Ficus benghalensis
Sp. Pl. 2: 1059. 1753.
Trees, evergreen, to 30 m. Roots aerial, often descending to ground level and forming pillar-roots Bark of trunks and older branches brown, smooth. Branchlets puberulent, glabrescent in age. Leaves: stipules stout, 1.5-2.5 cm; petiole 1.5-7 cm. Leaf blade ovate, 10-30 × 7-20 cm, leathery, base cordate, margins entire, apex obtuse; surfaces abaxially puberulent, adaxially glabrous; basal veins (2-)3-4 pairs, 1/3-1/2 length of blade, reticulations regular; lateral veins 5-6(-7) pairs. Syconia paired, sessile, orange or red, depressed-globose, 1.5-2 × 2-2.5 mm, pubescent; subtending bracts ovate, 3-7 mm, puberulous; ostiole closed by 3 flat or nearly umbonate apical bracts 3-4 mm wide.
Phenology: Flowering all year.
Habitat: Disturbed thickets
Elevation: 0-10 m

Introduced; Fla., Asia (native to Pakistan and India).
Selected References