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Linnaea 8: 457, 468. 1833, name conserved.

Common names: Bleeding-heart dicentre
Etymology: Greek dis, twice, and kentron, spur
Synonyms: Bikukulla AdansonBikukulla Miller
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="herb duration;herb duration;herb architecture;herb architecture"><b>Herbs,</b> annual or perennial, scapose or caulescent, from taproots, bulblets, tubers, or rhizomes.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="stem orientation;stem architecture;stem architecture;stem architecture"><b>Stems </b>when present erect, simple or branching, hollow at maturity.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="leaf position;leaf position;leaf architecture"><b>Leaves </b>basal or cauline, compound;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="order quantity;margin shape;margin shape;margin shape;margin shape;margin shape">blade with 2-4 orders of leaflets and lobes, margins entire, crenate, or serrate;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="surface pubescence;surface pubescence">surfaces glabrous, sometimes glaucous.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="inflorescence position;inflorescence position;inflorescence position;inflorescence position;inflorescence position;inflorescence position;inflorescence architecture;inflorescence architecture;inflorescence architecture;inflorescence architecture;inflorescence arrangement;inflorescence arrangement;inflorescence arrangement;inflorescence arrangement;inflorescence arrangement"><b>Inflorescences </b>axillary, extra-axillary, leaf-opposed, or terminal, unifloral or else multifloral and thyrsoid, paniculate, racemose, or corymbose.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="flower architecture or shape;plane quantity;plane orientation"><b>Flowers </b>bilaterally symmetric about each of 2 perpendicular planes;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="sepal duration">sepals caducous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="corolla shape;corolla shape;corolla shape">corolla cordate to oblong in outline;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="petal fusion;petal fusion;petal texture">petals coherent or connate only basally, not spongy;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="outer petal shape;outer petal shape;outer petal shape">outer petals both swollen or spurred basally, usually keeled apically;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="claw shape;claw shape;claw shape;claw shape">inner petals with blade fiddle, spoon, or arrowhead-shaped, claw linear-oblong to oblanceolate;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="base shape;outer petal arrangement">stamens with nectariferous tissue borne on median filament in each bundle and sometimes forming spur or loop that projects into swollen base of adjacent outer petal;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="ovary shape;ovary shape;ovary shape;ovary shape">ovary broadly ovoid or obovoid to narrowly cylindric;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s14" data-properties="stigma duration;lobe quantity;horn quantity;lateral papilla quantity">stigma persistent, with 2 lobes or apical horns, sometimes also with 2 lateral papillae.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s15" data-properties="capsule dehiscence;capsule dehiscence;capsule architecture"><b>Capsules </b>indehiscent or dehiscent and 2-valved.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s16" data-properties="seed quantity"><b>Seeds </b>few-many, elaiosome usually present.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s17" data-properties="elaiosome presence;x chromosome quantity">x = 8.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Herbs,</b> annual or perennial, scapose or caulescent, from taproots, bulblets, tubers, or rhizomes. <b>Stems</b> when present erect, simple or branching, hollow at maturity. <b>Leaves</b> basal or cauline, compound; blade with 2-4 orders of leaflets and lobes, margins entire, crenate, or serrate; surfaces glabrous, sometimes glaucous. <b>Inflorescences</b> axillary, extra-axillary, leaf-opposed, or terminal, unifloral or else multifloral and thyrsoid, paniculate, racemose, or corymbose. <b>Flowers</b> bilaterally symmetric about each of 2 perpendicular planes; sepals caducous; corolla cordate to oblong in outline; petals coherent or connate only basally, not spongy; outer petals both swollen or spurred basally, usually keeled apically; inner petals with blade fiddle-, spoon-, or arrowhead-shaped, claw linear-oblong to oblanceolate; stamens with nectariferous tissue borne on median filament in each bundle and sometimes forming spur or loop that projects into swollen base of adjacent outer petal; ovary broadly ovoid or obovoid to narrowly cylindric; stigma persistent, with 2 lobes or apical horns, sometimes also with 2 lateral papillae. <b>Capsules</b> indehiscent or dehiscent and 2-valved. <b>Seeds</b> few-many, elaiosome usually present. <b>x</b> = 8.</span><!--
