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(Engelmann) Orcutt

Cactography 1926(1): 5. 1926.

Common names: Emory’s barrel cactus Coville’s barrel cactus
Basionym: Echinocactus emoryi Engelmann Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 3: 275. 1856
Synonyms: Ferocactus covillei Britton & Rose
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 246. Mentioned on page 243, 244.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Revision as of 23:23, 16 December 2019

Stems erect, spheric to ovoid-cylindric, 30–90(–250) × 30–60(–100) cm; ribs (15–)21–32, shallowly notched immediately above each areole. Spines 6–10 per areole, reddish, reddish gray, or horn colored, all robust and rigid, more than 1 mm diam.; central spine 1, curved (hooked only on relatively young plants), annulate, thick, adaxially flat, 55–95(–130) × 2.5–4 mm. Flowers reddish outside, brilliant red inside, 6–7.5 × 5–7.5 cm; inner tepals brilliant red [yellow]; stigma lobes brilliant red. Fruits ± readily dehiscent through basal pore, bright yellow, 25–50 × 25–35 mm, leathery or fleshy, locule dry, hollow except for seeds. Seeds 2 mm, pitted. 2n = 22.

Phenology: Flowering summer–early fall.
Habitat: Hillsides, wash margins, alluvial fans, mesas, or flats, gravelly rocky or sandy soils, rocky slopes and adjacent bajadas, Sonoran desert scrub, igneous substrates
Elevation: 0-1200 m


Ferocactus emoryi has a confused taxonomic history. The name is based on Echinocactus emoryi, which was published twice by Engelmann, each involving a different species. Engelmann’s first use of E. emoryi [in W. H. Emory]—applied to a population of Ferocactus wislizeni in eastern Arizona—is rejected as provisional and therefore invalid. However, Engelmann’s second use of E. emoryi was a valid publication, and it unambigously pertains to the species in southwestern Arizona that Britton and Rose unncecessarily renamed as Ferocactus covillei.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Ferocactus emoryi"
Allan D. Zimmerman +  and Bruce D. Parfitt +
(Engelmann) Orcutt +
Echinocactus emoryi +
Emory’s barrel cactus +  and Coville’s barrel cactus +
Ariz. +  and Mexico (Sonora). +
0-1200 m +
Hillsides, wash margins, alluvial fans, mesas, or flats, gravelly rocky or sandy soils, rocky slopes and adjacent bajadas, Sonoran desert scrub, igneous substrates +
Flowering summer–early fall. +
Cactography +
Illustrated +
Ferocactus covillei +
Ferocactus emoryi +
Ferocactus +
species +