Sabatia brevifolia


Atlantic J. 1: 147. 1832. (as Sabbatia)

Common names: Elliott’s or narrow-leaved or short-leaved sabatia
Synonyms: Sabatia elliottii Steudel
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.
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Herbs annual. Stems single, terete, 1.5–7 dm, branching all or mostly alternate. Leaves all cauline or basal occasionally persistent at flowering time; blade linear to oblong-lanceolate, 0.5–3 cm × 1–5(–7) mm. Inflorescences open cymes or solitary flowers at ends of branches; pedicels (10–)20–40(–50) mm. Flowers 5-merous; calyx tube obconic, 1–3 mm, mid- and commissural veins about equally prominent, not or low-ridged, lobes filiform, 3–8 mm; corolla white, eye greenish yellow, projections of eye into corolla lobes without a contrasting border, tube 1–3 mm, lobes oblanceolate, 6–18 × 2–7 mm, apex obtuse to acute; anthers coiling circinately. 2n = 32.

Phenology: Flowering late summer–fall.
Habitat: Open pine woods, savannas, bogs.
Elevation: 0–70 m.


Reports of Sabatia brevifolia from Louisiana were based on a specimen of questionable provenance and are considered probably erroneous by students of that state’s flora.

In some older literature, the name Sabatia difformis was misapplied to S. brevifolia.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Sabatia brevifolia"
James S. Pringle +
Rafinesque +
Elliott’s or narrow-leaved or short-leaved sabatia +
Ala. +, Fla. +, Ga. +  and S.C. +
0–70 m. +
Open pine woods, savannas, bogs. +
Flowering late summer–fall. +
Atlantic J. +
Sabatia elliottii +
Sabatia brevifolia +
species +