Callirhoë leiocarpa

R. F. Martin

J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 28: 108. 1938.

Common names: Annual or tall wine cup tall poppy mallow
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 242. Mentioned on page 240, 241.
Revision as of 23:04, 16 December 2019 by FNA>Volume Importer

Plants annual, sometimes biennial. Stems 1–7(–10), erect to weakly erect, 0.5–10(–12) dm, glabrous or sparingly hairy, hairs 4-rayed, stellate, somewhat glaucous. Leaves: stipules persistent, strongly auriculate, 4–8(–12) mm; petiole 0.7–8(–12) cm; blade suborbiculate, reniform-cordate, or ovate, shallowly to deeply 3–7-lobed, 1–7(–9) × 1–9.5 cm, surfaces sparingly hairy, hairs 4-rayed, stellate, and simple abaxially, mostly simple adaxially, lobes oblanceolate. Inflorescences racemose; involucellar bractlets absent. Flowers bisexual or functionally pistillate; calyx lobes valvate in bud, forming apiculate or acuminate point; petals reddish purple with white basal spot, 1.5–2.3(–3.5) cm (male sterile 1.1–1.6 cm). Schizocarps 5.5–7 mm diam.; mericarps 10–14, 2.8–4.5 × 1.5–2.7 mm, glabrous, dehiscent; beaks prominent, 1–2 mm; collars well developed, 3-lobed. 2n = 28.

Phenology: Flowering (late winter–)spring–mid summer, sporadically later.
Habitat: Prairies, mesquite-juniper woodlands, borders of woods and thickets
Elevation: 0–1000 m


Callirhoë leiocarpa has been confused with C. pedata by some authors. It is cultivated occasionally.

Selected References


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... more about "Callirhoë leiocarpa"
Laurence J. Dorr +
R. F. Martin +
Annual or tall wine cup +  and tall poppy mallow +
Kans. +, Okla. +  and Tex. +
0–1000 m +
Prairies, mesquite-juniper woodlands, borders of woods and thickets +
Flowering (late winter–)spring–mid summer, sporadically later. +
J. Wash. Acad. Sci. +
Endemic +  and Selected by author to be illustrated +
Callirhoë leiocarpa +
Callirhoë +
species +