Astragalus lemmonii

A. Gray

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 626. 1873. (as lemmoni)

Common names: Lemmon’s milkvetch
IllustratedEndemicConservation concern
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 11.

Plants delicate, 10–40(–50) cm, villous-tomentose; from super­ficial caudex; taproot woody. Stems prostrate, usually villous-tomentose, sometimes glabrous. Leaves (1–)1.5–4.5 cm; stipules distinct, 2–5 mm, submem­branous becoming scarious; leaflets (7 or)9–15, blades flat or loosely folded, narrowly elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, 2–11 mm, apex obtuse to subacute, surfaces strigulose abaxially, strigulose, glabrous, or glabrate adaxially. Peduncles ascending, 0.6–1.7 cm, sometimes 2 or 3 per node. Racemes (2–)5–13-flowered, subcapitate, flowers loosely ascending; axis 0.2–1 cm per fruit; bracts 0.8–2 mm; bracteoles 0. Pedicels 0.7–2.5 mm. Flowers 4.8–6.1 mm; calyx campanulate, 3–3.9 mm, strigulose, tube 1.7–2.2 mm, lobes subulate, 1.1–1.7 mm; corolla whit­ish, sometimes tinged lilac, banner veins purple; banner recurved through 45–85°; keel 3.4–4 mm, apex triangu­lar, obtuse, somewhat beaklike. Legumes spreading or somewhat declined, stramineous or brownish, straight or somewhat incurved, ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, 3-sided compressed, grooved dorsally, lateral faces flat, 4–7 × 1.5–2.5 mm, thin becoming papery, strigulose. Seeds 4–8.

Phenology: Flowering late May–Aug.
Habitat: Meadows and rushy flats along stream and lakeshores.
Elevation: 1200–2900 m.


Astragalus lemmonii is one of a small number of North American astragali to occupy truly mesic com­munities, those that are at least seasonally moist. The typically two or three small, shortly pedunculate racemes borne per node is diagnostic for this species. It occurs from central Oregon to northeastern and east-central California and western Washoe County in Nevada.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Astragalus lemmonii"
Stanley L. Welsh +
A. Gray +
Lemmon’s milkvetch +
Calif. +, Nev. +  and Oreg. +
1200–2900 m. +
Meadows and rushy flats along stream and lakeshores. +
Flowering late May–Aug. +
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts +
Illustrated +, Endemic +  and Conservation concern +
Papilionoideae de +
Astragalus lemmonii +
Astragalus sect. Chaetodontes +
species +