|distribution=Temperate North America and eastern Asia
|distribution=Temperate North America and eastern Asia.
|discussion=<p>Species 20 (9 in the flora).</p><!--
|discussion=<p>Species 20 (9 in the flora).</p><!--
--><p>About 35 isoquinoline alkaloids have been isolated from Fumariaceae, and such compounds are present in the tissues of all species. Some of these alkaloids have been used medicinally, mostly in the past. The drug complex corydalis, which contains several alkaloids extracted from the bulblets of Dicentra canadensis and D. cucullaria, has been used as a healing agent in chronic skin diseases, as a tonic and diuretic, and in the treatment of syphilis. The alkaloid bulbocapnine, obtained from all parts of D. canadensis, has been used in the treatment of Ménière's disease and muscular tremors, and as a pre-anaesthetic. Cattle find D. cucullaria and D. canadensis distasteful and usually do not ingest the plants unless suitable forage is unavailable; when they do, however, the toxic alkaloid cucullarine brings about local anaesthesia, narcosis, convulsions, and death. A decoction from the rhizome of D. formosa has been used in the Pacific Northwest to expel intestinal worms (D. E. Moerman 1986).</p><!--
--><p>About 35 isoquinoline alkaloids have been isolated from Fumariaceae, and such compounds are present in the tissues of all species. Some of these alkaloids have been used medicinally, mostly in the past. The drug complex corydalis, which contains several alkaloids extracted from the bulblets of Dicentra canadensis and D. cucullaria, has been used as a healing agent in chronic skin diseases, as a tonic and diuretic, and in the treatment of syphilis. The alkaloid bulbocapnine, obtained from all parts of D. canadensis, has been used in the treatment of Ménière's disease and muscular tremors, and as a pre-anaesthetic. Cattle find D. cucullaria and D. canadensis distasteful and usually do not ingest the plants unless suitable forage is unavailable; when they do, however, the toxic alkaloid cucullarine brings about local anaesthesia, narcosis, convulsions, and death. A decoction from the rhizome of D. formosa has been used in the Pacific Northwest to expel intestinal worms (D. E. Moerman 1986).</p><!--
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|distribution=Temperate North America and eastern Asia
|distribution=Temperate North America and eastern Asia.
|publication title=Linnaea
|publication title=Linnaea
|publication year=
|publication year=
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_283.xml
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/9216fc802291cd3df363fd52122300479582ede7/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_283.xml
|base shape=swollen
|capsule architecture=2-valved
|capsule dehiscence=dehiscent;indehiscent
|claw shape=linear-oblong;oblanceolate
|corolla shape=cordate;oblong
|elaiosome presence=absent
|flower architecture or shape=symmetric
|herb architecture=caulescent;scapose
|herb duration=perennial;annual
|horn quantity=2
|inflorescence architecture=thyrsoid;multifloral;else;unifloral
|inflorescence arrangement=corymbose;racemose;corymbose;racemose;paniculate
|inflorescence position=terminal;leaf-opposed;terminal;leaf-opposed;extra-axillary;axillary
|lateral papilla quantity=2
|leaf architecture=compound
|leaf position=cauline;basal
|lobe quantity=2
|margin shape=serrate;crenate;serrate;crenate;entire
|order quantity=2;4
|outer petal arrangement=adjacent
|outer petal shape=keeled;spurred;swollen
|ovary shape=obovoid;narrowly cylindric
|petal fusion=connate;coherent
|petal texture=not spongy
|plane orientation=perpendicular
|plane quantity=2
|seed quantity=few;many
|sepal duration=caducous
|stem architecture=hollow;branching;simple
|stem orientation=erect
|stigma duration=persistent
|surface pubescence=glaucous;glabrous
|x chromosome quantity=8

