Koeleria pyramidata

(Lam.) P. Beauv.
Common names: Crested hairgrass
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 24. Treatment on page 754.
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Illustrator: Cindy Roché

Copyright: Utah State University

Plants loosely cespitose, sometimes rhizomatous. Culms (30)40-90 cm, glabrous or puberulent above. Sheaths sparsely sericeous to densely pubescent, old sheaths persistent, disintegrating into wavy, curled, or arched fibers; ligules 0.5-1 mm; blades 5-24 cm long, 1-5 mm wide, flat, margins of the basal blades often ciliate below, with hairs usually longer than 2 mm. Panicles 5-22 cm long, 1-4(5) cm wide; branches villous. Spikelets 6-10 mm, with 2-4(5) florets; rachillas with scattered pubescence. Glumes acute, glabrous, smooth or scabrous; lower glumes 4-5 mm, 1-veined; upper glumes 5-6.5 mm, 3-veined; calluses broadly rounded, pubescent; lemmas 4-6 mm, glabrous or puberulent, rarely ciliate, usually green when young, stramineous at maturity, apices acuminate to shortly aristate; anthers 2-2.5 mm. Caryopses 2.5-3.8 mm. 2n = 14.


Koeleria pyramidata, as interpreted here, is confined to Europe. Some North American records for K. pyramidata are based on robust specimens of K. macrantha; others reflect an interpretation of K. pyramidata that includes K. macrantha.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Koeleria pyramidata"
Lisa A. Standley +
(Lam.) P. Beauv. +
Crested hairgrass +
Wash. +, Del. +, Wis. +, Pacific Islands (Hawaii) +, Maine +, Vt. +, Wyo. +, N.Mex. +, Tex. +, La. +, N.Y. +, Pa. +, Alaska +, Nev. +, Colo. +, Calif. +, Ala. +, Kans. +, N.Dak. +, Nebr. +, Okla. +, S.Dak. +, Ark. +, Ill. +, Ind. +, Iowa +, Ariz. +, Idaho +, Md. +, Ohio +, Utah +, Mo. +, Minn. +, Mich. +, Mont. +, Miss. +, Ky. +, Alta. +, B.C. +, Man. +, N.W.T. +, Ont. +, Que. +, Sask. +, Yukon +  and Oreg. +
Introduced +
Gramineae +
Koeleria pyramidata +
Koeleria +
species +