line on new growth. Leaves: 1 stipular colleter on each side of petiole and 1–3 additional interpetiolar colleters; petiole 3–5 mm, glabrous or sparsely puberulent; blade lanceolate to ovate, 15–40 × 7–15 mm, chartaceous, venation faintly pinnate, base rounded, with 2 laminar colleters, margins planar, apex acute, mucronulate, surfaces glabrous, midvein adaxially or margins sometimes remotely puberulent. Inflorescences racemiform, 4–10-flowered; peduncle 2–6 mm, glabrous or sparsely puberulent. Pedicels 2–5 mm, sparsely puberulent. Flowers: calyx lobes lan­ceolate to ovate, apices obtuse to acute, 0.5–1.5 mm, margins scarious, sparsely puberulent at base to glabrate, margins sometimes remotely ciliate, colleters apparently absent; corolla green abaxially, white adax­ially, campanulate, tube 1.5 mm, lobes erect with spread­ing tips, opening not obscured, oblong, 2–3 mm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially densely short-puberulent marginally and apically with opaque, matted, flattened hairs, acicular hairs absent; corona segments united to base of anthers, laminar, subulate, 1–1.5 mm, slightly longer than gynostegium; gynostegial column 1.5–2 mm; style apex planar. Follicles dark brown, 5–6 × 0.4–0.7 cm, apically acuminate, glabrous. Seeds 10–16, brown, flat to somewhat navicular, 5–6 × 2–3 mm, broadly winged, smooth; coma white, 2–2.5 cm.

Phenology: Flowering nearly year-round; fruiting Nov–Feb, May.
Habitat: Beaches, sand ridges, edges of mangroves, limestone, scrub, pine woods, cactus hammocks.
Elevation: 0 m.


Fla., West Indies (Bahamas, Cuba).


Metastelma bahamense has been treated in the flora area most commonly as Cynanchum northropieae. However, the type of M. northropiae appears to be con­specific with M. bahamense (as evident by the anno­tations of R. Mangelsdorff). In Florida, Metastelma bahamense is restricted to just four counties: Brevard, Indian River, Miami-Dade, and Monroe.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Metastelma bahamense"
Mark Fishbein +
Grisebach +
Fragrant swallow-wort +
Fla. +, West Indies (Bahamas +  and Cuba). +
Beaches, sand ridges, edges of mangroves, limestone, scrub, pine woods, cactus hammocks. +
Flowering nearly year-round +  and fruiting Nov–Feb, May. +
Cat. Pl. Cub. +
Cynanchum northropiae +, Epicion northropiae +  and Metastelma northropiae +
Metastelma bahamense +
Metastelma +
species +