Revision as of 14:37, 27 July 2019

Herbs, annual or perennial, scapose or caulescent, from taproots, bulblets, tubers, or rhizomes. Stems when present erect, simple or branching, hollow at maturity. Leaves basal or cauline, compound; blade with 2-4 orders of leaflets and lobes, margins entire, crenate, or serrate; surfaces glabrous, sometimes glaucous. Inflorescences axillary, extra-axillary, leaf-opposed, or terminal, unifloral or else multifloral and thyrsoid, paniculate, racemose, or corymbose. Flowers bilaterally symmetric about each of 2 perpendicular planes; sepals caducous; corolla cordate to oblong in outline; petals coherent or connate only basally, not spongy; outer petals both swollen or spurred basally, usually keeled apically; inner petals with blade fiddle-, spoon-, or arrowhead-shaped, claw linear-oblong to oblanceolate; stamens with nectariferous tissue borne on median filament in each bundle and sometimes forming spur or loop that projects into swollen base of adjacent outer petal; ovary broadly ovoid or obovoid to narrowly cylindric; stigma persistent, with 2 lobes or apical horns, sometimes also with 2 lateral papillae. Capsules indehiscent or dehiscent and 2-valved. Seeds few-many, elaiosome usually present. x = 8.


Temperate North America and eastern Asia.


Species 20 (9 in the flora).

About 35 isoquinoline alkaloids have been isolated from Fumariaceae, and such compounds are present in the tissues of all species. Some of these alkaloids have been used medicinally, mostly in the past. The drug complex corydalis, which contains several alkaloids extracted from the bulblets of Dicentra canadensis and D. cucullaria, has been used as a healing agent in chronic skin diseases, as a tonic and diuretic, and in the treatment of syphilis. The alkaloid bulbocapnine, obtained from all parts of D. canadensis, has been used in the treatment of Ménière's disease and muscular tremors, and as a pre-anaesthetic. Cattle find D. cucullaria and D. canadensis distasteful and usually do not ingest the plants unless suitable forage is unavailable; when they do, however, the toxic alkaloid cucullarine brings about local anaesthesia, narcosis, convulsions, and death. A decoction from the rhizome of D. formosa has been used in the Pacific Northwest to expel intestinal worms (D. E. Moerman 1986).

Dicentra spectabilis (Linnaeus) Lemaire is cultivated through much of the flora area. It was introduced in Europe only in the middle of the 19th century, but it has been cultivated for centuries in temperate China and Japan, where it is now so widespread that the limits of its natural distribution are obscure. It does not appear to be truly naturalized in North America, but it may be encountered as a transitory garden relict or escape. It differs from D. ochroleuca and D. chrysantha in having rose-purple to pink or sometimes white outer petals, pendent flowers, and reticulate seeds with elaiosomes.


1 Plants with evident stems, not scapose. > 2
1 Plants without evident stems, scapose. > 3
2 Petals dull to yellowish white, 15–30 mm; inflorescences subglobose; seeds ca. 1.3 mm diam. (rarely to 2 mm diam.). Dicentra ochroleuca
2 Petals golden yellow, 10–22 mm; inflorescences elongate; seeds 1.5–2.2 mm diam. Dicentra chrysantha
3 Plants with elongate rhizomes; bulblets or tubers absent. > 4
3 Plants without elongate rhizomes (occasionally with rhizomes in D. pauciflora); short, bulblet- or tuber-bearing rootstock, or cluster of spindle-shaped tubers, or combination of tubers and bulblets present. > 6
4 Reflexed portions of outer petals 4–8 mm; e United States. Dicentra eximia
4 Reflexed portions of outer petals 2–5 mm; w North America. > 5
5 Stamen bundles with median filament essentially connate with others. Dicentra formosa
5 Stamen bundles with median filament forming distinct angular loop extending outward above base. Dicentra nevadensis
6 Plants with well-developed bulblets; nectariferous tissue forming spur. > 7
6 Bulblets absent or minute (less than 1 mm diam.); nectariferous tissue not forming spur. > 8
7 Bulblets globose, yellow; nectariferous spur 1 mm or less. Dicentra canadensis
7 Bulblets teardrop-shaped, pink to white; nectariferous spur 1–3(–4.5) mm. Dicentra cucullaria
8 Flowers 1–3 per inflorescence; non-reflexed portions of outer petals usually 12 mm or more; blades of inner petals narrowly spoon-shaped, never triangular or lanceolate. Dicentra pauciflora
8 Flowers solitary; non-reflexed portions of outer petals usually less than 7 mm; blades of inner petals triangular to lanceolate or spoon-shaped. Dicentra uniflora
... more about "Dicentra"
Kingsley R. Stern +
Bernhardi +
Bleeding-heart +  and dicentre +
Temperate North America and eastern Asia +
Greek dis, twice, and kentron, spur +
berg1969a +, fahselt1968a +, fahselt1970a +, stern1961a +, stern1962a +, stern1970a +  and stern1971a +
Bikukulla +
Dicentra +
Fumariaceae +