Astragalus sect. Atrati

M. E. Jones

Rev. N.-Amer. Astragalus, 179. 1923.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Herbs perennial, caulescent or subacaulescent; caudex superficial or aerial. Hairs basifixed. Stems several to many. Stipules distinct or connate. Leaves odd-pinnate, petiolate; leaflets 7–15(–19), terminal leaflet jointed to or confluent with rachis. Racemes loosely flowered, flowers nodding or horizontal. Calyx tubes campanulate. Corollas whitish or lilac-tinged, or lurid, banner recurved through 90°, keel apex rounded or sharply deltate. Legumes ultimately deciduous, subsessile or stipitate, pendulous (sometimes humistrate), linear-oblong or oblong-ellipsoid, decurved or straight, compressed dorsiventrally or laterally, unilocular or bilocular. Seeds 10–29.


w United States.


Species 2 (2 in the flora).

Section Atrati is known from the Columbia and Great basins, from northeastern Oregon to southwestern Idaho, central Nevada, and southeastern California.

Selected References
