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Sp. Pl. 2: 997. 1753.

Common names: Black walnut noyer noir
EndemicSelected by author to be illustrated
Synonyms: Wallia nigra (Linnaeus) Alefeld
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="tree atypical some measurement;tree some measurement"><b>Trees,</b> to 40 (-50) m.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="bark size;bark coloration;bark coloration;ridge size or width;ridge pubescence or relief"><b>Bark </b>medium to dark gray or brownish, deeply split into narrow rough ridges.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="twig architecture;distal edge shape;band prominence"><b>Twigs </b>with distal edge of leaf-scar notched, usually deeply, not bordered by well-defined band of pubescence;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="pith coloration">pith light-brown.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="terminal bud shape;terminal bud shape;terminal bud shape;terminal bud some measurement"><b>Terminal </b>buds ovoid or subglobose, weakly flattened, 8-10 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="leaf some measurement"><b>Leaves </b>20-60 cm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="petiole some measurement">petiole 6.5-14 cm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="leaflet atypical quantity;leaflet atypical quantity;leaflet quantity;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet shape;leaflet atypical length;leaflet length;leaflet width;margin architecture or shape;apex shape"><b>Leaflets </b>(9-) 15-19 (-23), lanceolate or ovatelanceolate, symmetric or weakly falcate, (3-) 6-15 × 1.5-5.5 cm, margins serrate, apex acuminate;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="surface architecture;surface architecture;hair architecture or arrangement;scale arrangement;axil pubescence;tuft prominence;hair architecture or arrangement;capitate-glandular hair arrangement;capitate-glandular hair architecture or arrangement">surfaces abaxially with capitate-glandular hairs, simple or 2-rayed fasciculate hairs, and scales scattered over veins and blade, axils of proximal veins with prominent tufts of fasciculate hairs, adaxially glabrous except for scattered capitate-glandular and fasciculate hairs on midrib;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="terminal leaflet size;terminal leaflet presence">terminal leaflet small or often absent.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="catkin architecture;catkin some measurement"><b>Staminate </b>catkins 5-10 cm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="stamen quantity">stamens 17-50 per flower;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="pollen-sac distance">pollen-sacs 0.8-0.9 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="fruit quantity;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit some measurement;fruit pubescence or relief"><b>Fruits </b>1-2, subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3.5-8 cm, warty, with scales and capitate-glandular hairs;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s14" data-properties="nut shape;nut shape;nut shape;nut shape;nut some measurement;nut architecture">nuts subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3-4 cm, very deeply longitudinally grooved, surface between grooves coarsely warty.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s15" data-properties="between grooves surface pubescence or relief;2n chromosome quantity">2n = 32.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Trees,</b> to 40(-50) m. <b>Bark</b> medium to dark gray or brownish, deeply split into narrow rough ridges. <b>Twigs</b> with distal edge of leaf scar notched, usually deeply, not bordered by well-defined band of pubescence; pith light brown. <b>Terminal</b> buds ovoid or subglobose, weakly flattened, 8-10 mm. <b>Leaves</b> 20-60 cm; petiole 6.5-14 cm. <b>Leaflets</b> (9-)15-19(-23), lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, symmetric or weakly falcate, (3-)6-15 × 1.5-5.5 cm, margins serrate, apex acuminate; surfaces abaxially with capitate-glandular hairs, simple or 2-rayed fasciculate hairs, and scales scattered over veins and blade, axils of proximal veins with prominent tufts of fasciculate hairs, adaxially glabrous except for scattered capitate-glandular and fasciculate hairs on midrib; terminal leaflet small or often absent. <b>Staminate</b> catkins 5-10 cm; stamens 17-50 per flower; pollen sacs 0.8-0.9 mm. <b>Fruits</b> 1-2, subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3.5-8 cm, warty, with scales and capitate-glandular hairs; nuts subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3-4 cm, very deeply longitudinally grooved, surface between grooves coarsely warty. <b>2n</b> = 32.</span><!--
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|publication year=1753
|publication year=1753
|special status=Endemic;Selected by author to be illustrated
|special status=Endemic;Selected by author to be illustrated
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_491.xml
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/9216fc802291cd3df363fd52122300479582ede7/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_491.xml
|species=Juglans nigra
|species=Juglans nigra
|2n chromosome quantity=32
|apex shape=acuminate
|axil pubescence=glabrous
|band prominence=well-defined
|bark coloration=brownish;dark gray
|bark size=medium
|between grooves surface pubescence or relief=warty
|capitate-glandular hair architecture or arrangement=fasciculate
|capitate-glandular hair arrangement=scattered
|catkin architecture=staminate
|catkin some measurement=5cm;10cm
|distal edge shape=notched
|fruit pubescence or relief=warty
|fruit quantity=1;2
|fruit shape=ellipsoid;subglobose;globose
|fruit some measurement=3.5cm;8cm
|hair architecture or arrangement=fasciculate;fasciculate
|leaf some measurement=20cm;60cm
|leaflet atypical length=3cm;6cm
|leaflet atypical quantity=19;23
|leaflet length=6cm;15cm
|leaflet quantity=15;19
|leaflet shape=falcate;symmetric;ovatelanceolate;lanceolate;falcate;symmetric;ovatelanceolate;lanceolate
|leaflet width=1.5cm;5.5cm
|margin architecture or shape=serrate
|nut architecture=grooved
|nut shape=ellipsoid;subglobose;globose
|nut some measurement=3cm;4cm
|petiole some measurement=6.5cm;14cm
|pith coloration=light-brown
|pollen-sac distance=0.8mm;0.9mm
|ridge pubescence or relief=rough
|ridge size or width=narrow
|scale arrangement=scattered
|stamen quantity=17;50
|surface architecture=2-rayed;simple
|terminal bud shape=flattened;subglobose;ovoid
|terminal bud some measurement=8mm;10mm
|terminal leaflet presence=absent
|terminal leaflet size=small
|tree atypical some measurement=40m;50m
|tree some measurement=0m;40m
|tuft prominence=prominent
|twig architecture=bordered

