Difference between revisions of "Helenium pinnatifidum"
in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. 34: 130. 1915.
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Perennials, 30–80 cm. Stems usually 1, usually unbranched distally, weakly winged, glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy proximally, sparsely to moderately hairy distally. Leaves usually glabrous, rarely sparsely hairy; basal blades obovate to oblanceolate, usually pinnatifid, sometimes undulate to undulate-serrate, rarely entire; proximal and mid blades linear-oblanceolate to lance-linear, entire or undulate-serrate; distal blades lance-linear, entire. Heads 1(–3) per plant, usually borne singly. Peduncles 3–20 cm, moderately to densely hairy. Involucres hemispheric, 12–20 × 15–30 mm. Phyllaries moderately hairy. Ray florets 13–34, neuter; corollas yellow, 15–22 × 5–8 mm. Disc florets 250–650(–800+); corollas yellow proximally, yellow to yellow-brown distally, 4–5.5 mm, lobes 5. Cypselae 1.2–1.4 mm, moderately hairy; pappi of 8–11 entire or slightly lacerate, non-aristate scales 1.2–1.5 mm. 2n = 32, 34.
Phenology: Flowering (Feb–)Mar–Apr(–May).
Habitat: Ditches, other moist areas such as wet woods, bogs, and swamp edges
Elevation: 10–50 m
Fla., Ga., N.C., S.C.
Selected References