Triumfetta pentandra

A. Richard

in J. B. A. Guillemin et al., Fl. Seneg. Tent., 93, plate 19. 1831.

Common names: Five stamen burrbark
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 201.
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Herbs, annual. Stems erect, branched, 2.5–6 dm, stellate-pubescent. Leaves: petiole 1–5 cm; proximal blades rhombic-ovate, palmately 3-lobed, 4.5–9 cm, distal ovate-lanceolate, not lobed, base cuneate to obtuse, margins unequally coarsely serrate, apex acute to acuminate, surfaces: abaxial moderately hairy with mix of stellate hairs (laminae) and simple hairs (veins), adaxial sparingly simple-hairy, 5-veined from base. Inflorescences mostly 2 or 3 per axil, often subspicate; peduncle 1–2 mm. Pedicels 0.5–1 mm. Flowers: sepals narrowly oblong, subapically appendaged, 2–3 mm, sparsely stellate abaxially; stamens 5(–10); ovaries 2-locular. Capsules ovoid, 2.5–3 mm, surface densely tomentose; spines uncinate, densely hirsute on 1 side.

Phenology: Flowering Aug–Sep.
Habitat: Disturbed sites, roadsides, pastures, ditch banks
Elevation: 10–50 m


V6 358-distribution-map.jpg

Introduced; Fla., Africa, introduced also in South America, Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan), Atlantic Islands (Cape Verde Islands), Australia.


Triumfetta pentandra is known from Baker and DeSoto counties.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Triumfetta pentandra"
Guy L. Nesom +
A. Richard in J. B. A. Guillemin et al. +
Bartramia +
Five stamen burrbark +
Fla. +, Africa +, introduced also in South America +, Asia (India +, Pakistan +, Sri Lanka +, Taiwan) +, Atlantic Islands (Cape Verde Islands) +  and Australia. +
10–50 m +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, pastures, ditch banks +
Flowering Aug–Sep. +
in J. B. A. Guillemin et al., Fl. Seneg. Tent., +
Introduced +
Triumfetta pentandra +
Triumfetta +
species +