familyPinaceaegenusPinusspeciesPinus sylvestrisShow Lower Taxa Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris Pinus sylvestris Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 1000. 1753. Robert Kral Common names: Scotch pine pin d'ÉcosseIntroducedTreatment appears in FNA Volume 2. Revision as of 20:21, 5 November 2020 by imported>Volume Importer(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) Contents 1 Distribution 2 Discussion 3 Selected References 4 Lower Taxa Distribution North America, Eurasia. Discussion Varieties ca. 20 (1 introduced in the flora). Selected References None. Lower Taxa Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris Category: PinusHidden category: Treatment Facts... more about "Pinus sylvestris"RDF feedAuthorRobert Kral +AuthorityLinnaeus +Common nameScotch pine + and pin d'Écosse +DistributionNorth America + and Eurasia. +Illustration copyrightFlora of North America Association +IllustratorJohn Myers +Number of lower taxa1 +Publication titleSp. Pl. +Publication year1753 +ReferenceNone +Source xml grained fna xml/V2/V2 118.xml +Special statusIntroduced +SynonymsApinus +, Strobus + and Caryopitys +Taxon familyPinaceae +Taxon namePinus sylvestris +Taxon parentPinus +Taxon rankspecies +VolumeVolume 2 +