Difference between revisions of "Prunus havardii"

(W. Wight) S. C. Mason

J. Agric. Res. 1: 153, 176. 1913.

Common names: Havard’s almond
Basionym: Amygdalus havardii W. Wight in W. R. Dudley et al., Dudley Mem. Vol., 133. 1913 (as harvardii)
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 9. Treatment on page 371. Mentioned on page 356, 359.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:37, 24 September 2019

Shrubs, suckering unknown, much branched, 10–20 dm, thorny. Twigs with axillary end buds, puberulent. Leaves deciduous; petiole 1–3 mm, glabrous or puberulent, eglandular; blade rhombic, obovate, or fan-shaped, 0.5–1.6(–2) × 0.2–0.8(–1.4) cm, base broadly obtuse or rounded to nearly truncate, margins serrate or dentate in distal 1/2, teeth blunt to sharp, some callus-tipped, rarely glandular, apex rounded to obtuse, surfaces puberulent. Inflorescences solitary flowers. Pedicels 0 mm. Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious, blooming at leaf emergence; hypanthium campanulate, 2.5–3 mm, glabrous externally; sepals spreading to reflexed, triangular, 0.7–1 mm, margins entire, sparsely ciliate, surfaces glabrate; petals white, obovate, 2 mm; ovaries hairy. Drupes reddish brown, ovoid, 8–11 mm, puberulent; hypanthium tardily deciduous; mesocarps leathery to dry (splitting); stones ovoid, slightly flattened.

Phenology: Flowering Apr–Jun; fruiting Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Draws, dry rocky slopes of canyons, limestone soil, igneous rock
Elevation: 700–1700 m


Prunus havardii is endemic to the Chihuahuan Desert of trans-Pecos Texas and across the Rio Grande in Mexico, with most collections from the Big Bend area.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Prunus havardii"
Joseph R. Rohrer +
(W. Wight) S. C. Mason +
Amygdalus havardii +
Havard’s almond +
Tex. +  and Mexico (Chihuahua). +
700–1700 m +
Draws, dry rocky slopes of canyons, limestone soil, igneous rock +
Flowering Apr–Jun +  and fruiting Jun–Aug. +
J. Agric. Res. +
Amygdalus +, Armeniaca +, Cerasus +, Lauro-cerasus +, Padus +  and Persica +
Prunus havardii +
species +