Pedicularis bracteosa var. latifolia

(Pennell) Cronquist in C. L. Hitchcock et al.

Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N.W. 4: 358. 1959.

Common names: Wide-leaved lousewort
Basionym: Pedicularis latifolia Pennell Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 61: 448. 1934
Synonyms: P. paddoensis Pennell P. thompsonii Pennell
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 516. Mentioned on page 515, 531.
Revision as of 21:28, 27 May 2020 by imported>Volume Importer

Flowers: calyx slightly hispid, lobes triangular; corolla: tube yellow; galea yellow to yellow tinged with red, 7–11 mm, beakless, apex acute; abaxial lip yellow.

Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Open subalpine coniferous forests.
Elevation: 1100–1900 m.


Variety latifolia occurs throughout the Cascade Range to Mt. Adams, Washington, where it intergrades with var. flavida, and extends to eastern Washington and northern Idaho, overlapping somewhat with the distribution of var. bracteosa.

Pedicularis rainierensis sometimes grows adjacent to this variety, and Mt. Rainier Park personnel (unpubl.) have noted putative interspecific hybrids between the two species.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

Bruce W. Robart +
(Pennell) Cronquist +
Pedicularis latifolia +
Wide-leaved lousewort +
B.C. +, Idaho +  and Wash. +
1100–1900 m. +
Open subalpine coniferous forests. +
Flowering Jun–Aug. +
in C. L. Hitchcock et al., Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N.W. +
P. paddoensis +  and P. thompsonii +
Pedicularis bracteosa var. latifolia +
Pedicularis bracteosa +
variety +