Difference between revisions of "Template:Chenopodiaceae"

FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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<noinclude>This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Chenopodiaceae family
<noinclude>This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Chenopodiaceae family
   It defines the following properties:
   It defines the following properties:
* [[Property:2n chromosome count]]
* [[Property:undefined]]
* [[Property:abaxial surface pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:achene architecture]]
* [[Property:achene architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:achene count]]
* [[Property:achene dehiscence]]
* [[Property:achene diameter]]
* [[Property:achene length]]
* [[Property:achene orientation]]
* [[Property:achene prominence]]
* [[Property:achene shape]]
* [[Property:achene some measurement]]
* [[Property:achene texture]]
* [[Property:achene width]]
* [[Property:adaxial surface atypical length]]
* [[Property:adaxial surface length]]
* [[Property:adaxial surface position]]
* [[Property:adaxial surface prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:adaxial surface width]]
* [[Property:age architecture]]
* [[Property:age coloration]]
* [[Property:age fusion]]
* [[Property:age position]]
* [[Property:age pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:age size or width]]
* [[Property:age width]]
* [[Property:annual growth form]]
* [[Property:anther architecture]]
* [[Property:anther atypical count]]
* [[Property:anther atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:anther coloration]]
* [[Property:anther count]]
* [[Property:anther dehiscence]]
* [[Property:anther duration]]
* [[Property:anther orientation]]
* [[Property:anther position]]
* [[Property:anther shape]]
* [[Property:anther some measurement]]
* [[Property:apex architecture]]
* [[Property:apex architecture or pubescence]]
* [[Property:apex architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:apex architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:apex arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:apex atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:apex coloration]]
* [[Property:apex count]]
* [[Property:apex fragility]]
* [[Property:apex fusion]]
* [[Property:apex length]]
* [[Property:apex les width]]
* [[Property:apex life cycle]]
* [[Property:apex orientation]]
* [[Property:apex position or shape]]
* [[Property:apex pubescence]]
* [[Property:apex pubescence or shape]]
* [[Property:apex pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:apex reflectance]]
* [[Property:apex relief]]
* [[Property:apex shape]]
* [[Property:apex size]]
* [[Property:apex some measurement]]
* [[Property:apex texture]]
* [[Property:apex width]]
* [[Property:apical lobe shape]]
* [[Property:apical tip fusion]]
* [[Property:apical tip shape]]
* [[Property:apical tip size]]
* [[Property:apical tip some measurement]]
* [[Property:apical tip texture]]
* [[Property:apical tooth architecture]]
* [[Property:apical tooth count]]
* [[Property:apical tooth position]]
* [[Property:apical tooth size]]
* [[Property:apical tooth some measurement]]
* [[Property:appendage architecture]]
* [[Property:appendage architecture or course]]
* [[Property:appendage architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:appendage count]]
* [[Property:appendage duration]]
* [[Property:appendage height or length or size]]
* [[Property:appendage life cycle]]
* [[Property:appendage position]]
* [[Property:appendage pubescence]]
* [[Property:appendage relief]]
* [[Property:appendage shape]]
* [[Property:appendage size or width]]
* [[Property:appendage some measurement]]
* [[Property:appendage texture]]
* [[Property:area coloration]]
* [[Property:articulation atypical length]]
* [[Property:articulation length]]
* [[Property:articulation width]]
* [[Property:author]]
* [[Property:author]]
* [[Property:authority]]
* [[Property:authority]]
* [[Property:axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary bracteole shape]]
* [[Property:axillary bracteole some measurement]]
* [[Property:axillary bud count]]
* [[Property:axillary bud prominence]]
* [[Property:axillary bud shape]]
* [[Property:axillary cluster architecture]]
* [[Property:axillary cluster density]]
* [[Property:axillary cluster sexes]]
* [[Property:axillary cluster size]]
* [[Property:axillary count]]
* [[Property:axillary cyme architecture]]
* [[Property:axillary cyme architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:axillary cyme arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary cyme count]]
* [[Property:axillary cyme density]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule architecture]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule coloration]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule density]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule position]]
* [[Property:axillary glomerule size]]
* [[Property:axillary panicle arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary spike arrangement]]
* [[Property:axillary spike height or length or size]]
* [[Property:axillary spike size]]
* [[Property:axis course]]
* [[Property:axis orientation]]
* [[Property:ball duration]]
* [[Property:ball shape]]
* [[Property:bark coating]]
* [[Property:bark coloration]]
* [[Property:bark fragility]]
* [[Property:bark life cycle]]
* [[Property:bark odor]]
* [[Property:basal branch arrangement]]
* [[Property:basal branch fragility]]
* [[Property:basal branch orientation]]
* [[Property:basal branch texture]]
* [[Property:basal leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:basal leaf-blade atypical length]]
* [[Property:basal leaf-blade atypical width]]
* [[Property:basal leaf-blade length]]
* [[Property:basal leaf-blade width]]
* [[Property:basal lobe arrangement]]
* [[Property:basal lobe count]]
* [[Property:basal lobe height or length or size]]
* [[Property:basal lobe orientation]]
* [[Property:basal lobe shape]]
* [[Property:basal lobe size]]
* [[Property:basal tooth count]]
* [[Property:basal tooth shape]]
* [[Property:base architecture]]
* [[Property:base architecture or coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:base architecture or fixation]]
* [[Property:base architecture or pubescence]]
* [[Property:base architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:base arrangement]]
* [[Property:base atypical length]]
* [[Property:base atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:base atypical width]]
* [[Property:base coloration]]
* [[Property:base diam]]
* [[Property:base duration]]
* [[Property:base fusion]]
* [[Property:base height or length or size]]
* [[Property:base length]]
* [[Property:base life cycle]]
* [[Property:base location]]
* [[Property:base orientation]]
* [[Property:base position]]
* [[Property:base pubescence]]
* [[Property:base relief]]
* [[Property:base shape]]
* [[Property:base size]]
* [[Property:base size or width]]
* [[Property:base some measurement]]
* [[Property:base texture]]
* [[Property:base variability]]
* [[Property:base width]]
* [[Property:basionyms]]
* [[Property:basionyms]]
* [[Property:beyond middle architecture]]
* [[Property:beyond middle shape]]
* [[Property:bladder coloration]]
* [[Property:blade architecture]]
* [[Property:blade architecture or fixation]]
* [[Property:blade architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:blade arrangement]]
* [[Property:blade arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:blade arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:blade atypical count]]
* [[Property:blade atypical length]]
* [[Property:blade atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:blade atypical width]]
* [[Property:blade coloration]]
* [[Property:blade count]]
* [[Property:blade course or shape]]
* [[Property:blade l w ratio]]
* [[Property:blade length]]
* [[Property:blade orientation]]
* [[Property:blade position]]
* [[Property:blade prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:blade pubescence]]
* [[Property:blade shape]]
* [[Property:blade shape or architecture]]
* [[Property:blade shape or vernation]]
* [[Property:blade size]]
* [[Property:blade size or width]]
* [[Property:blade some measurement]]
* [[Property:blade texture]]
* [[Property:blade thickness]]
* [[Property:blade variability]]
* [[Property:blade width]]
* [[Property:body architecture]]
* [[Property:body architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:body arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:body atypical length]]
* [[Property:body atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:body atypical width]]
* [[Property:body count]]
* [[Property:body fusion]]
* [[Property:body growth form]]
* [[Property:body length]]
* [[Property:body shape]]
* [[Property:body size]]
* [[Property:body some measurement]]
* [[Property:body texture]]
* [[Property:body thickness]]
* [[Property:body width]]
* [[Property:bract apex shape]]
* [[Property:bract architecture]]
* [[Property:bract architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:bract arrangement]]
* [[Property:bract arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:bract arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:bract atypical length]]
* [[Property:bract atypical width]]
* [[Property:bract coloration]]
* [[Property:bract count]]
* [[Property:bract duration]]
* [[Property:bract fixation or orientation]]
* [[Property:bract fusion]]
* [[Property:bract height or length or size]]
* [[Property:bract length]]
* [[Property:bract length or size]]
* [[Property:bract orientation]]
* [[Property:bract position]]
* [[Property:bract pubescence]]
* [[Property:bract shape]]
* [[Property:bract size]]
* [[Property:bract some measurement]]
* [[Property:bract texture]]
* [[Property:bract variability]]
* [[Property:bract width]]
* [[Property:bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:bract-axil count]]
* [[Property:bracteole architecture]]
* [[Property:bracteole arrangement]]
* [[Property:bracteole atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:bracteole coloration]]
* [[Property:bracteole count]]
* [[Property:bracteole duration]]
* [[Property:bracteole fusion]]
* [[Property:bracteole growth form]]
* [[Property:bracteole height or length or size]]
* [[Property:bracteole length]]
* [[Property:bracteole orientation]]
* [[Property:bracteole position]]
* [[Property:bracteole position relational]]
* [[Property:bracteole prominence]]
* [[Property:bracteole shape]]
* [[Property:bracteole size]]
* [[Property:bracteole some measurement]]
* [[Property:bracteole texture]]
* [[Property:bracteole width]]
* [[Property:bractlet count]]
* [[Property:bractlet fusion]]
* [[Property:bractlet pubescence]]
* [[Property:bractlet shape]]
* [[Property:branch architecture]]
* [[Property:branch architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:branch arrangement]]
* [[Property:branch atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:branch coloration]]
* [[Property:branch coloration or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:branch count]]
* [[Property:branch course]]
* [[Property:branch course or shape]]
* [[Property:branch diameter]]
* [[Property:branch fragility]]
* [[Property:branch fragility or size]]
* [[Property:branch growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:branch growth form or texture]]
* [[Property:branch height or length or size]]
* [[Property:branch length]]
* [[Property:branch length or size]]
* [[Property:branch life cycle]]
* [[Property:branch orientation]]
* [[Property:branch position]]
* [[Property:branch pubescence]]
* [[Property:branch reproduction]]
* [[Property:branch shape]]
* [[Property:branch size]]
* [[Property:branch some measurement]]
* [[Property:branch texture]]
* [[Property:branch width]]
* [[Property:branchlet architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:branchlet fusion]]
* [[Property:branchlet height or length or size]]
* [[Property:branchlet orientation]]
* [[Property:branchlet pubescence]]
* [[Property:branchlet shape]]
* [[Property:branchlet size]]
* [[Property:branchlet some measurement]]
* [[Property:branchlet texture]]
* [[Property:bristle duration]]
* [[Property:bristle fragility]]
* [[Property:bristle pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:calyx architecture]]
* [[Property:calyx architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:calyx duration]]
* [[Property:calyx lobe shape]]
* [[Property:calyx shape]]
* [[Property:cauline leaf size]]
* [[Property:central flap arrangement]]
* [[Property:central flap duration]]
* [[Property:central flower arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:central flower length]]
* [[Property:central flower length or size]]
* [[Property:central flower reproduction]]
* [[Property:central flower shape]]
* [[Property:central flower size]]
* [[Property:central flower width]]
* [[Property:central internodal tissue arrangement]]
* [[Property:central internodal tissue duration]]
* [[Property:central tooth position]]
* [[Property:central tooth relief]]
* [[Property:central tooth shape]]
* [[Property:central tooth size]]
* [[Property:central tooth some measurement]]
* [[Property:central tooth width]]
* [[Property:claw some measurement]]
* [[Property:clump position]]
* [[Property:clump shape]]
* [[Property:clump width]]
* [[Property:common name]]
* [[Property:common name]]
* [[Property:consistency architecture]]
* [[Property:consistency fusion]]
* [[Property:consistency shape]]
* [[Property:consistency some measurement]]
* [[Property:consistency texture]]
* [[Property:crest architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:crest count]]
* [[Property:crest shape]]
* [[Property:crest texture]]
* [[Property:cross-section coloration]]
* [[Property:cyme architecture]]
* [[Property:cyme arrangement]]
* [[Property:cyme count]]
* [[Property:cyme position]]
* [[Property:cyme shape]]
* [[Property:distal appendage shape]]
* [[Property:distal axil architecture]]
* [[Property:distal axil count]]
* [[Property:distal blade architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:distal blade shape]]
* [[Property:distal blade width]]
* [[Property:distal bract atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:distal bract count]]
* [[Property:distal bract height or length or size]]
* [[Property:distal bract size]]
* [[Property:distal bract some measurement]]
* [[Property:distal bract width]]
* [[Property:distal branch count or density]]
* [[Property:distal branch orientation]]
* [[Property:distal cauline leaf architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:distal cauline leaf shape]]
* [[Property:distal extension prominence]]
* [[Property:distal extension shape]]
* [[Property:distal leaf architecture]]
* [[Property:distal leaf architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:distal leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:distal leaf atypical length]]
* [[Property:distal leaf coloration]]
* [[Property:distal leaf length]]
* [[Property:distal leaf shape]]
* [[Property:distal leaf size]]
* [[Property:distal leaf width]]
* [[Property:distal lobe size]]
* [[Property:distal lobe width]]
* [[Property:distal panicle density]]
* [[Property:distal panicle height or length or size]]
* [[Property:distal spike architecture]]
* [[Property:distal spike density]]
* [[Property:distal spike height or length or size]]
* [[Property:distal stem architecture]]
* [[Property:distal stem height or length or size]]
* [[Property:distalmost blade architecture]]
* [[Property:distalmost blade coloration]]
* [[Property:distalmost blade pubescence]]
* [[Property:distalmost blade shape]]
* [[Property:distalmost bract length]]
* [[Property:distalmost leaf architecture]]
* [[Property:distribution]]
* [[Property:distribution]]
* [[Property:elevation]]
* [[Property:elevation]]
* [[Property:embryo architecture]]
* [[Property:embryo arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:embryo course]]
* [[Property:embryo development]]
* [[Property:embryo shape]]
* [[Property:embryo size]]
* [[Property:enclosed flower architecture]]
* [[Property:enclosed perianth architecture]]
* [[Property:enclosed perianth count]]
* [[Property:endosperm function]]
* [[Property:endosperm polyploidy]]
* [[Property:extension shape]]
* [[Property:face architecture]]
* [[Property:face architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:face architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:face coloration]]
* [[Property:face count]]
* [[Property:face fusion]]
* [[Property:face growth form]]
* [[Property:face height or length or size]]
* [[Property:face prominence]]
* [[Property:face pubescence]]
* [[Property:face relief]]
* [[Property:face shape]]
* [[Property:face size]]
* [[Property:face width]]
* [[Property:filament fusion]]
* [[Property:filament height or length or size]]
* [[Property:filament shape]]
* [[Property:flake coloration]]
* [[Property:flower architecture]]
* [[Property:flower architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:flower architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:flower architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:flower arrangement]]
* [[Property:flower arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:flower atypical count]]
* [[Property:flower coloration]]
* [[Property:flower count]]
* [[Property:flower density]]
* [[Property:flower development]]
* [[Property:flower diameter]]
* [[Property:flower duration]]
* [[Property:flower fusion]]
* [[Property:flower growth form]]
* [[Property:flower height or length or size]]
* [[Property:flower length]]
* [[Property:flower life cycle]]
* [[Property:flower orientation]]
* [[Property:flower position]]
* [[Property:flower position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:flower prominence]]
* [[Property:flower pubescence]]
* [[Property:flower reproduction]]
* [[Property:flower shape]]
* [[Property:flower size]]
* [[Property:flower some measurement]]
* [[Property:flower texture]]
* [[Property:flower width]]
* [[Property:fruit architecture]]
* [[Property:fruit architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:fruit atypical length]]
* [[Property:fruit atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:fruit atypical width]]
* [[Property:fruit coloration]]
* [[Property:fruit count]]
* [[Property:fruit dehiscence]]
* [[Property:fruit depth]]
* [[Property:fruit fusion]]
* [[Property:fruit length]]
* [[Property:fruit life cycle]]
* [[Property:fruit position relational]]
* [[Property:fruit reflectance]]
* [[Property:fruit shape]]
* [[Property:fruit size]]
* [[Property:fruit size or width]]
* [[Property:fruit some measurement]]
* [[Property:fruit width]]
* [[Property:fruiting architecture]]
* [[Property:fruiting shape]]
* [[Property:fruits utricle shape]]
* [[Property:gland architecture]]
* [[Property:gland coloration]]
* [[Property:gland odor]]
* [[Property:gland pubescence]]
* [[Property:glandular trichome architecture]]
* [[Property:glandular-hair architecture]]
* [[Property:glandular-hair coloration]]
* [[Property:glandular-hair count]]
* [[Property:glome architecture]]
* [[Property:glome arrangement]]
* [[Property:glome fusion]]
* [[Property:glome some measurement]]
* [[Property:glomerule architecture]]
* [[Property:glomerule architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:glomerule architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:glomerule arrangement]]
* [[Property:glomerule coloration]]
* [[Property:glomerule count]]
* [[Property:glomerule density]]
* [[Property:glomerule diameter]]
* [[Property:glomerule fusion]]
* [[Property:glomerule life cycle]]
* [[Property:glomerule orientation]]
* [[Property:glomerule position]]
* [[Property:glomerule position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:glomerule shape]]
* [[Property:glomerule size]]
* [[Property:glomerule some measurement]]
* [[Property:glomerule texture]]
* [[Property:glomerule thickness]]
* [[Property:glomerule width]]
* [[Property:groove shape]]
* [[Property:habitat]]
* [[Property:habitat]]
* [[Property:hair architecture]]
* [[Property:hair architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:hair arrangement]]
* [[Property:hair arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:hair atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:hair coloration]]
* [[Property:hair count]]
* [[Property:hair course]]
* [[Property:hair fixation or orientation]]
* [[Property:hair height or length or size]]
* [[Property:hair length or size]]
* [[Property:hair location]]
* [[Property:hair position relational]]
* [[Property:hair pubescence]]
* [[Property:hair shape]]
* [[Property:hair size]]
* [[Property:herb architecture]]
* [[Property:herb arrangement]]
* [[Property:herb atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:herb atypical width]]
* [[Property:herb coloration]]
* [[Property:herb count]]
* [[Property:herb diameter]]
* [[Property:herb duration]]
* [[Property:herb fragility]]
* [[Property:herb growth form]]
* [[Property:herb growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:herb length]]
* [[Property:herb life cycle]]
* [[Property:herb orientation]]
* [[Property:herb position]]
* [[Property:herb pubescence]]
* [[Property:herb relief]]
* [[Property:herb reproduction]]
* [[Property:herb shape]]
* [[Property:herb size]]
* [[Property:herb some measurement]]
* [[Property:herb texture]]
* [[Property:herb width]]
* [[Property:herbage coloration]]
* [[Property:herbage pubescence]]
* [[Property:illustrator]]
* [[Property:illustrator]]
* [[Property:inflorescence architecture]]
* [[Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:inflorescence architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:inflorescence arrangement]]
* [[Property:inflorescence arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:inflorescence atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:inflorescence count]]
* [[Property:inflorescence course]]
* [[Property:inflorescence density]]
* [[Property:inflorescence duration]]
* [[Property:inflorescence fragility]]
* [[Property:inflorescence length]]
* [[Property:inflorescence life cycle]]
* [[Property:inflorescence orientation]]
* [[Property:inflorescence position]]
* [[Property:inflorescence position or shape]]
* [[Property:inflorescence position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:inflorescence pubescence]]
* [[Property:inflorescence shape]]
* [[Property:inflorescence some measurement]]
* [[Property:inflorescence width]]
* [[Property:inflorescences cyme architecture]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule architecture]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule arrangement]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule length]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule life cycle]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule some measurement]]
* [[Property:inflorescences glomerule width]]
* [[Property:inflorescences peduncle architecture]]
* [[Property:inflorescences peduncle some measurement]]
* [[Property:inflorescences spike architecture]]
* [[Property:inflorescences spike position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:inner layer shape]]
* [[Property:inner layer texture]]
* [[Property:internode atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:internode count]]
* [[Property:internode height or length or size]]
* [[Property:internode length or size]]
* [[Property:internode prominence]]
* [[Property:internode some measurement]]
* [[Property:introduced]]
* [[Property:introduced]]
* [[Property:joint coloration]]
* [[Property:joint length]]
* [[Property:joint size]]
* [[Property:joint texture]]
* [[Property:joint width]]
* [[Property:keel prominence]]
* [[Property:keel width]]
* [[Property:larger segment length]]
* [[Property:larger segment texture]]
* [[Property:larger segment width]]
* [[Property:lateral angle architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:lateral branch architecture]]
* [[Property:lateral branch architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:lateral branch length or size]]
* [[Property:lateral branch position]]
* [[Property:lateral branch position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:lateral branchlet architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:lateral branchlet height or length or size]]
* [[Property:lateral crest architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:lateral crest count]]
* [[Property:lateral flower arrangement]]
* [[Property:lateral flower count]]
* [[Property:lateral flower length or size]]
* [[Property:lateral flower shape]]
* [[Property:lateral flower size]]
* [[Property:lateral flower width]]
* [[Property:lateral glomerule architecture]]
* [[Property:lateral glomerule diameter]]
* [[Property:lateral lobe architecture]]
* [[Property:lateral lobe count]]
* [[Property:lateral lobe fusion]]
* [[Property:lateral lobe shape]]
* [[Property:lateral lobe size]]
* [[Property:lateral row count]]
* [[Property:lateral row height]]
* [[Property:lateral row shape]]
* [[Property:lateral row some measurement]]
* [[Property:lateral smaller tooth count]]
* [[Property:lateral spike architecture]]
