

Fam. Pl. 2: 503. 1763.

Etymology: Italian kikenda, ancient name used in Tuscany for Gentianaceae taxon, probably Gentiana lutea
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.
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Herbs annual, chlorophyllous, glabrous. Stems erect or decumbent. Leaves cauline, opposite, sometimes also basal. Inflorescences: solitary flowers or 2–5-flowered, irregular or ± dichasial cymes. Flowers 4-merous; calyx tubular, lobes longer than tube, connate, 2 outer lobes wider than inner [not connate, all equal]; corolla yellow, salverform, glabrous, lobes shorter, abruptly spreading at summit of tube, margins entire, plicae between lobes absent; stamens inserted in corolla sinuses; anthers distinct, remaining straight; style deciduous, erect, distinct, cleft 1 mm or less [not cleft]; ovary short-stipitate; stigmas 2; nectaries absent. Capsules widely ellipsoid. x = 13.


United States, South America, Europe, introduced in Australia.


Species 2 (1 in the flora).

The name Cicendia was long misapplied to the European genus Exaculum Caruel, and the genus described here was called Microcala Hoffmannsegg & Link.

Selected References


... more about "Cicendia"
James S. Pringle +
Adanson +
United States +, South America +, Europe +  and introduced in Australia. +
Italian kikenda, ancient name used in Tuscany for Gentianaceae taxon, probably Gentiana lutea +
Cicendia +
Gentianaceae +