Astragalus wootonii

E. Sheldon

Minnesota Bot. Stud. 1: 138. 1894. (as wootoni)

Common names: Wooton’s milkvetch
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

D. Isely (1983) regarded the widespread Astragalus wootonii as intergradient with A. allochrous, and the two are sympatric over much of the range of the latter. He placed A. wootonii into A. allochrous as var. playanus. The proposal has merit but merely moves the resolution of the problem of distinction to another level. The plants contain swainsonine and are potentially poisonous to livestock (L. F. James and S. L. Welsh 1992).


sw United States, n Mexico.


Varieties 2 (1 in the flora).

Variety candollianus (Kunth) Barneby is disjunct in Mexico.

Selected References