* [[Property:lateral surface atypical count]]
* [[Property:lateral surface count]]
* [[Property:lateral tooth atypical count]]
* [[Property:lateral tooth count]]
* [[Property:lateral tubercle atypical count]]
* [[Property:lateral tubercle count]]
* [[Property:lateral tubercle fusion]]
* [[Property:lateral tubercle relief]]
* [[Property:lateral wing count]]
* [[Property:lateral wing height]]
* [[Property:lateral wing shape]]
* [[Property:lateral wing some measurement]]
* [[Property:leaf architecture]]
* [[Property:leaf architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:leaf architecture or fixation]]
* [[Property:leaf architecture or pubescence]]
* [[Property:leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:leaf arrangement or density]]
* [[Property:leaf arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:leaf atypical length]]
* [[Property:leaf atypical width]]
* [[Property:leaf average length]]
* [[Property:leaf character]]
* [[Property:leaf coloration]]
* [[Property:leaf condition]]
* [[Property:leaf count]]
* [[Property:leaf duration]]
* [[Property:leaf fusion]]
* [[Property:leaf height or length or size]]
* [[Property:leaf length]]
* [[Property:leaf length or size]]
* [[Property:leaf odor]]
* [[Property:leaf orientation]]
* [[Property:leaf position]]
* [[Property:leaf prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:leaf shape]]
* [[Property:leaf size]]
* [[Property:leaf size or width]]
* [[Property:leaf some measurement]]
* [[Property:leaf texture]]
* [[Property:leaf width]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade architecture]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade atypical distance]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade atypical length]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade atypical width]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade coloration]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade condition or size]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade distance]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade length]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade pubescence]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade shape]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade variability]]
* [[Property:leaf-blade width]]
* [[Property:leaf-scar shape]]
* [[Property:lobe architecture]]
* [[Property:lobe architecture or course]]
* [[Property:lobe arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:lobe atypical length]]
* [[Property:lobe coloration]]
* [[Property:lobe count]]
* [[Property:lobe fusion]]
* [[Property:lobe height or length or size]]
* [[Property:lobe length]]
* [[Property:lobe orientation]]
* [[Property:lobe position]]
* [[Property:lobe shape]]
* [[Property:lobe size or width]]
* [[Property:lobe some measurement]]
* [[Property:lobe texture]]
* [[Property:lobe width]]
* [[Property:long-shoot architecture or arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:long-shoot position]]
* [[Property:long-shoot shape]]
* [[Property:longer hair some measurement]]
* [[Property:longest one architecture]]
* [[Property:longest one coloration]]
* [[Property:longest one fusion]]
* [[Property:longest one life cycle]]
* [[Property:longest one shape]]
* [[Property:longest one some measurement]]
* [[Property:lower flower architecture]]
* [[Property:main branch orientation]]
* [[Property:main terminal stem count]]
* [[Property:main terminal stem orientation]]
* [[Property:main terminal stem position]]
* [[Property:main terminal stem some measurement]]
* [[Property:margin architecture]]
* [[Property:margin architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape]]
* [[Property:margin architecture or relief]]
* [[Property:margin architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:margin arrangement]]
* [[Property:margin atypical length]]
* [[Property:margin atypical width]]
* [[Property:margin character]]
* [[Property:margin coloration]]
* [[Property:margin diameter]]
* [[Property:margin fusion]]
* [[Property:margin growth form or texture]]
* [[Property:margin length]]
* [[Property:margin length or size]]
* [[Property:margin life cycle]]
* [[Property:margin orientation]]
* [[Property:margin position]]
* [[Property:margin pubescence]]
* [[Property:margin pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:margin relief]]
* [[Property:margin shape]]
* [[Property:margin shape or architecture]]
* [[Property:margin shape or vernation]]
* [[Property:margin size]]
* [[Property:margin size or width]]
* [[Property:margin some measurement]]
* [[Property:margin texture]]
* [[Property:margin tooth shape]]
* [[Property:margin width]]
* [[Property:marginal hair arrangement]]
* [[Property:marginal tooth arrangement]]
* [[Property:marginal tooth prominence]]
* [[Property:marginal tooth variability]]
* [[Property:marginal trichome arrangement]]
* [[Property:mass arrangement]]
* [[Property:mass orientation]]
* [[Property:mat arrangement]]
* [[Property:mat density]]
* [[Property:mat length]]
* [[Property:mat width]]
* [[Property:median tooth size]]
* [[Property:middle architecture]]
* [[Property:middle architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:middle atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:middle blade architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:middle coloration]]
* [[Property:middle flower architecture]]
* [[Property:middle flower architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:middle flower fusion]]
* [[Property:middle flower position]]
* [[Property:middle flower shape]]
* [[Property:middle flower some measurement]]
* [[Property:middle flower width]]
* [[Property:middle fusion]]
* [[Property:middle margin architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:middle shape]]
* [[Property:middle some measurement]]
* [[Property:middle texture]]
* [[Property:middle width]]
* [[Property:midnerve prominence]]
* [[Property:midrib architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:midrib prominence]]
* [[Property:midvein architecture]]
* [[Property:midvein fusion]]
* [[Property:midvein prominence]]
* [[Property:midvein shape]]
* [[Property:midvein some measurement]]
* [[Property:one architecture]]
* [[Property:one reproduction]]
* [[Property:other architecture]]
* [[Property:other architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:other coloration]]
* [[Property:other count]]
* [[Property:other fusion]]
* [[Property:other height or length or size]]
* [[Property:other life cycle]]
* [[Property:other prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:other reproduction]]
* [[Property:other shape]]
* [[Property:other size]]
* [[Property:other some measurement]]
* [[Property:other width]]
* [[Property:outline architecture]]
* [[Property:outline length]]
* [[Property:outline shape]]
* [[Property:outline width]]
* [[Property:ovary architecture or structure in adjective form]]
* [[Property:ovary count]]
* [[Property:ovary fusion]]
* [[Property:ovary position]]
* [[Property:ovary prominence]]
* [[Property:ovary shape]]
* [[Property:ovary some measurement]]
* [[Property:ovule architecture]]
* [[Property:ovule count]]
* [[Property:ovule fixation]]
* [[Property:ovule orientation]]
* [[Property:pair architecture]]
* [[Property:pair count]]
* [[Property:pair shape]]
* [[Property:pair width]]
* [[Property:panicle architecture]]
* [[Property:panicle architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:panicle arrangement]]
* [[Property:panicle atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:panicle branch architecture]]
* [[Property:panicle density]]
* [[Property:panicle duration]]
* [[Property:panicle fusion]]
* [[Property:panicle position]]
* [[Property:panicle position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:panicle shape]]
* [[Property:panicle some measurement]]
* [[Property:papilla course]]
* [[Property:papilla shape]]
* [[Property:papilla size]]
* [[Property:papilla some measurement]]
* [[Property:perennial growth form]]
* [[Property:perennial orientation]]
* [[Property:perennial some measurement]]
* [[Property:perianth architecture]]
* [[Property:perianth architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:perianth arrangement]]
* [[Property:perianth coloration]]
* [[Property:perianth condition or development]]
* [[Property:perianth count]]
* [[Property:perianth development]]
* [[Property:perianth diameter]]
* [[Property:perianth duration]]
* [[Property:perianth fusion]]
* [[Property:perianth growth form or texture]]
* [[Property:perianth length]]
* [[Property:perianth length or size]]
* [[Property:perianth lobe architecture]]
* [[Property:perianth lobe shape]]
* [[Property:perianth lobe size]]
* [[Property:perianth position]]
* [[Property:perianth pubescence]]
* [[Property:perianth segment architecture]]
* [[Property:perianth segment arrangement]]
* [[Property:perianth segment atypical count]]
* [[Property:perianth segment coloration]]
* [[Property:perianth segment count]]
* [[Property:perianth segment duration]]
* [[Property:perianth segment fusion]]
* [[Property:perianth segment height or length or size]]
* [[Property:perianth segment length]]
* [[Property:perianth segment orientation]]
* [[Property:perianth segment prominence]]
* [[Property:perianth segment pubescence]]
* [[Property:perianth segment shape]]
* [[Property:perianth segment size]]
* [[Property:perianth segment some measurement]]
* [[Property:perianth segment texture]]
* [[Property:perianth segment width]]
* [[Property:perianth shape]]
* [[Property:perianth size]]
* [[Property:perianth texture]]
* [[Property:perianth variability]]
* [[Property:perianth width]]
* [[Property:pericarp architecture or coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:pericarp architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:pericarp architecture or function or pubescence]]
* [[Property:pericarp architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:pericarp arrangement]]
* [[Property:pericarp coloration]]
* [[Property:pericarp coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:pericarp dehiscence]]
* [[Property:pericarp fixation]]
* [[Property:pericarp fixation or orientation]]
* [[Property:pericarp fusion]]
* [[Property:pericarp pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:pericarp pubescence or relief or texture]]
* [[Property:pericarp pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:pericarp reflectance]]
* [[Property:pericarp relief]]
* [[Property:pericarp size]]
* [[Property:pericarp texture]]
* [[Property:pericarp width]]
* [[Property:perisperm count]]
* [[Property:perisperm position relational]]
* [[Property:perisperm pubescence]]
* [[Property:petal count]]
* [[Property:petiole architecture]]
* [[Property:petiole atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:petiole count]]
* [[Property:petiole height or length or size]]
* [[Property:petiole length]]
* [[Property:petiole length or size]]
* [[Property:petiole prominence]]
* [[Property:petiole prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:petiole some measurement]]
* [[Property:phenology]]
* [[Property:phenology]]
* [[Property:pistil architecture]]
* [[Property:pistil atypical count]]
* [[Property:pistil count]]
* [[Property:place in publication]]
* [[Property:place in publication]]
* [[Property:plant architecture]]
* [[Property:plant architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:plant arrangement]]
* [[Property:plant atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:plant coloration]]
* [[Property:plant count]]
* [[Property:plant density]]
* [[Property:plant diam]]
* [[Property:plant duration]]
* [[Property:plant fragility]]
* [[Property:plant growth form]]
* [[Property:plant growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:plant height]]
* [[Property:plant length]]
* [[Property:plant orientation]]
* [[Property:plant position]]
* [[Property:plant pubescence]]
* [[Property:plant reproduction]]
* [[Property:plant shape]]
* [[Property:plant size]]
* [[Property:plant some measurement]]
* [[Property:plant texture]]
* [[Property:plant width]]
* [[Property:portion architecture]]
* [[Property:portion architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:portion fusion]]
* [[Property:portion length]]
* [[Property:portion location]]
* [[Property:portion pubescence]]
* [[Property:portion shape]]
* [[Property:portion size]]
* [[Property:portion some measurement]]
* [[Property:portion texture]]
* [[Property:portion width]]
* [[Property:primary-axis architecture]]
* [[Property:process architecture]]
* [[Property:process architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:process architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:process arrangement]]
* [[Property:process count]]
* [[Property:process relief]]
* [[Property:process shape]]
* [[Property:process size or width]]
* [[Property:projection architecture or course]]
* [[Property:projection coloration]]
* [[Property:projection count]]
* [[Property:projection shape]]
* [[Property:projection texture]]
* [[Property:proximal blade architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:proximal blade atypical length]]
* [[Property:proximal blade atypical width]]
* [[Property:proximal blade length]]
* [[Property:proximal blade shape]]
* [[Property:proximal blade width]]
* [[Property:proximal branch arrangement]]
* [[Property:proximal branch growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:proximal branch length]]
* [[Property:proximal branch orientation]]
* [[Property:proximal branch prominence]]
* [[Property:proximal branch pubescence]]
* [[Property:proximal branch shape]]
* [[Property:proximal branch some measurement]]
* [[Property:proximal cauline leaf shape]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf architecture]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf coloration]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf duration]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf height or length or size]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf length]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf life cycle]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf shape]]
* [[Property:proximal leaf width]]
* [[Property:proximal lobe size]]
* [[Property:proximal part pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:proximal part texture]]
* [[Property:proximal portion size]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade coloration]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade length]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade pubescence]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade shape]]
* [[Property:proximalmost blade width]]
* [[Property:proximalmost leaf architecture]]
* [[Property:proximalmost leaf architecture or fixation]]
* [[Property:proximalmost leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:proximalmost leaf height or length or size]]
* [[Property:publication title]]
* [[Property:publication title]]
* [[Property:publication year]]
* [[Property:publication year]]
* [[Property:raceme architecture]]
* [[Property:raceme arrangement]]
* [[Property:raceme orientation]]
* [[Property:racemose-panicle some measurement]]
* [[Property:rachis architecture]]
* [[Property:rachis arrangement]]
* [[Property:rachis atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:rachis fusion]]
* [[Property:rachis shape]]
* [[Property:rachis some measurement]]
* [[Property:radicle development]]
* [[Property:radicle growth form]]
* [[Property:radicle length or size]]
* [[Property:radicle orientation]]
* [[Property:radicle position]]
* [[Property:ray count]]
* [[Property:ray length or size]]
* [[Property:receptacle fusion]]
* [[Property:receptacle shape]]
* [[Property:reference]]
* [[Property:reference]]
* [[Property:region habitat]]
* [[Property:rib coloration]]
* [[Property:rib relief]]
* [[Property:ridge prominence]]
* [[Property:ridge relief]]
* [[Property:rim size or width]]
* [[Property:ring coloration]]
* [[Property:root architecture]]
* [[Property:root coloration]]
* [[Property:root shape]]
* [[Property:root size or width]]
* [[Property:root texture]]
* [[Property:rostrum architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:rostrum prominence]]
* [[Property:row count]]
* [[Property:row dehiscence or orientation]]
* [[Property:salt gland architecture or function or pubescence]]
* [[Property:salt gland pubescence]]
* [[Property:salt gland shape]]
* [[Property:scale architecture]]
* [[Property:scale architecture or pubescence or shape]]
* [[Property:scale coloration]]
* [[Property:scale count]]
* [[Property:scale position]]
* [[Property:scale shape]]
* [[Property:scale some measurement]]
* [[Property:scale texture]]
* [[Property:seed architecture]]
* [[Property:seed architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:seed arrangement]]
* [[Property:seed arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:seed atypical length]]
* [[Property:seed atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:seed color]]
* [[Property:seed coloration]]
* [[Property:seed count]]
* [[Property:seed depth]]
* [[Property:seed diam]]
* [[Property:seed diameter]]
* [[Property:seed growth form]]
* [[Property:seed length]]
* [[Property:seed life cycle]]
* [[Property:seed orientation]]
* [[Property:seed position]]
* [[Property:seed prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:seed pubescence]]
* [[Property:seed reflectance]]
* [[Property:seed shape]]
* [[Property:seed size]]
* [[Property:seed some measurement]]
* [[Property:seed texture]]
* [[Property:seed variability]]
* [[Property:seed width]]
* [[Property:seed-coat architecture]]
* [[Property:seed-coat architecture or coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:seed-coat architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:seed-coat architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:seed-coat coloration]]
* [[Property:seed-coat coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:seed-coat diameter]]
* [[Property:seed-coat fixation]]
* [[Property:seed-coat prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:seed-coat pubescence]]
* [[Property:seed-coat pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:seed-coat pubescence or relief or texture]]
* [[Property:seed-coat reflectance]]
* [[Property:seed-coat relief]]
* [[Property:seed-coat some measurement]]
* [[Property:seed-coat texture]]
* [[Property:seed-coat width]]
* [[Property:seeds margin shape]]
* [[Property:segment architecture]]
* [[Property:segment arrangement]]
* [[Property:segment atypical count]]
* [[Property:segment atypical width]]
* [[Property:segment count]]
* [[Property:segment development]]
* [[Property:segment fusion]]
* [[Property:segment growth order]]
* [[Property:segment length]]
* [[Property:segment length or size]]
* [[Property:segment position]]
* [[Property:segment pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:segment reproduction]]
* [[Property:segment shape]]
* [[Property:segment size]]
* [[Property:segment some measurement]]
* [[Property:segment texture]]
* [[Property:segment variability]]
* [[Property:segment width]]
* [[Property:sepal arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:sepal atypical count]]
* [[Property:sepal coloration]]
* [[Property:sepal count]]
* [[Property:sepal course]]
* [[Property:sepal fusion]]
* [[Property:sepal pubescence]]
* [[Property:sepal shape]]
* [[Property:sepal some measurement]]
* [[Property:shoot shape]]
* [[Property:short-shoot arrangement or growth form]]
* [[Property:shrub architecture]]
* [[Property:shrub atypical length]]
* [[Property:shrub atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:shrub average some measurement]]
* [[Property:shrub duration]]
* [[Property:shrub length]]
* [[Property:shrub orientation]]
* [[Property:shrub position]]
* [[Property:shrub pubescence]]
* [[Property:shrub reproduction]]
* [[Property:shrub shape]]
* [[Property:shrub some measurement]]
* [[Property:shrub texture]]
* [[Property:shrub width]]
* [[Property:side architecture]]
* [[Property:side architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:side count]]
* [[Property:side relief]]
* [[Property:side shape]]
* [[Property:side texture]]
* [[Property:sinuse shape]]
* [[Property:slender beak shape]]
* [[Property:smaller bracteole shape]]
* [[Property:smaller bracteole some measurement]]
* [[Property:smaller tooth count]]
* [[Property:smaller tooth variability]]
* [[Property:smaller wing orientation]]
* [[Property:smaller wing prominence]]
* [[Property:source xml]]
* [[Property:source xml]]
* [[Property:special status]]
* [[Property:special status]]
* [[Property:species count]]
* [[Property:synonyms]]</noinclude><!--
* [[Property:spike architecture]]
--><includeonly>{{#if: {{{undefined|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{undefined}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: undefined=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
* [[Property:spike arrangement]]
* [[Property:spike arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:spike atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:spike count]]
* [[Property:spike density]]
* [[Property:spike fragility or size]]
* [[Property:spike height or length or size]]
* [[Property:spike length or size]]
* [[Property:spike orientation]]
* [[Property:spike position]]
* [[Property:spike position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:spike pubescence]]
* [[Property:spike shape]]
* [[Property:spike size]]
* [[Property:spike some measurement]]
* [[Property:spike thickness]]
* [[Property:spine arrangement]]
* [[Property:spine count]]
* [[Property:spine fragility]]
* [[Property:spine pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:spine shape]]
* [[Property:spine width]]
* [[Property:spot coloration]]
* [[Property:stalk duration]]
* [[Property:stamen architecture]]
* [[Property:stamen atypical count]]
* [[Property:stamen count]]
* [[Property:stamen position]]
* [[Property:stem architecture]]
* [[Property:stem architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:stem architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:stem arrangement]]
* [[Property:stem arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:stem atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:stem coating]]
* [[Property:stem coloration]]
* [[Property:stem condition]]
* [[Property:stem count]]
* [[Property:stem course]]
* [[Property:stem density]]
* [[Property:stem development]]
* [[Property:stem diameter]]
* [[Property:stem fragility]]
* [[Property:stem fragility or size]]
* [[Property:stem growth form]]
* [[Property:stem growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:stem growth form or texture]]
* [[Property:stem height or length or size]]
* [[Property:stem life cycle]]
* [[Property:stem location]]
* [[Property:stem orientation]]
* [[Property:stem position]]
* [[Property:stem pubescence]]
* [[Property:stem pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:stem reflectance]]
* [[Property:stem relief]]
* [[Property:stem reproduction]]
* [[Property:stem shape]]
* [[Property:stem size]]
* [[Property:stem some measurement]]
* [[Property:stem texture]]
* [[Property:stem width]]
* [[Property:stigma architecture]]
* [[Property:stigma architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:stigma arrangement or course or shape]]
* [[Property:stigma atypical count]]
* [[Property:stigma branch variability]]
* [[Property:stigma count]]
* [[Property:stigma fusion]]
* [[Property:stigma orientation]]
* [[Property:stigma prominence]]
* [[Property:stigma relief]]
* [[Property:stigma shape]]
* [[Property:stigma some measurement]]
* [[Property:stipe architecture]]
* [[Property:stipe atypical length]]
* [[Property:stipe atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:stipe atypical width]]
* [[Property:stipe count]]
* [[Property:stipe growth form]]
* [[Property:stipe length]]
* [[Property:stipe orientation]]
* [[Property:stipe shape]]
* [[Property:stipe size]]
* [[Property:stipe some measurement]]
* [[Property:stipe thickness]]
* [[Property:stipe width]]
* [[Property:stipule architecture]]
* [[Property:stipule count]]
* [[Property:stipule size]]
* [[Property:stipule texture]]
* [[Property:stolon architecture]]
* [[Property:stolon atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:stolon some measurement]]
* [[Property:structure architecture]]
* [[Property:structure orientation]]
* [[Property:structure shape]]
* [[Property:style atypical count]]
* [[Property:style count]]
* [[Property:style height or length or size]]
* [[Property:style length or size]]
* [[Property:subshrub architecture]]
* [[Property:subshrub atypical length]]
* [[Property:subshrub atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:subshrub coloration]]
* [[Property:subshrub duration]]
* [[Property:subshrub growth form]]
* [[Property:subshrub growth form or orientation]]
* [[Property:subshrub length]]
* [[Property:subshrub orientation]]
* [[Property:subshrub pubescence]]
* [[Property:subshrub reproduction]]
* [[Property:subshrub some measurement]]
* [[Property:subshrub texture]]
* [[Property:subshrub width]]
* [[Property:subtending leaf arrangement]]
* [[Property:subtending leaf count]]
