Astragalus moencoppensis

Common names: Moenkopi milkvetch
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Plants slender, clump-forming, 9–60 cm, strigulose, hairs basi­fixed; from superficial or slightly subterranean branched caudex. Stems erect or ascending, usually shorter than longest peduncles, sparsely strigulose. Leaves 4–17 cm; stipules connate-sheathing at proximal nodes, connate or distinct at distal nodes, 1.5–7 mm, scarious; leaflets 5–15, blades filiform to linear or narrowly elliptic, 2–23 mm, apex acute to obtuse, surfaces strigose abaxially, glabrous adaxially; terminal leaflet sometimes decurrent distally, not jointed to rachis. Peduncles erect, 4–25 cm, together with racemes longer than stems, much surpassing subtending leaves. Racemes 6–34-flowered; axis 3–25 cm in fruit; bracts 1.5–3.5 mm; bracteoles 0 or 1. Pedicels 0.3–2 mm. Flowers 7–11 mm; calyx campanulate, 5–7.5 mm, white-pilose, tube 3–4 mm, lobes lanceolate-subulate, 1.8–3.5 mm; corolla marcescent, pink-purple; banner recurved through 45°; keel 5.7–7 mm. Legumes ascending-spreading, stramin­eous, slightly incurved, ovoid to ellipsoid, obcompressed, 5.5–8 × 2.3–3.4 mm, thinly fleshy becoming papery, strigulose. Seeds 4–6.

Phenology: Flowering May–Jul.
Habitat: Salt desert shrub, mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper communities, usually in saline, silty or clay, seleniferous soils.
Elevation: 1300–2200 m.


Astragalus moencoppensis is marked by its greenish, semijunceous appearance and slender racemes bearing small flowers with villous calyces that, along with the mar­cescent petals, largely enclose the small fruits. It is a selenium indicator restricted to southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Astragalus moencoppensis"
Stanley L. Welsh +
A. Gray +
Moenkopi milkvetch +
Ariz. +  and Utah. +
1300–2200 m. +
Salt desert shrub, mixed desert shrub, pinyon-juniper communities, usually in saline, silty or clay, seleniferous soils. +
Flowering May–Jul. +
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts +
Papilionoideae de +
Astragalus moencoppensis +
Astragalus sect. Ocreati +
species +