Revision as of 13:42, 27 July 2019

Trees, to 40(-50) m. Bark medium to dark gray or brownish, deeply split into narrow rough ridges. Twigs with distal edge of leaf scar notched, usually deeply, not bordered by well-defined band of pubescence; pith light brown. Terminal buds ovoid or subglobose, weakly flattened, 8-10 mm. Leaves 20-60 cm; petiole 6.5-14 cm. Leaflets (9-)15-19(-23), lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, symmetric or weakly falcate, (3-)6-15 × 1.5-5.5 cm, margins serrate, apex acuminate; surfaces abaxially with capitate-glandular hairs, simple or 2-rayed fasciculate hairs, and scales scattered over veins and blade, axils of proximal veins with prominent tufts of fasciculate hairs, adaxially glabrous except for scattered capitate-glandular and fasciculate hairs on midrib; terminal leaflet small or often absent. Staminate catkins 5-10 cm; stamens 17-50 per flower; pollen sacs 0.8-0.9 mm. Fruits 1-2, subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3.5-8 cm, warty, with scales and capitate-glandular hairs; nuts subglobose to globose, rarely ellipsoid, 3-4 cm, very deeply longitudinally grooved, surface between grooves coarsely warty. 2n = 32.

Phenology: Flowering spring (Apr–May).
Habitat: Rich woods
Elevation: 0-1000 m


V3 491-distribution-map.gif

Ont., Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., D.C., Fla., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., La., Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., Miss., Mo., Nebr., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Okla., Pa., R.I., S.C., S.Dak., Tenn., Tex., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis.


Variation of Juglans nigra in central Texas and south-central Oklahoma should be studied; specimens seemingly intermediate between J. nigra and both J. major and J. microcarpa have been seen from this area. E. C. Twisselman (1967) incorrectly reported that J. nigra was locally naturalized in California; his specimens were all J. hindsii (possibly introgressed with J. nigra) and J. californica.

Juglans nigra is frequently cultivated as an ornamental, and the nuts are prized for their strong, distinctive flavor.

Native Americans used Juglans nigra medicinally as a miscellaneous disease remedy, a dermatological aid, and a psychological aid (D. E. Moerman 1986).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Juglans nigra"
Alan T. Whittemore +  and Donald E. Stone +
Linnaeus +
Black walnut +  and noyer noir +
Ont. +, Ala. +, Ark. +, Conn. +, Del. +, D.C. +, Fla. +, Ga. +, Ill. +, Ind. +, Iowa +, Kans. +, Ky. +, La. +, Md. +, Mass. +, Mich. +, Minn. +, Miss. +, Mo. +, Nebr. +, N.J. +, N.Y. +, N.C. +, Ohio +, Okla. +, Pa. +, R.I. +, S.C. +, S.Dak. +, Tenn. +, Tex. +, Vt. +, Va. +, W.Va. +  and Wis. +
0-1000 m +
Rich woods +
Flowering spring (Apr–May). +
Endemic +  and Selected by author to be illustrated +
Wallia nigra +
Juglans nigra +
species +