* [[Property:subtending lower glomerule count]]
* [[Property:subtending lower glomerule length]]
* [[Property:subtending lower glomerule shape]]
* [[Property:subtending lower glomerule width]]
* [[Property:summit architecture]]
* [[Property:summit architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:summit condition]]
* [[Property:summit duration]]
* [[Property:summit fixation or orientation]]
* [[Property:summit fusion]]
* [[Property:summit height or length or size]]
* [[Property:summit shape]]
* [[Property:summit some measurement]]
* [[Property:surface architecture]]
* [[Property:surface architecture or coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:surface architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:surface architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:surface count]]
* [[Property:surface length or size]]
* [[Property:surface morphology]]
* [[Property:surface prominence]]
* [[Property:surface reflectance]]
* [[Property:surface relief]]
* [[Property:surface shape]]
* [[Property:synonyms]]
* [[Property:taproot orientation]]
* [[Property:taproot shape]]
* [[Property:taproot texture]]
* [[Property:taproot thickness]]
* [[Property:terminal and axillary spike architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal and axillary spike arrangement]]
* [[Property:terminal and lateral spike architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal count]]
* [[Property:terminal cyme architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe coloration]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe count]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe density]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe height or length or size]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe pubescence]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe shape]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe size]]
* [[Property:terminal lobe some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal or axillary panicle shape]]
* [[Property:terminal or axillary panicle some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal panicle architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal panicle architecture or fragility]]
* [[Property:terminal panicle duration]]
* [[Property:terminal panicle height or length or size]]
* [[Property:terminal panicle some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal perianth architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal perianth coloration]]
* [[Property:terminal perianth density]]
* [[Property:terminal perianth height or length or size]]
* [[Property:terminal perianth shape]]
* [[Property:terminal spike architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal spike coloration]]
* [[Property:terminal spike density]]
* [[Property:terminal spike height or length or size]]
* [[Property:terminal spike length]]
* [[Property:terminal spike shape]]
* [[Property:terminal spike size]]
* [[Property:terminal spike some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth architecture]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth fusion]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth height or length or size]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth orientation]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth prominence]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth relief]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth shape]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth size]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth some measurement]]
* [[Property:terminal tooth texture]]
* [[Property:thorn architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:thorn atypical count]]
* [[Property:thorn count]]
* [[Property:thorn position]]
* [[Property:tip architecture]]
* [[Property:tip arrangement]]
* [[Property:tip fusion]]
* [[Property:tip orientation]]
* [[Property:tip reproduction]]
* [[Property:tip shape]]
* [[Property:tip some measurement]]
* [[Property:tip width]]
* [[Property:tissue fusion]]
* [[Property:tissue texture]]
* [[Property:tooth architecture]]
* [[Property:tooth architecture or course]]
* [[Property:tooth architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:tooth architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:tooth arrangement]]
* [[Property:tooth atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:tooth count]]
* [[Property:tooth duration]]
* [[Property:tooth fusion]]
* [[Property:tooth height or length or size]]
* [[Property:tooth length]]
* [[Property:tooth orientation]]
* [[Property:tooth position]]
* [[Property:tooth position or structure subtype]]
* [[Property:tooth pubescence]]
* [[Property:tooth relief]]
* [[Property:tooth shape]]
* [[Property:tooth size]]
* [[Property:tooth size or width]]
* [[Property:tooth some measurement]]
* [[Property:tooth width]]
* [[Property:trichome architecture]]
* [[Property:trichome architecture or arrangement]]
* [[Property:trichome arrangement]]
* [[Property:trichome arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:trichome coloration]]
* [[Property:trichome pubescence]]
* [[Property:trichome shape]]
* [[Property:tube some measurement]]
* [[Property:tubercle architecture or course]]
* [[Property:tubercle architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:tubercle arrangement]]
* [[Property:tubercle count]]
* [[Property:tubercle density]]
* [[Property:tubercle fragility]]
* [[Property:tubercle height]]
* [[Property:tubercle position]]
* [[Property:tubercle position relational]]
* [[Property:tubercle prominence]]
* [[Property:tubercle pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:tubercle relief]]
* [[Property:tubercle shape]]
* [[Property:tubercle size]]
* [[Property:tubercle some measurement]]
* [[Property:tubercle width]]
* [[Property:tuft density]]
* [[Property:tuft length]]
* [[Property:tuft width]]
* [[Property:twig architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:twig coloration]]
* [[Property:twig shape]]
* [[Property:twig size]]
* [[Property:type architecture]]
* [[Property:type count]]
* [[Property:type reproduction]]
* [[Property:type variability]]
* [[Property:ultimate branch condition]]
* [[Property:ultimate branch height or length or size]]
* [[Property:ultimate branch length or size]]
* [[Property:ultimate branch shape]]
* [[Property:ultimate branch some measurement]]
* [[Property:utricle architecture]]
* [[Property:utricle coloration]]
* [[Property:utricle dehiscence]]
* [[Property:utricle growth form]]
* [[Property:utricle orientation]]
* [[Property:utricle position]]
* [[Property:utricle position relational]]
* [[Property:utricle prominence]]
* [[Property:utricle prominence or shape]]
* [[Property:utricle pubescence]]
* [[Property:utricle shape]]
* [[Property:utricle some measurement]]
* [[Property:utricle width]]
* [[Property:vein architecture]]
* [[Property:vein architecture or coloration or relief]]
* [[Property:vein coloration]]
* [[Property:vein count]]
* [[Property:vein fusion]]
* [[Property:vein length or size]]
* [[Property:vein prominence]]
* [[Property:vein shape]]
* [[Property:vein some measurement]]
* [[Property:vein texture]]
* [[Property:vein width]]
* [[Property:vesture coloration]]
* [[Property:vesture pubescence]]
* [[Property:wart coloration]]
* [[Property:wart count]]
* [[Property:whole_organism architecture]]
* [[Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement]]
* [[Property:whole_organism coloration]]
* [[Property:whole_organism count]]
* [[Property:whole_organism duration]]
* [[Property:whole_organism fusion]]
* [[Property:whole_organism height or length or size]]
* [[Property:whole_organism length]]
* [[Property:whole_organism length or size]]
* [[Property:whole_organism position]]
* [[Property:whole_organism prominence]]
* [[Property:whole_organism pubescence or texture]]
* [[Property:whole_organism shape]]
* [[Property:whole_organism size]]
* [[Property:whole_organism size or width]]
* [[Property:whole_organism some measurement]]
* [[Property:whole_organism texture]]
* [[Property:whole_organism width]]
* [[Property:wing architecture]]
* [[Property:wing architecture or pubescence or relief]]
* [[Property:wing architecture or relief]]
* [[Property:wing architecture or shape]]
* [[Property:wing arrangement]]
* [[Property:wing arrangement or shape]]
* [[Property:wing coloration]]
* [[Property:wing coloration or reflectance]]
* [[Property:wing count]]
* [[Property:wing dehiscence or orientation]]
* [[Property:wing development]]
* [[Property:wing diameter]]
* [[Property:wing life cycle]]
* [[Property:wing orientation]]
* [[Property:wing position]]
* [[Property:wing prominence]]
* [[Property:wing pubescence]]
* [[Property:wing reflectance]]
* [[Property:wing shape]]
* [[Property:wing shape or architecture]]
* [[Property:wing size]]
* [[Property:wing size or width]]
* [[Property:wing some measurement]]
* [[Property:wing texture]]
* [[Property:wing width]]
* [[Property:wood life cycle]]
* [[Property:x chromosome count]]</noinclude><!--
--><includeonly>{{#if: {{{2n chromosome count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{2n chromosome count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: 2n chromosome count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{abaxial surface pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{abaxial surface pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: abaxial surface pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene count|}}} | {{#set: achene count={{{achene count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene dehiscence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene dehiscence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene dehiscence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene diameter|}}} | {{#set: achene diameter={{{achene diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene length|}}} | {{#set: achene length={{{achene length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene some measurement|}}} | {{#set: achene some measurement={{{achene some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{achene texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: achene texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{achene width|}}} | {{#set: achene width={{{achene width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{adaxial surface atypical length|}}} | {{#set: adaxial surface atypical length={{{adaxial surface atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{adaxial surface length|}}} | {{#set: adaxial surface length={{{adaxial surface length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{adaxial surface position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{adaxial surface position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: adaxial surface position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{adaxial surface prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{adaxial surface prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: adaxial surface prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{adaxial surface width|}}} | {{#set: adaxial surface width={{{adaxial surface width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{age width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{age width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: age width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{annual growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{annual growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: annual growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther atypical count|}}} | {{#set: anther atypical count={{{anther atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: anther atypical some measurement={{{anther atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther count|}}} | {{#set: anther count={{{anther count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther dehiscence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther dehiscence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther dehiscence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{anther some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{anther some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: anther some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex architecture or pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex architecture or pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex architecture or pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: apex atypical some measurement={{{apex atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex length|}}} | {{#set: apex length={{{apex length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex les width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex les width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex les width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex position or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex position or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex position or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex pubescence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex pubescence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex pubescence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex some measurement|}}} | {{#set: apex some measurement={{{apex some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apex texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apex texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apex width|}}} | {{#set: apex width={{{apex width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tip fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tip fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tip fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tip shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tip shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tip shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tip size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tip size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tip size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tip some measurement|}}} | {{#set: apical tip some measurement={{{apical tip some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tip texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tip texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tip texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tooth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tooth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tooth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tooth count|}}} | {{#set: apical tooth count={{{apical tooth count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tooth position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tooth position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tooth position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tooth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{apical tooth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: apical tooth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{apical tooth some measurement|}}} | {{#set: apical tooth some measurement={{{apical tooth some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage architecture or course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage architecture or course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage architecture or course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{appendage texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{appendage texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: appendage texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{area coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{area coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: area coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{articulation atypical length|}}} | {{#set: articulation atypical length={{{articulation atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{articulation length|}}} | {{#set: articulation length={{{articulation length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{articulation width|}}} | {{#set: articulation width={{{articulation width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{author|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{author}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: author=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{author|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{author}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: author=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{authority|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{authority}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: authority=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{authority|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{authority}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: authority=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary bracteole shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary bracteole shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary bracteole shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary bracteole some measurement|}}} | {{#set: axillary bracteole some measurement={{{axillary bracteole some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary bud count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary bud count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary bud count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary bud prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary bud prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary bud prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary bud shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary bud shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary bud shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cluster architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cluster architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cluster architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cluster density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cluster density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cluster density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cluster sexes|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cluster sexes}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cluster sexes=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cluster size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cluster size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cluster size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cyme architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cyme architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cyme architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cyme architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cyme architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cyme architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cyme arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cyme arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cyme arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cyme count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cyme count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cyme count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary cyme density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary cyme density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary cyme density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary glomerule size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary glomerule size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary glomerule size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary panicle arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary panicle arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary panicle arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary spike arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary spike arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary spike arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary spike height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary spike height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary spike height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axillary spike size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axillary spike size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axillary spike size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axis course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axis course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axis course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{axis orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{axis orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: axis orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ball duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ball duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ball duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ball shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ball shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ball shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bark coating|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bark coating}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bark coating=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bark coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bark coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bark coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bark fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bark fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bark fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bark life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bark life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bark life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bark odor|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bark odor}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bark odor=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal branch arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal branch arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal branch arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal branch fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal branch fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal branch fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal branch orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal branch orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal branch orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal branch texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal branch texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal branch texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal leaf-blade atypical length|}}} | {{#set: basal leaf-blade atypical length={{{basal leaf-blade atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal leaf-blade atypical width|}}} | {{#set: basal leaf-blade atypical width={{{basal leaf-blade atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal leaf-blade length|}}} | {{#set: basal leaf-blade length={{{basal leaf-blade length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal leaf-blade width|}}} | {{#set: basal leaf-blade width={{{basal leaf-blade width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal tooth count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal tooth count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal tooth count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basal tooth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basal tooth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basal tooth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base architecture or coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base architecture or coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base architecture or coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base architecture or fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base architecture or fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base architecture or fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base architecture or pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base architecture or pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base architecture or pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base atypical length|}}} | {{#set: base atypical length={{{base atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: base atypical some measurement={{{base atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base atypical