Astragalus panamintensis
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 4: 87. 1893.
Plants 5–18 cm, silvery-canescent; from branched caudex, branches intricate, usually with sparse thatch of marcescent petioles. Stems erect or ascending, internodes elongate or not, usually white-strigulose. Leaves (1.5–)2–12 cm; stipules 1–3(–4) mm, herbaceous becoming papery; leaflet blades linear-elliptic or subulate, 2–12(–14) mm, apex acute and apiculate, surfaces silvery-canescent. Peduncles ascending, (0.5–)1–6(–8) cm. Racemes 1–4(–6)-flowered; axis (0–)1.5–3.5 cm in fruit; bracts 0.8–2 mm; bracteoles 0. Pedicels 1–2.5 mm. Flowers 8.2–14 mm; calyx 4.6–8.5 mm, strigulose, tube (2.7–)3–4.6 mm, lobes lanceolate- to linear-subulate, 1.5–4.4 mm; corolla pink-purple, banner with white in middle, wing tips white, keel maculate; keel 6.6–8.7 mm. Legumes pale green and purple spotted becoming stramineous, slightly decurved or ± straight, bluntly 3-sided compressed, 8–18 × (2.3–)3.4–4.7 mm, thin becoming papery, densely strigulose.
Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jun.
Habitat: Forming mats on ledges and crevices in limestone outcrops and talus, less commonly in canyon bottoms.
Elevation: (1000–)1200–2200 m.
Astragalus panamintensis is restricted to the mountains of Inyo County. The leaflets appear to be early deciduous, falling more or less synchronously with the fruits.
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