Heuchera villosa
Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 172. 1803 ,.
Herbs caulescent; caudex branched. Flowering stems 10–85 cm, long stipitate-glandular. Leaves: petiole long stipitate-glandular; blade rounded-cordate, orbiculate, or oblong, often ± polygonal, deeply (5–)7–9+-lobed, 3–26 cm, base cordate to nearly truncate, lobes ovate to triangular, margins dentate to serrate, apex obtuse to acute, surfaces glabrous or long stipitate-glandular. Inflorescences dense to diffuse. Flowers: hypanthium radially symmetric, free 0.2–0.5 mm, white or pink, obconic or subglobose, 1.5–3.6 mm, usually long stipitate-glandular, sometimes sparsely long-stipitate or glabrous; sepals erect, green-tipped, equal, 0.5–1.7 mm, apex rounded; petals often coiled, sometimes reflexed, white, linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, unlobed, 1–3 mm, margins entire; stamens exserted 2–2.5 mm; styles exserted 1.5–2.5 mm, 2–4 mm, to 0.1 mm diam. Capsules ovoid, 3–6.4 mm, beaks divergent, not papillose. Seeds dark brown, fusiform, 0.5–0.9 mm.

Ala., Ark., Ga., Ind., Ky., Miss., Mo., N.C., Ohio, Pa., S.C., Tenn., Va., W.Va.
Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).
Selected References
1 | Inflorescences dense to diffuse, internodes in floral branchlets 0.7-3 mm; pedicels 0.9-3 mm; hypanthia obconic or subglobose, long stipitate-glandular; petals 0.1-0.2 mm wide; e of the Prairies. | Heuchera villosa var. villosa |
1 | Inflorescences dense, internodes in floral branchlets 0.3-1 mm; pedicels 0.2-0.9 mm; hypanthia subglobose, glabrous or sparsely long stipitate-glandular; petals 0.2-0.4 mm wide; Arkansas. | Heuchera villosa var. arkansana |