width|}}} | {{#set: base atypical width={{{base atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base diam|}}} | {{#set: base diam={{{base diam}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base length|}}} | {{#set: base length={{{base length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base location|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base location}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base location=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base some measurement|}}} | {{#set: base some measurement={{{base some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{base variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: base variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{base width|}}} | {{#set: base width={{{base width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basionyms|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basionyms}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basionyms=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{basionyms|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{basionyms}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: basionyms=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{beyond middle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{beyond middle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: beyond middle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{beyond middle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{beyond middle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: beyond middle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bladder coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bladder coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bladder coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade architecture or fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade architecture or fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade architecture or fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade atypical count|}}} | {{#set: blade atypical count={{{blade atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade atypical length|}}} | {{#set: blade atypical length={{{blade atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: blade atypical some measurement={{{blade atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade atypical width|}}} | {{#set: blade atypical width={{{blade atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade count|}}} | {{#set: blade count={{{blade count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade l w ratio|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade l w ratio}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade l w ratio=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade length|}}} | {{#set: blade length={{{blade length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade shape or architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade shape or architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade shape or architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade shape or vernation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade shape or vernation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade shape or vernation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade some measurement|}}} | {{#set: blade some measurement={{{blade some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade thickness|}}} | {{#set: blade thickness={{{blade thickness}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{blade variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: blade variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{blade width|}}} | {{#set: blade width={{{blade width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body atypical length|}}} | {{#set: body atypical length={{{body atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: body atypical some measurement={{{body atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body atypical width|}}} | {{#set: body atypical width={{{body atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body length|}}} | {{#set: body length={{{body length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body some measurement|}}} | {{#set: body some measurement={{{body some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{body texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: body texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body thickness|}}} | {{#set: body thickness={{{body thickness}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{body width|}}} | {{#set: body width={{{body width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract apex shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract apex shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract apex shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract atypical length|}}} | {{#set: bract atypical length={{{bract atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract atypical width|}}} | {{#set: bract atypical width={{{bract atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract fixation or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract fixation or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract fixation or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract some measurement|}}} | {{#set: bract some measurement={{{bract some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract width|}}} | {{#set: bract width={{{bract width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bract-axil count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bract-axil count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bract-axil count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: bracteole atypical some measurement={{{bracteole atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole some measurement|}}} | {{#set: bracteole some measurement={{{bracteole some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bracteole width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bracteole width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bracteole width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bractlet count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bractlet count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bractlet count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bractlet fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bractlet fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bractlet fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bractlet pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bractlet pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bractlet pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bractlet shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bractlet shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bractlet shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: branch atypical some measurement={{{branch atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch coloration or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch coloration or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch coloration or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch diameter|}}} | {{#set: branch diameter={{{branch diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch fragility or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch fragility or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch fragility or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch growth form or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch growth form or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch growth form or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch some measurement|}}} | {{#set: branch some measurement={{{branch some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branch width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branch width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branch width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet some measurement|}}} | {{#set: branchlet some measurement={{{branchlet some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{branchlet texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{branchlet texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: branchlet texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bristle duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bristle duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bristle duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bristle fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bristle fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bristle fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{bristle pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{bristle pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: bristle pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{calyx architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{calyx architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: calyx architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{calyx architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{calyx architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: calyx architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{calyx duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{calyx duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: calyx duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{calyx lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{calyx lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: calyx lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{calyx shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{calyx shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: calyx shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cauline leaf size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cauline leaf size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cauline leaf size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flap arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flap arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flap arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flap duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flap duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flap duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flower arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flower arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower length|}}} | {{#set: central flower length={{{central flower length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flower length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flower length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flower reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flower reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flower shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flower shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central flower size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central flower size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central flower width|}}} | {{#set: central flower width={{{central flower width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central internodal tissue arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central internodal tissue arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central internodal tissue arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central internodal tissue duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central internodal tissue duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central internodal tissue duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central tooth position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central tooth position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central tooth relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central tooth relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central tooth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central tooth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central tooth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central tooth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth some measurement|}}} | {{#set: central tooth some measurement={{{central tooth some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{central tooth width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{central tooth width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: central tooth width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{claw some measurement|}}} | {{#set: claw some measurement={{{claw some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{clump position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{clump position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: clump position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{clump shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{clump shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: clump shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{clump width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{clump width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: clump width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{common name|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{common name}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: common name=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{common name|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{common name}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: common name=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{consistency architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{consistency architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: consistency architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{consistency fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{consistency fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: consistency fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{consistency shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{consistency shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: consistency shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{consistency some measurement|}}} | {{#set: consistency some measurement={{{consistency some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{consistency texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{consistency texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: consistency texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{crest architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{crest architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: crest architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{crest count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{crest count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: crest count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{crest shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{crest shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: crest shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{crest texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{crest texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: crest texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cross-section coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cross-section coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cross-section coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cyme architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cyme architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cyme architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cyme arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cyme arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cyme arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cyme count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cyme count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cyme count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cyme position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cyme position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cyme position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{cyme shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{cyme shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: cyme shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal appendage shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal appendage shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal appendage shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal axil architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal axil architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal axil architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal axil count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal axil count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal axil count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal blade architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal blade architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal blade architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal blade width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal blade width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal blade width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: distal bract atypical some measurement={{{distal bract atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal bract count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal bract count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal bract height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal bract height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal bract size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal bract size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract some measurement|}}} | {{#set: distal bract some measurement={{{distal bract some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal bract width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal bract width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal bract width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal branch count or density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal branch count or density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal branch count or density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal branch orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal branch orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal branch orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal cauline leaf architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal cauline leaf architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal cauline leaf architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal cauline leaf shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal cauline leaf shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal cauline leaf shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal extension prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal extension prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal extension prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal extension shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal extension shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal extension shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf atypical length|}}} | {{#set: distal leaf atypical length={{{distal leaf atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf length|}}} | {{#set: distal leaf length={{{distal leaf length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal leaf size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal leaf size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal leaf width|}}} | {{#set: distal leaf width={{{distal leaf width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal lobe width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal lobe width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal lobe width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal panicle density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal panicle density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal panicle density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal panicle height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal panicle height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal panicle height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal spike density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal spike density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal spike density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal spike height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal spike height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal spike height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal stem architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal stem architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal stem architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distal stem height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distal stem height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distal stem height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost blade architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost blade architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost blade architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost blade coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost blade coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost blade coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost blade pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost blade pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost blade pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost bract length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost bract length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost bract length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distalmost leaf architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distalmost leaf architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distalmost leaf architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distribution|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distribution}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distribution=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{distribution|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{distribution}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: distribution=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{elevation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{elevation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: elevation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{elevation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{elevation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: elevation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{embryo size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{embryo size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: embryo size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{enclosed flower architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{enclosed flower architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: enclosed flower architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{enclosed perianth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{enclosed perianth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: enclosed perianth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{enclosed perianth count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{enclosed perianth count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: enclosed perianth count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{endosperm function|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{endosperm function}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: endosperm function=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{endosperm polyploidy|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{endosperm polyploidy}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: endosperm polyploidy=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{extension shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{extension shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: extension shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{face width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{face width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: face width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{filament fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{filament fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: filament fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{filament height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{filament height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: filament height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{filament shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{filament shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: filament shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flake coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flake coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flake coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower atypical count|}}} | {{#set: flower atypical count={{{flower atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower diameter|}}} | {{#set: flower diameter={{{flower diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower length|}}} | {{#set: flower length={{{flower length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower some measurement|}}} | {{#set: flower some measurement={{{flower some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{flower texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: flower texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{flower width|}}} | {{#set: flower width={{{flower width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit atypical length|}}} | {{#set: fruit atypical length={{{fruit atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: fruit atypical some measurement={{{fruit atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit atypical width|}}} | {{#set: fruit atypical width={{{fruit atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit dehiscence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit dehiscence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit dehiscence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit depth|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit depth}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit depth=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit length|}}} | {{#set: fruit length={{{fruit length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit some measurement|}}} | {{#set: fruit some measurement={{{fruit some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruit width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruit width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruit width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruiting architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruiting architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruiting architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruiting shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruiting shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruiting shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{fruits utricle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{fruits utricle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: fruits utricle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{gland architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{gland architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: gland architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{gland coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{gland coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: gland coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{gland odor|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{gland odor}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: gland odor=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{gland pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{gland pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: gland pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glandular trichome architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glandular trichome architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glandular trichome architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glandular-hair architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glandular-hair architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glandular-hair architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glandular-hair coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glandular-hair coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glandular-hair coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glandular-hair count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glandular-hair count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glandular-hair count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glome architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glome architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glome architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glome arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glome arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glome arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glome fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glome fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glome fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glome some measurement|}}} | {{#set: glome some measurement={{{glome some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule diameter|}}} | {{#set: glomerule diameter={{{glomerule diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule thickness|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule thickness}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule thickness=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{glomerule width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{glomerule width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: glomerule width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{groove shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{groove shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: groove shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{habitat|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{habitat}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: habitat=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{habitat|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{habitat}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: habitat=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: hair atypical some measurement={{{hair atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair fixation or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair fixation or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair fixation or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair location|}}} | {{#set: hair location={{{hair location}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{hair size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{hair size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: hair size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: herb atypical some measurement={{{herb atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb atypical width|}}} | {{#set: herb atypical width={{{herb atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb diameter|}}} | {{#set: herb diameter={{{herb diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb length|}}} | {{#set: herb length={{{herb length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb some measurement|}}} | {{#set: herb some measurement={{{herb some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herb width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herb width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herb width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herbage coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herbage coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herbage coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{herbage pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{herbage pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: herbage pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{illustrator|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{illustrator}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: illustrator=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{illustrator|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{illustrator}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: illustrator=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: inflorescence atypical some measurement={{{inflorescence atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence length|}}} | {{#set: inflorescence length={{{inflorescence length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence position or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence position or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence position or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescence shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescence shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence some measurement|}}} | {{#set: inflorescence some measurement={{{inflorescence some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescence width|}}} | {{#set: inflorescence width={{{inflorescence width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences cyme architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences cyme architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences cyme architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences glomerule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences glomerule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences glomerule arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences glomerule arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement={{{inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule length|}}} | {{#set: inflorescences glomerule length={{{inflorescences glomerule length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences glomerule life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences glomerule life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule some measurement|}}} | {{#set: inflorescences glomerule some measurement={{{inflorescences glomerule some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences glomerule width|}}} | {{#set: inflorescences glomerule width={{{inflorescences glomerule width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences peduncle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences peduncle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences peduncle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences peduncle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: inflorescences peduncle some measurement={{{inflorescences peduncle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inflorescences spike position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inflorescences spike position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inflorescences spike position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inner layer shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inner layer shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inner layer shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{inner layer texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{inner layer texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: inner layer texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: internode atypical some measurement={{{internode atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode count|}}} | {{#set: internode count={{{internode count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{internode height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: internode height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{internode length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: internode length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{internode prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: internode prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{internode some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{internode some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: internode some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{introduced|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{introduced}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: introduced=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{introduced|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{introduced}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: introduced=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{joint coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{joint coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: joint coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{joint length|}}} | {{#set: joint length={{{joint length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{joint size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{joint size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: joint size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{joint texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{joint texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: joint texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{joint width|}}} | {{#set: joint width={{{joint width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{keel prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{keel prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: keel prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{keel width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{keel width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: keel width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{larger segment length|}}} | {{#set: larger segment length={{{larger segment length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{larger segment texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{larger segment texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: larger segment texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{larger segment width|}}} | {{#set: larger segment width={{{larger segment width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral angle architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral angle architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral angle architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branch architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branch architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branch architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branch architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branch architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branch architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branch length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branch length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branch length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branch position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branch position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branch position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branch position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branch position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branch position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branchlet architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branchlet architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branchlet architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral branchlet height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral branchlet height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral branchlet height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral crest architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral crest architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral crest architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral crest count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral crest count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral crest count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral flower width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral flower width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral flower width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral glomerule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral glomerule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral glomerule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral glomerule diameter|}}} | {{#set: lateral glomerule diameter={{{lateral glomerule diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral lobe architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral lobe architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral lobe architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral lobe count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral lobe count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral lobe count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral lobe fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral lobe fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral lobe fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral row count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral row count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral row count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral row height|}}} | {{#set: lateral row height={{{lateral row height}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral row shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral row shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral row shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral row some measurement|}}} | {{#set: lateral row some measurement={{{lateral row some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral smaller tooth count|}}} | {{#set: lateral smaller tooth count={{{lateral smaller tooth count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral surface atypical count|}}} | {{#set: lateral surface atypical count={{{lateral surface atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral surface count|}}} | {{#set: lateral surface count={{{lateral surface count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tooth atypical count|}}} | {{#set: lateral tooth atypical count={{{lateral tooth atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tooth count|}}} | {{#set: lateral tooth count={{{lateral tooth count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tubercle atypical count|}}} | {{#set: lateral tubercle atypical count={{{lateral tubercle atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tubercle count|}}} | {{#set: lateral tubercle count={{{lateral tubercle count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tubercle fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral tubercle fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral tubercle fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral tubercle relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral tubercle relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral tubercle relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral wing count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral wing count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral wing count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral wing height|}}} | {{#set: lateral wing height={{{lateral wing height}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral wing shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lateral wing shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lateral wing shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lateral wing some measurement|}}} | {{#set: lateral wing some measurement={{{lateral wing some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf architecture or fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf architecture or fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf architecture or fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf architecture or pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf architecture or pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf architecture or pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf arrangement or density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf arrangement or density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf arrangement or density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf atypical length|}}} | {{#set: leaf atypical length={{{leaf atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf atypical width|}}} | {{#set: leaf atypical width={{{leaf atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf average length|}}} | {{#set: leaf average length={{{leaf average length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf character|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf character}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf character=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf condition|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf condition}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf condition=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf length|}}} | {{#set: leaf length={{{leaf length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf odor|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf odor}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf odor=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf some measurement|}}} | {{#set: leaf some measurement={{{leaf some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf width|}}} | {{#set: leaf width={{{leaf width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade atypical distance|}}} | {{#set: leaf-blade atypical distance={{{leaf-blade atypical distance}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade atypical length|}}} | {{#set: leaf-blade atypical length={{{leaf-blade atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade atypical width|}}} | {{#set: leaf-blade atypical width={{{leaf-blade atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade condition or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade condition or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade condition or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade distance|}}} | {{#set: leaf-blade distance={{{leaf-blade distance}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade length|}}} | {{#set: leaf-blade length={{{leaf-blade length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-blade width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-blade width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-blade width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{leaf-scar shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{leaf-scar shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: leaf-scar shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe architecture or course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe architecture or course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe architecture or course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe atypical length|}}} | {{#set: lobe atypical length={{{lobe atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe length|}}} | {{#set: lobe length={{{lobe length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe some measurement|}}} | {{#set: lobe some measurement={{{lobe some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lobe texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lobe texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lobe width|}}} | {{#set: lobe width={{{lobe width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{long-shoot architecture or arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{long-shoot architecture or arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: long-shoot architecture or arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{long-shoot position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{long-shoot position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: long-shoot position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{long-shoot shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{long-shoot shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: