Moehringia macrophylla
Vers. Darstell. Alsin., 18, 38. 1833.
Plants perennial. Rhizomes forming extensive network. Stems ascending to erect, simple or branched, ± angled or grooved, 2–18 cm, hairs minute, spreading, peglike. Leaves sessile or subsessile; petiole 0.1–1 mm; blade 1–3-veined, lanceolate to elliptic, (8–)15–50(–70) × 2–9 mm, margins smooth to minutely granular, often ciliate in proximal 1/2, apex acute. Inflorescences 1–5-flowered; bracts 1–4 mm, margins broadly scarious. Pedicels ascending to erect, sometimes divergent in fruit, 2–15 mm. Flowers: sepals 5, midrib ± keeled, ovate, herbaceous portion lanceolate, (2.8–)3–6 mm, apex acute to acuminate; petals 5, 2–6 mm, 3/4–11/2 times as long as sepals. Capsules ovoid, 5 mm, ± equaling sepals. Seeds ovoid, 1.5–2.2 mm, tuberculate; tubercles minute, low, rounded. 2n = 48.
Phenology: Flowering late spring–summer.
Habitat: Moist, shaded slopes, rocky ridges, ultramafic outcrops and summits, shores
Elevation: 200-3400 m.
![V5 151-distribution-map.gif](/w/images/3/36/V5_151-distribution-map.gif)
B.C., Man., Nfld. and Labr. (Labr.), N.W.T., Ont., Que., Sask., Calif., Colo., Conn., Idaho, Mass., Mich., Mont., N.Mex., Oreg., Utah, Vt., Wash., Wis., Asia.
Selected References