Boschniakia rossica

(Chamisso & Schlechtendal) B. Fedtschenko in B. A. Fedtschenko and A. F. Flerow

Fl. Evropeiskoi Ross., 896. 1910.

Common names: Northern ground-cone poque
Selected by author to be illustrated
Basionym: Orobanche rossica Chamisso & Schlechtendal
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 460. Mentioned on page 461.
Revision as of 16:03, 18 September 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Stems 1–3, dark wine red or purple, unbranched, 9–38 cm, with rhizomelike cylindric to globular base 10–25(–40) mm diam. Leaves yellow or wine red; blade triangular, lanceolate, or ovate, 3–10 mm. Spikes dark purple or red, 10–25 mm diam.; bracts yellow or yellow-tipped, sometimes translucent, triangular, lanceolate, or ovate, margins erose or ciliolate, apex acute or acuminate, rarely rounded. Flowers: calyx purple or red-brown, cleft adaxially, 3–6 mm; corolla 8–13 mm, glabrous except margins, tube base ± inflated, abaxial lobes 0–1 mm, margins white-ciliate; stamens included or exserted; ovary ovoid; style base persistent on fruit. Capsules subglobular, 5–6 × 5–6 mm, apex beaked. Seeds 0.5–0.7 × 0.2–0.3 mm, reticulate, foveate.

Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Forests, muskegs, bogs, coastal and interior along streams and lakeshores.
Elevation: 0–1500 m.


Alta., B.C., N.W.T., Yukon, Alaska, Asia (n China, Russian Far East).


The confirmed host of Boschniakia rossica is Alnus; unconfirmed hosts include Betula and Vaccinium; dubious hosts include Chamaedaphne, Picea, and Salix.

Boschniakia rossica has a rather uniform morphology in North America; however, var. flavida Y. Zhang & J. Y. Ma has been described in a region of China.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Boschniakia rossica"
L. Turner Collins +, Alison E. L. Colwell +  and George Yatskievych +
(Chamisso & Schlechtendal) B. Fedtschenko +
Orobanche rossica +
Northern ground-cone +  and poque +
Alta. +, B.C. +, N.W.T. +, Yukon +, Alaska +, Asia (n China +  and Russian Far East). +
0–1500 m. +
Forests, muskegs, bogs, coastal and interior along streams and lakeshores. +
Flowering Jun–Aug. +
in B. A. Fedtschenko and A. F. Flerow, Fl. Evropeiskoi Ross., +
Illustrated +
Boschniakia rossica +
Boschniakia +
species +