long-shoot shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longer hair some measurement|}}} | {{#set: longer hair some measurement={{{longer hair some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{longest one architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: longest one architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{longest one coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: longest one coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{longest one fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: longest one fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{longest one life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: longest one life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{longest one shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: longest one shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{longest one some measurement|}}} | {{#set: longest one some measurement={{{longest one some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{lower flower architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{lower flower architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: lower flower architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{main branch orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{main branch orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: main branch orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{main terminal stem count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{main terminal stem count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: main terminal stem count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{main terminal stem orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{main terminal stem orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: main terminal stem orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{main terminal stem position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{main terminal stem position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: main terminal stem position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{main terminal stem some measurement|}}} | {{#set: main terminal stem some measurement={{{main terminal stem some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin architecture or pubescence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin architecture or pubescence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin architecture or pubescence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin architecture or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin architecture or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin architecture or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin atypical length|}}} | {{#set: margin atypical length={{{margin atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin atypical width|}}} | {{#set: margin atypical width={{{margin atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin character|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin character}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin character=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin diameter|}}} | {{#set: margin diameter={{{margin diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin growth form or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin growth form or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin growth form or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin length|}}} | {{#set: margin length={{{margin length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin shape or architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin shape or architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin shape or architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin shape or vernation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin shape or vernation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin shape or vernation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin some measurement|}}} | {{#set: margin some measurement={{{margin some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin tooth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{margin tooth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: margin tooth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{margin width|}}} | {{#set: margin width={{{margin width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{marginal hair arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{marginal hair arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: marginal hair arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{marginal tooth arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{marginal tooth arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: marginal tooth arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{marginal tooth prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{marginal tooth prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: marginal tooth prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{marginal tooth variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{marginal tooth variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: marginal tooth variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{marginal trichome arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{marginal trichome arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: marginal trichome arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mass arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{mass arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: mass arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mass orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{mass orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: mass orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mat arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{mat arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: mat arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mat density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{mat density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: mat density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mat length|}}} | {{#set: mat length={{{mat length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{mat width|}}} | {{#set: mat width={{{mat width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{median tooth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{median tooth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: median tooth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: middle atypical some measurement={{{middle atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle blade architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle blade architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle blade architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower some measurement|}}} | {{#set: middle flower some measurement={{{middle flower some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle flower width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle flower width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle flower width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle margin architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle margin architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle margin architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: middle some measurement={{{middle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{middle width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{middle width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: middle width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midnerve prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midnerve prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midnerve prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midrib architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midrib architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midrib architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midrib prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midrib prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midrib prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midvein architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midvein architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midvein architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midvein fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midvein fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midvein fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midvein prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midvein prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midvein prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midvein shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{midvein shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: midvein shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{midvein some measurement|}}} | {{#set: midvein some measurement={{{midvein some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{one architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{one architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: one architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{one reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{one reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: one reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{other size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: other size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other some measurement|}}} | {{#set: other some measurement={{{other some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{other width|}}} | {{#set: other width={{{other width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{outline architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{outline architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: outline architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{outline length|}}} | {{#set: outline length={{{outline length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{outline shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{outline shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: outline shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{outline width|}}} | {{#set: outline width={{{outline width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary architecture or structure in adjective form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary architecture or structure in adjective form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary architecture or structure in adjective form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovary some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovary some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovary some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovule count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovule count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovule count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovule fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovule fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovule fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ovule orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ovule orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ovule orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pair architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pair architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pair architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pair count|}}} | {{#set: pair count={{{pair count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pair shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pair shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pair shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pair width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pair width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pair width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: panicle atypical some measurement={{{panicle atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle branch architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle branch architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle branch architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{panicle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: panicle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{panicle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: panicle some measurement={{{panicle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{papilla course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{papilla course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: papilla course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{papilla shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{papilla shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: papilla shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{papilla size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{papilla size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: papilla size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{papilla some measurement|}}} | {{#set: papilla some measurement={{{papilla some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perennial growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perennial growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perennial growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perennial orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perennial orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perennial orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perennial some measurement|}}} | {{#set: perennial some measurement={{{perennial some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth condition or development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth condition or development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth condition or development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth diameter|}}} | {{#set: perianth diameter={{{perianth diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth growth form or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth growth form or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth growth form or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth length|}}} | {{#set: perianth length={{{perianth length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth lobe architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth lobe architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth lobe architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment atypical count|}}} | {{#set: perianth segment atypical count={{{perianth segment atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment some measurement|}}} | {{#set: perianth segment some measurement={{{perianth segment some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth segment width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth segment width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth segment width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perianth variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perianth variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perianth width|}}} | {{#set: perianth width={{{perianth width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp architecture or coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp architecture or coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp architecture or coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp architecture or function or pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp architecture or function or pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp architecture or function or pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp dehiscence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp dehiscence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp dehiscence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp fixation or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp fixation or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp fixation or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp pubescence or relief or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp pubescence or relief or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp pubescence or relief or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pericarp width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pericarp width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pericarp width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perisperm count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perisperm count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perisperm count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perisperm position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perisperm position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perisperm position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{perisperm pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{perisperm pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: perisperm pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petal count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petal count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petal count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: petiole atypical some measurement={{{petiole atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{petiole prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: petiole prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{petiole some measurement|}}} | {{#set: petiole some measurement={{{petiole some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{phenology|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{phenology}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: phenology=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{phenology|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{phenology}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: phenology=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pistil architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pistil architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pistil architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pistil atypical count|}}} | {{#set: pistil atypical count={{{pistil atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{pistil count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{pistil count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: pistil count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{place in publication|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{place in publication}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: place in publication=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{place in publication|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{place in publication}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: place in publication=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: plant atypical some measurement={{{plant atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant count|}}} | {{#set: plant count={{{plant count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant diam|}}} | {{#set: plant diam={{{plant diam}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant height|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant height}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant height=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant length|}}} | {{#set: plant length={{{plant length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant some measurement|}}} | {{#set: plant some measurement={{{plant some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{plant texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: plant texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{plant width|}}} | {{#set: plant width={{{plant width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion length|}}} | {{#set: portion length={{{portion length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion location|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion location}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion location=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion some measurement|}}} | {{#set: portion some measurement={{{portion some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{portion texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: portion texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{portion width|}}} | {{#set: portion width={{{portion width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{primary-axis architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{primary-axis architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: primary-axis architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{process size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{process size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: process size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{projection architecture or course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{projection architecture or course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: projection architecture or course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{projection coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{projection coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: projection coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{projection count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{projection count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: projection count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{projection shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{projection shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: projection shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{projection texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{projection texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: projection texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal blade architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal blade architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade atypical length|}}} | {{#set: proximal blade atypical length={{{proximal blade atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade atypical width|}}} | {{#set: proximal blade atypical width={{{proximal blade atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade length|}}} | {{#set: proximal blade length={{{proximal blade length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal blade width|}}} | {{#set: proximal blade width={{{proximal blade width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal branch shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal branch shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal branch some measurement|}}} | {{#set: proximal branch some measurement={{{proximal branch some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal cauline leaf shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal cauline leaf shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal cauline leaf shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf length|}}} | {{#set: proximal leaf length={{{proximal leaf length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal leaf shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal leaf shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal leaf width|}}} | {{#set: proximal leaf width={{{proximal leaf width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal part pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal part pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal part pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal part texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal part texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal part texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximal portion size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximal portion size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximal portion size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost blade arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost blade arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost blade coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost blade coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade length|}}} | {{#set: proximalmost