Difference between revisions of "Ornithostaphylos"


in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. 29: 101. 1914 ,.

Common names: Baja California or Baja birdbush
Etymology: Greek ornithos, bird, and staphyle, cluster of grapes, allusion obscure
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 403. Mentioned on page 375, 397.
imported>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
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|accepted_authority=Small in N. L. Britton et al.
|title=in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl.
|title=in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl.
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|author=George M. Diggs Jr.
|author=George M. Diggs Jr.
|authority=Small in N. L. Britton et al.
|parent rank=subfamily
|parent rank=subfamily
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|publication year=
|publication year=
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://bibilujan@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/bb6b7e3a7de7d3b7888a1ad48c7fd8f5c722d8d6/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V8/V8_759.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V8/V8_759.xml
|subfamily=Ericaceae subfam. Arbutoideae
|subfamily=Ericaceae subfam. Arbutoideae

Latest revision as of 23:46, 5 November 2020

Shrubs, burled; bark sometimes reddish purple when young, thin, sometimes peeling. Stems erect, rigidly branched, minutely tomentose. Leaves opposite or whorled, bifacial; blade linear to linear-oblong or narrowly lanceolate, coriaceous, margins entire, revolute, abaxial surface minutely tomentose, adaxial glabrous. Inflorescences panicles, 10–20-flowered. Flowers bisexual; sepals persistent, (4–)5, connate to 1/2 their lengths, triangular; petals (4–)5, connate 2/3–3/4 their lengths, white, corolla nearly globose to urceolate (sometimes widest proximally); stamens 8–10, included, (equal); filaments dilated near base; anthers with awns, dehiscent by 2 slits; ovary 5-locular; stigma slightly capitate. Drupes brown or reddish brown, globose or nearly so, dry, smooth; pyrenes 5, connate into solid, globose endocarp. Seeds 10, connate.


s Calif., nw Mexico.


Species 1: s California, nw Mexico.

Species 1

Selected References


... more about "Ornithostaphylos"
George M. Diggs Jr. +
Small in N. L. Britton et al. +
Baja California or Baja birdbush +
s Calif. +  and nw Mexico. +
Greek ornithos, bird, and staphyle, cluster of grapes, allusion obscure +
in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. +
Undefined tribe Arbuteae +
Ornithostaphylos +
Ericaceae subfam. Arbutoideae +