Tetracoccus dioicus


W. Amer. Sci. 1: 13. 1885.

Common names: Parry’s tetracoccus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page 327. Mentioned on page 326.
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Shrubs to 2 m. Leaves subopposite, opposite, or whorled, not clustered on short shoots; blade oblong or oblanceolate to linear, 20–30 × 1–4 mm, base obtuse to cuneate, margins entire or remotely serrulate, apex obtuse to acute. Inflorescences: staminate sparingly branched racemelike thyrses, to 20 mm; pistillate flowers solitary. Pedicels: staminate present; pistillate 6–15 mm, glabrous. Staminate flowers: sepals 6–10; stamens 5–10, filaments villous basally. Pistillate flowers: sepals 7–13, in 1 series (sometimes subequal sepals alternate), red, 3–5 mm, glabrate abaxially, minutely sericeous-tomentose adaxially; pistil usually 4-carpellate, 3 mm, crisp-tomentose. Seeds (1–)2 per locule, glossy brownish red, oblong, 4–5 mm, usually with one flattened radial surface, smooth; caruncle present.

Phenology: Flowering Mar–Jun and sporadically year-round.
Habitat: Coastal chaparral and coastal scrub.
Elevation: 100–700 m.


V12 624-distribution-map.jpg

Calif., Mexico (Baja California).


Tetracoccus dioicus is found in the flora area in Orange and San Diego counties.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Tetracoccus dioicus"
W. John Hayden +
Parry’s tetracoccus +
Calif. +  and Mexico (Baja California). +
100–700 m. +
Coastal chaparral and coastal scrub. +
Flowering Mar–Jun and sporadically year-round. +
W. Amer. Sci. +
Selected by author to be illustrated +
Halliophytum +
Tetracoccus dioicus +
Tetracoccus +
species +