blade length={{{proximalmost blade length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost blade pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost blade pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost blade shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost blade shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost blade width|}}} | {{#set: proximalmost blade width={{{proximalmost blade width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost leaf architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost leaf architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost leaf architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost leaf architecture or fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost leaf architecture or fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost leaf architecture or fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{proximalmost leaf height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{proximalmost leaf height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: proximalmost leaf height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{publication title|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{publication title}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: publication title=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{publication title|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{publication title}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: publication title=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{publication year|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{publication year}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: publication year=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{publication year|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{publication year}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: publication year=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{raceme architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{raceme architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: raceme architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{raceme arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{raceme arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: raceme arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{raceme orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{raceme orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: raceme orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{racemose-panicle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: racemose-panicle some measurement={{{racemose-panicle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rachis architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rachis architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rachis arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rachis arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: rachis atypical some measurement={{{rachis atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rachis fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rachis fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rachis shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rachis shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rachis some measurement|}}} | {{#set: rachis some measurement={{{rachis some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{radicle development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{radicle development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: radicle development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{radicle growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{radicle growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: radicle growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{radicle length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{radicle length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: radicle length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{radicle orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{radicle orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: radicle orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{radicle position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{radicle position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: radicle position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ray count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ray count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ray count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ray length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ray length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ray length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{receptacle fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{receptacle fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: receptacle fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{receptacle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{receptacle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: receptacle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{reference|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{reference}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: reference=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{reference|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{reference}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: reference=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{region habitat|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{region habitat}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: region habitat=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rib coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rib coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rib coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rib relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rib relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rib relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ridge prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ridge prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ridge prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ridge relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ridge relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ridge relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rim size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rim size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rim size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ring coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ring coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ring coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{root architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{root architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: root architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{root coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{root coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: root coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{root shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{root shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: root shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{root size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{root size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: root size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{root texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{root texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: root texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rostrum architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rostrum architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rostrum architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{rostrum prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{rostrum prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: rostrum prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{row count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{row count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: row count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{row dehiscence or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{row dehiscence or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: row dehiscence or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{salt gland architecture or function or pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{salt gland architecture or function or pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: salt gland architecture or function or pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{salt gland pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{salt gland pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: salt gland pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{salt gland shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{salt gland shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: salt gland shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale architecture or pubescence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale architecture or pubescence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale architecture or pubescence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale some measurement|}}} | {{#set: scale some measurement={{{scale some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{scale texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{scale texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: scale texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed atypical length|}}} | {{#set: seed atypical length={{{seed atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: seed atypical some measurement={{{seed atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed color|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed color}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed color=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed depth|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed depth}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed depth=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed diam|}}} | {{#set: seed diam={{{seed diam}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed diameter|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed diameter}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed diameter=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed length|}}} | {{#set: seed length={{{seed length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed some measurement|}}} | {{#set: seed some measurement={{{seed some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed width|}}} | {{#set: seed width={{{seed width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat architecture or coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat architecture or coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat architecture or coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat diameter|}}} | {{#set: seed-coat diameter={{{seed-coat diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat fixation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat fixation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat fixation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat pubescence or relief or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat pubescence or relief or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat pubescence or relief or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat some measurement|}}} | {{#set: seed-coat some measurement={{{seed-coat some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seed-coat width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seed-coat width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seed-coat width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{seeds margin shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{seeds margin shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: seeds margin shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment atypical count|}}} | {{#set: segment atypical count={{{segment atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment atypical width|}}} | {{#set: segment atypical width={{{segment atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment growth order|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment growth order}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment growth order=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment length|}}} | {{#set: segment length={{{segment length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment some measurement|}}} | {{#set: segment some measurement={{{segment some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{segment variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: segment variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{segment width|}}} | {{#set: segment width={{{segment width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal atypical count|}}} | {{#set: sepal atypical count={{{sepal atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sepal shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sepal shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sepal some measurement|}}} | {{#set: sepal some measurement={{{sepal some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shoot shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shoot shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shoot shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{short-shoot arrangement or growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{short-shoot arrangement or growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: short-shoot arrangement or growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub atypical length|}}} | {{#set: shrub atypical length={{{shrub atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: shrub atypical some measurement={{{shrub atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub average some measurement|}}} | {{#set: shrub average some measurement={{{shrub average some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub length|}}} | {{#set: shrub length={{{shrub length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub some measurement|}}} | {{#set: shrub some measurement={{{shrub some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{shrub texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: shrub texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{shrub width|}}} | {{#set: shrub width={{{shrub width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{side texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{side texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: side texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{sinuse shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{sinuse shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: sinuse shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{slender beak shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{slender beak shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: slender beak shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller bracteole shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{smaller bracteole shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: smaller bracteole shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller bracteole some measurement|}}} | {{#set: smaller bracteole some measurement={{{smaller bracteole some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller tooth count|}}} | {{#set: smaller tooth count={{{smaller tooth count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller tooth variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{smaller tooth variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: smaller tooth variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller wing orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{smaller wing orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: smaller wing orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{smaller wing prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{smaller wing prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: smaller wing prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{source xml|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{source xml}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: source xml=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{source xml|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{source xml}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: source xml=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{special status|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{special status}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: special status=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{special status|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{special status}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: special status=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{species count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{species count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: species count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{synonyms|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{synonyms}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: synonyms=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}__SHOWFACTBOX__</includeonly>
-->{{#if: {{{spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: spike atypical some measurement={{{spike atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike fragility or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike fragility or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike fragility or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spike size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spike size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike some measurement|}}} | {{#set: spike some measurement={{{spike some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spike thickness|}}} | {{#set: spike thickness={{{spike thickness}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spine width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spine width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spine width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{spot coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{spot coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: spot coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stalk duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stalk duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stalk duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stamen architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stamen architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stamen architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stamen atypical count|}}} | {{#set: stamen atypical count={{{stamen atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stamen count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stamen count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stamen count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stamen position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stamen position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stamen position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stem atypical some measurement={{{stem atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem coating|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem coating}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem coating=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem condition|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem condition}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem condition=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem diameter|}}} | {{#set: stem diameter={{{stem diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem fragility or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem fragility or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem fragility or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem growth form or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem growth form or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem growth form or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem location|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem location}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem location=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stem some measurement={{{stem some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stem texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stem texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stem width|}}} | {{#set: stem width={{{stem width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma arrangement or course or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma arrangement or course or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma arrangement or course or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma atypical count|}}} | {{#set: stigma atypical count={{{stigma atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma branch variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma branch variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma branch variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stigma some measurement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stigma some measurement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stigma some measurement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipe architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipe architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe atypical length|}}} | {{#set: stipe atypical length={{{stipe atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stipe atypical some measurement={{{stipe atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe atypical width|}}} | {{#set: stipe atypical width={{{stipe atypical width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe count|}}} | {{#set: stipe count={{{stipe count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipe growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipe growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe length|}}} | {{#set: stipe length={{{stipe length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipe orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipe orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stipe some measurement={{{stipe some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe thickness|}}} | {{#set: stipe thickness={{{stipe thickness}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipe width|}}} | {{#set: stipe width={{{stipe width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipule architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipule architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipule architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipule count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipule count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipule count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipule size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipule size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipule size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stipule texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stipule texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stipule texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stolon architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{stolon architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: stolon architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stolon atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stolon atypical some measurement={{{stolon atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{stolon some measurement|}}} | {{#set: stolon some measurement={{{stolon some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{structure architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{structure architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: structure architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{structure orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{structure orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: structure orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{structure shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{structure shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: structure shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{style atypical count|}}} | {{#set: style atypical count={{{style atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{style count|}}} | {{#set: style count={{{style count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{style height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{style height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: style height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{style length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{style length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: style length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub atypical length|}}} | {{#set: subshrub atypical length={{{subshrub atypical length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: subshrub atypical some measurement={{{subshrub atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub growth form or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub growth form or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub growth form or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub length|}}} | {{#set: subshrub length={{{subshrub length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub some measurement|}}} | {{#set: subshrub some measurement={{{subshrub some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subshrub width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subshrub width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subshrub width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending leaf arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subtending leaf arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subtending leaf arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending leaf count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subtending leaf count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subtending leaf count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending lower glomerule count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subtending lower glomerule count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subtending lower glomerule count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending lower glomerule length|}}} | {{#set: subtending lower glomerule length={{{subtending lower glomerule length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending lower glomerule shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{subtending lower glomerule shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: subtending lower glomerule shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{subtending lower glomerule width|}}} | {{#set: subtending lower glomerule width={{{subtending lower glomerule width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit condition|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit condition}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit condition=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit fixation or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit fixation or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit fixation or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{summit shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: summit shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{summit some measurement|}}} | {{#set: summit some measurement={{{summit some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface architecture or coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface architecture or coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface architecture or coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface morphology|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface morphology}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface morphology=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{surface shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{surface shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: surface shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{synonyms|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{synonyms}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: synonyms=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{taproot orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{taproot orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: taproot orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{taproot shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{taproot shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: taproot shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{taproot texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{taproot texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: taproot texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{taproot thickness|}}} | {{#set: taproot thickness={{{taproot thickness}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal and axillary spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal and axillary spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal and axillary spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal and axillary spike arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal and axillary spike arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal and axillary spike arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal and lateral spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal and lateral spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal and lateral spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal cyme architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal cyme architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal cyme architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal lobe atypical some measurement={{{terminal lobe atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal lobe size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal lobe size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal lobe some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal lobe some measurement={{{terminal lobe some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal or axillary panicle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal or axillary panicle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal or axillary panicle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal or axillary panicle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal or axillary panicle some measurement={{{terminal or axillary panicle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal panicle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal panicle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal panicle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal panicle architecture or fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal panicle architecture or fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal panicle architecture or fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal panicle duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal panicle duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal panicle duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal panicle height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal panicle height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal panicle height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal panicle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal panicle some measurement={{{terminal panicle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal perianth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal perianth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal perianth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal perianth coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal perianth coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal perianth coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal perianth density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal perianth density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal perianth density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal perianth height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal perianth height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal perianth height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal perianth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal perianth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal perianth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal spike size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal spike size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal spike some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal spike some measurement={{{terminal spike some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth some measurement|}}} | {{#set: terminal tooth some measurement={{{terminal tooth some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{terminal tooth texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{terminal tooth texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: terminal tooth texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{thorn architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{thorn architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: thorn architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{thorn atypical count|}}} | {{#set: thorn atypical count={{{thorn atypical count}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{thorn count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{thorn count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: thorn count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{thorn position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{thorn position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: thorn position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip some measurement|}}} | {{#set: tip some measurement={{{tip some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tip width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tip width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tip width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tissue fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tissue fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tissue fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tissue texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tissue texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tissue texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth architecture or course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth architecture or course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth architecture or course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: tooth atypical some measurement={{{tooth atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth position or structure subtype|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth position or structure subtype}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth position or structure subtype=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth some measurement|}}} | {{#set: tooth some measurement={{{tooth some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tooth width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tooth width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tooth width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome architecture or arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome architecture or arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome architecture or arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{trichome shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{trichome shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: trichome shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tube some measurement|}}} | {{#set: tube some measurement={{{tube some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle architecture or course|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle architecture or course}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle architecture or course=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle fragility|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle fragility}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle fragility=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle height|}}} | {{#set: tubercle height={{{tubercle height}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: tubercle some measurement={{{tubercle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tubercle width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tubercle width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tubercle width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tuft density|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{tuft density}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: tuft density=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tuft length|}}} | {{#set: tuft length={{{tuft length}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{tuft width|}}} | {{#set: tuft width={{{tuft width}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{twig architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{twig architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: twig architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{twig coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{twig coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: twig coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{twig shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{twig shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: twig shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{twig size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{twig size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: twig size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{type architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{type architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: type architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{type count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{type count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: type count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{type reproduction|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{type reproduction}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: type reproduction=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{type variability|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{type variability}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: type variability=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ultimate branch condition|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ultimate branch condition}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ultimate branch condition=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ultimate branch height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ultimate branch height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ultimate branch height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ultimate branch length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ultimate branch length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ultimate branch length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ultimate branch shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{ultimate branch shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: ultimate branch shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{ultimate branch some measurement|}}} | {{#set: ultimate branch some measurement={{{ultimate branch some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle dehiscence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle dehiscence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle dehiscence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle growth form|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle growth form}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle growth form=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle position relational|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle position relational}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle position relational=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle prominence or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle prominence or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle prominence or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle some measurement|}}} | {{#set: utricle some measurement={{{utricle some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{utricle width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{utricle width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: utricle width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein architecture or coloration or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein architecture or coloration or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein architecture or coloration or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein some measurement|}}} | {{#set: vein some measurement={{{vein some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vein width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vein width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vein width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vesture coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vesture coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vesture coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{vesture pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{vesture pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: vesture pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wart coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wart coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wart coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wart count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wart count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wart count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism atypical some measurement|}}} | {{#set: whole_organism atypical some measurement={{{whole_organism atypical some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism duration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism duration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism duration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism fusion|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism fusion}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism fusion=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism height or length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism height or length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism height or length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism length|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism length}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism length=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism length or size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism length or size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism length or size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism pubescence or texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism pubescence or texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism pubescence or texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism some measurement|}}} | {{#set: whole_organism some measurement={{{whole_organism some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{whole_organism width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{whole_organism width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: whole_organism width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing architecture or pubescence or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing architecture or pubescence or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing architecture or pubescence or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing architecture or relief|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing architecture or relief}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing architecture or relief=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing architecture or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing architecture or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing architecture or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing arrangement|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing arrangement}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing arrangement=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing arrangement or shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing arrangement or shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing arrangement or shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing coloration|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing coloration}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing coloration=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing coloration or reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing coloration or reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing coloration or reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing dehiscence or orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing dehiscence or orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing dehiscence or orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing development|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing development}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing development=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing diameter|}}} | {{#set: wing diameter={{{wing diameter}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing orientation|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing orientation}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing orientation=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing position|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing position}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing position=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing prominence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing prominence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing prominence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing pubescence|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing pubescence}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing pubescence=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing reflectance|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing reflectance}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing reflectance=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing shape|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing shape}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing shape=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing shape or architecture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing shape or architecture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing shape or architecture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing size|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing size}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing size=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing size or width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing size or width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing size or width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing some measurement|}}} | {{#set: wing some measurement={{{wing some measurement}}} }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing texture|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing texture}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing texture=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wing width|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wing width}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wing width=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{wood life cycle|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{wood life cycle}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: wood life cycle=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{x chromosome count|}}} | {{#arraymap:{{{x chromosome count}}}|;|@@@|{{#set: x chromosome count=@@@ }}|&#32; }} }}__SHOWFACTBOX__</includeonly>

Revision as of 14:55, 27 July 2019