Euchiton involucratus

(G. Forster) Anderberg

Opera Bot. 104: 167. 1991.

Common names: Common-cudweed
Basionym: Gnaphalium involucratum G. Forster Fl. Ins. Austr., 55. 1786
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment on page 441.
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Biennials or perennials, 30–40 cm; fibrous-rooted; stolons usually absent [reportedly present in Australia and New Zealand]. Aerial stems erect, simple, thinly and persistently white-tomentose. Leaves: basal withering before flowering; cauline 6–10, blades linear to linear-oblanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 3–8 cm × 2–3 mm (largest at midstem), bases subclasping (not ampliate), margins revolute, abaxial faces silvery, tomentose, adaxial faces green, glabrate (shiny). Bracts subtending heads 3–5, 10–15 mm, surpassing heads, plus some shorter. Heads in hemispheric clusters 10–15 mm diam. (sometimes with axillary clusters). Involucres 4–4.5 mm. Phyllaries tawny or rosy-tinged (shiny), oblong, apices rounded to obtuse. Pistillate florets 80–150. Bisexual florets 3–5(–7). Pappus bristles distinct or basally coherent (falling in groups).

Phenology: Flowering Jul–Oct.
Habitat: Grassy open places, often moist or wet
Elevation: 50–700 m



Introduced; Calif., Mass., Pacific Islands (New Zealand), Australia.


Selected References


Lower Taxa
