Astragalus geyeri
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 6: 214. 1864.
Plants annual or biennial, (3–)6–27(–30) cm, strigulose; from superficial root-crown; taproot slender. Stems single or to 3, prostrate to ascending or erect, strigulose. Leaves (1.5–)2–10.5(–12) cm; stipules distinct, 1.5–4 mm, thinly herbaceous or submembranous; leaflets (3–)7–13, blades linear, linear-oblong, oblanceolate, or linear-elliptic, rarely obcordate, 3–18 mm, apex obtuse to retuse, surfaces strigose abaxially, strigose or glabrous adaxially. Peduncles incurved-ascending, 0.6–2.5 cm. Racemes 2–8-flowered, flowers ascending; axis 0.3–1.5 cm in fruit; bracts 0.7–2 mm; bracteoles 0–2. Pedicels 0.6–1.5 mm. Flowers 5–7.6 mm; calyx campanulate, (2–)2.7–3.8(–4) mm, strigose, tube 1.5–2.5 mm, lobes subulate to lanceolate, 0.6–1.5 mm; corolla whitish, suffused with purple, or pink-purple; banner recurved through 45°; keel 3.8–4.8 mm, apex obtuse, deltate. Legumes spreading to declined, green or suffused purple, becoming stramineous, straight or slightly incurved, obliquely ovoid, bladdery-inflated, 15–24 × 6–12 mm, unilocular or semibilocular, thin becoming papery, strigose, hairs straight, appressed; seed-bearing flange 0.2–1.5 mm wide. Seeds 7–18.
w United States.
Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).
The drab flowers and inflated fruits of Astragalus geyeri are mostly tucked among the leaves. Of all the species of sect. Inflati, A. geyeri has the largest geographic range.
Selected References
1 | Legume not inflexed, unilocular, sutures rounded dorsally; leaflet blades usually linear-oblong, narrowly oblanceolate, or linear-elliptic, rarely obcordate; Washington and Montana southward to California and Colorado but not nw Arizona or adjoining s Nevada. | Astragalus geyeri var. geyeri |
1 | Legume inflexed, semibilocular, sutures sulcate dorsally; leaflet blades broadly oblanceolate or elliptic; nw Arizona, adjoining s Nevada. | Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrus |