Difference between revisions of "Cocculus diversifolius"

de Candolle

Syst. Nat. 1: 523. 1818.

Common names: Sarsaparilla correhuela
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="vine some measurement"><b>Vines,</b> to 3 m or more;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="rhizome diameter">rhizomes to 1.4 cm diam.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties=""><b>Stems </b>with appressed pubescence.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="petiole some measurement"><b>Leaves:</b> petiole to 1.8 cm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade length;leaf-blade width;leaf-blade texture;base shape;apex shape;apex shape;apex shape;apex shape;apex shape"><b>Leaf-</b>blade generally linear, lanceolate-oblong, oblong, or ovate-oblong, to 8.5 × 6 cm, ± leathery, base sometimes lobed, apex obtuse to rounded and often retuse, mucronate;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="">surfaces glabrous, abaxially slightly pale;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="surface pubescence;surface coloration;surface quantity">venation 3-5.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="inflorescence some measurement"><b>Inflorescences </b>to 7 cm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="bracteole pubescence;bracteole pubescence;bracteole pubescence;rachis pubescence;rachis pubescence;rachis pubescence;hair fixation or orientation">bracteoles and rachis glabrous or pubescent with short-appressed hairs, sometimes glaucous.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="perianth part pubescence;perianth part pubescence"><b>Flowers:</b> perianth parts glabrous, often glaucous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="series quantity;outer sepal quantity;outer sepal shape;outer sepal length;outer sepal width;outer sepal position;outer sepal quantity;sepal shape;sepal shape;sepal shape;sepal shape;sepal length;sepal width;inner sepal quantity;sepal shape;sepal shape;sepal shape;sepal length;sepal width">sepals in 3 series, outer sepals 0-3, ovate, 0.4-0.8 × 0.3-0.4 mm, middle 3 sepals ovate to elliptic or obovate, 0.6-1.6 × 0.4-1 mm, inner 3 sepals elliptic to nearly orbiculate, 1.2-2.2 × 1.2-1.8 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="petal quantity;petal coloration;petal shape;petal shape;petal shape;petal length;petal width;petal pubescence">petals 6, usually yellowish, elliptic to obovate, 0.8-1.6 × 0.6-1 mm, glabrous.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="flower architecture;stamen quantity;stamen some measurement"><b>Staminate </b>flowers: stamens 6, to 1.8 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="flower architecture;pistillode presence">pistillodes absent.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s14" data-properties="flower architecture;staminode some measurement"><b>Pistillate </b>flowers: staminodes to 0.4 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s15" data-properties="flower architecture;pistil some measurement">pistils to 1.4 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s16" data-properties="drupe coloration;drupe coloration;drupe diameter;drupe pubescence"><b>Drupes </b>black or bluish black, 4-6 mm diam., often glaucous.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Vines,</b> to 3 m or more; rhizomes to 1.4 cm diam. <b>Stems</b> with appressed pubescence. <b>Leaves</b>: petiole to 1.8 cm. <b>Leaf</b> blade generally linear, lanceolate-oblong, oblong, or ovate-oblong, to 8.5 × 6 cm, ± leathery, base sometimes lobed, apex obtuse to rounded and often retuse, mucronate; surfaces glabrous, abaxially slightly pale; venation 3-5. <b>Inflorescences</b> to 7 cm; bracteoles and rachis glabrous or pubescent with short-appressed hairs, sometimes glaucous. <b>Flowers</b>: perianth parts glabrous, often glaucous; sepals in 3 series, outer sepals 0-3, ovate, 0.4-0.8 × 0.3-0.4 mm, middle 3 sepals ovate to elliptic or obovate, 0.6-1.6 × 0.4-1 mm, inner 3 sepals elliptic to nearly orbiculate, 1.2-2.2 × 1.2-1.8 mm; petals 6, usually yellowish, elliptic to obovate, 0.8-1.6 × 0.6-1 mm, glabrous. <b>Staminate</b> flowers: stamens 6, to 1.8 mm; pistillodes absent. <b>Pistillate</b> flowers: staminodes to 0.4 mm; pistils to 1.4 mm. <b>Drupes</b> black or bluish black, 4-6 mm diam., often glaucous.</span><!--
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|habitat=Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons
|habitat=Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons
|elevation=0-1400 m
|elevation=0-1400 m
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|habitat=Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons
|habitat=Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons
|elevation=0-1400 m
|elevation=0-1400 m
|publication title=Syst. Nat.
|publication title=Syst. Nat.
|publication year=1818
|publication year=1818
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_939.xml
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/9216fc802291cd3df363fd52122300479582ede7/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_939.xml
|species=Cocculus diversifolius
|species=Cocculus diversifolius
|apex shape=mucronate;retuse;obtuse;rounded
|base shape=lobed
|bracteole pubescence=glaucous;pubescent;glabrous
|drupe coloration=bluish black;black
|drupe diameter=4mm;6mm
|drupe pubescence=glaucous
|flower architecture=pistillate;pistillate;staminate;staminate
|hair fixation or orientation=short-appressed
|inflorescence some measurement=0cm;7cm
|inner sepal quantity=3
|leaf-blade length=0cm;8.5cm
|leaf-blade shape=ovate-oblong;oblong;ovate-oblong;oblong;lanceolate-oblong;linear
|leaf-blade texture=leathery
|leaf-blade width=0cm;6cm
|outer sepal length=0.4mm;0.8mm
|outer sepal position=middle
|outer sepal quantity=3;0;3
|outer sepal shape=ovate
|outer sepal width=0.3mm;0.4mm
|perianth part pubescence=glaucous;glabrous
|petal coloration=yellowish
|petal length=0.8mm;1.6mm
|petal pubescence=glabrous
|petal quantity=6
|petal shape=elliptic;obovate
|petal width=0.6mm;1mm
|petiole some measurement=0cm;1.8cm
|pistil some measurement=0mm;1.4mm
|pistillode presence=absent
|rachis pubescence=glaucous;pubescent;glabrous
|rhizome diameter=0cm;1.4cm
|sepal length=1.2mm;2.2mm
|sepal shape=elliptic;nearly orbiculate
|sepal width=1.2mm;1.8mm
|series quantity=3
|stamen quantity=6
|stamen some measurement=0mm;1.8mm
|staminode some measurement=0mm;0.4mm
|surface coloration=pale
|surface pubescence=glabrous
|surface quantity=3;5
|vine some measurement=0m;3m

Revision as of 13:54, 27 July 2019

Vines, to 3 m or more; rhizomes to 1.4 cm diam. Stems with appressed pubescence. Leaves: petiole to 1.8 cm. Leaf blade generally linear, lanceolate-oblong, oblong, or ovate-oblong, to 8.5 × 6 cm, ± leathery, base sometimes lobed, apex obtuse to rounded and often retuse, mucronate; surfaces glabrous, abaxially slightly pale; venation 3-5. Inflorescences to 7 cm; bracteoles and rachis glabrous or pubescent with short-appressed hairs, sometimes glaucous. Flowers: perianth parts glabrous, often glaucous; sepals in 3 series, outer sepals 0-3, ovate, 0.4-0.8 × 0.3-0.4 mm, middle 3 sepals ovate to elliptic or obovate, 0.6-1.6 × 0.4-1 mm, inner 3 sepals elliptic to nearly orbiculate, 1.2-2.2 × 1.2-1.8 mm; petals 6, usually yellowish, elliptic to obovate, 0.8-1.6 × 0.6-1 mm, glabrous. Staminate flowers: stamens 6, to 1.8 mm; pistillodes absent. Pistillate flowers: staminodes to 0.4 mm; pistils to 1.4 mm. Drupes black or bluish black, 4-6 mm diam., often glaucous.

Phenology: Flowering spring–fall.
Habitat: Brushlands, prairies, palm groves, fencerows, along resecas and canyons
Elevation: 0-1400 m


Selected References


Lower Taxa
