Erigeron asperugineus

(D. C. Eaton) A. Gray

Notes Compositae, 91. 1880.

Common names: Idaho fleabane
Basionym: Aster asperugineus D. C. Eaton in S. Watson, Botany (Fortieth Parallel), 142. 1871
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 306. Mentioned on page 273, 307.
Revision as of 20:29, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Perennials, 2–20 cm; slenderly taprooted, caudices usually branched. Stems usually decumbent-ascending, moderately to densely hirsutulous to hirtellous (hairs usually deflexed), eglandular. Leaves basal (persistent) and cauline; basal blades 1-nerved or weakly 3-nerved, spatulate, rhombic-elliptic to obovate or oblanceolate (often folding), 20–50(–80) × 3–10(–13) mm, cauline gradually or abruptly reduced and linear distally (bases abruptly contracted to petioles), margins entire, faces moderately to densely hirsutulous, eglandular. Heads 1(–2). Involucres 5–9 × 7–14 mm. Phyllaries in 3–4 series (tips and margins often purple), sparsely to moderately hirsutulous, densely minutely glandular. Ray florets 10–25; corollas deep blue or violet to rose-purple, 5–10 mm, laminae not coiling or reflexing. Disc corollas 4.2–6.3 mm. Cypselae 2.5–3.1 mm, 2-nerved, faces sparsely strigose; pappi: outer of setae, inner of 20–30 bristles.

Phenology: Flowering Jul–Aug.
Habitat: Rocky or gravelly slopes and ridges, talus, sagebrush or meadow edges, limber pine, whitebark pine, fir-pine
Elevation: (2100–)2500–3300 m


Erigeron asperugineus sometimes is very similar in aspect to E. clokeyi var. pinzliae; the latter differs in its narrower leaves, coarsely ciliate petioles, broader and non-reflexing rays, and shorter cypselae.

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... more about "Erigeron asperugineus"
Guy L. Nesom +
(D. C. Eaton) A. Gray +
Aster asperugineus +
Idaho fleabane +
Idaho +, Mont. +, Nev. +  and Utah. +
(2100–)2500–3300 m +
Rocky or gravelly slopes and ridges, talus, sagebrush or meadow edges, limber pine, whitebark pine, fir-pine +
Flowering Jul–Aug. +
Notes Compositae, +
Achaetogeron +  and Trimorpha +
Erigeron asperugineus +
Erigeron +
species +