Difference between revisions of "Dysphania cristata"

(F. Mueller) Mosyakin & Clemants

Ukrayins’k. Bot. Zhurn., n. s. 59: 382. 2002.

Basionym: Blitum cristatum F. Mueller Trans. Philos. Inst. Victoria 2: 73. 1858
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 275. Mentioned on page 268.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer

Revision as of 23:24, 16 December 2019

Stems prostrate, branched, 3–5 dm, pilose and glandular-pilose, or with sessile glands. Leaves aromatic; petiole 0.7–1 cm; blade ovate or elliptic, 1.3–2.1 × 1.1–1.5 cm, reduced somewhat in inflorescence, base cuneate, apex obtuse, glandular-pubescent. Inflorescences axillary glomerules; glomerules subglobose, 4–6 mm diam.; bracts similar to cauline leaves, elliptic, reduced to 0.8 mm, margins crenate-dentate, apex obtuse. Flowers: perianth segments 5, distinct nearly to base, distinct portions elliptic to oblong, strongly keeled, 1.8–1.9 × 0.3–0.5 mm, apex acuminate, fimbriate and hirsute, pubescent with septate hairs, hardly enclosing fruit, becoming white, strongly crested and 5-winged vertically, rostrate, semiorbiculate, and cartilaginous in fruit; stamen 1; stigmas 2. Achenes ovoid; pericarp adherent, membranaceous, slightly rugose and papillate. Seeds reddish brown, ovoid, 0.6–0.7 × 0.5–0.6 mm, margins slightly keeled over radicle and grooved over cotyledons; seed coat smooth.

Phenology: Fruiting summer.
Habitat: Wool waste areas
Elevation: 10 m


Selected References


Lower Taxa
