Difference between revisions of "Euphorbia lurida"


in J. C. Ives, Rep. Colorado R. 4: 26. 1861.

Common names: Woodland spurge
Synonyms: Euphorbia palmeri Engelmann ex S. Watson E. palmeri var. subpubens (Engelmann ex S. Watson) L. C. Wheeler E. subpubens Engelmann ex S. Watson Tithymalus luridus (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley T. palmeri (Engelmann ex S. Watson) Dayton T. subpubens (Engelmann ex S. Watson) Norton
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page 305. Mentioned on page 296, 300.
FNA>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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|accepted_name=Euphorbia lurida
|accepted_name=Euphorbia lurida
|accepted_authority=Engelmann in J. C. Ives
|title=Rep. Colorado R.
|title=in J. C. Ives, Rep. Colorado R.
|place=4: 26. 1861
|place=4: 26. 1861
Line 10: Line 10:
|label=Selected by author to be illustrated
Line 16: Line 16:
|name=Euphorbia palmeri
|name=Euphorbia palmeri
|authority=Engelmann ex S. Watson
|authority=Engelmann ex S. Watson
}} {{Treatment/ID/Synonym
|name=E. palmeri var. subpubens
|name=E. palmeri var. subpubens
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) L. C. Wheeler
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) L. C. Wheeler
}} {{Treatment/ID/Synonym
|name=E. subpubens
|name=E. subpubens
|authority=Engelmann ex S. Watson
|authority=Engelmann ex S. Watson
}} {{Treatment/ID/Synonym
|name=Tithymalus luridus
|name=Tithymalus luridus
|authority=(Engelmann) Wooton & Standley
|authority=(Engelmann) Wooton & Standley
}} {{Treatment/ID/Synonym
|name=T. palmeri
|name=T. palmeri
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) Dayton
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) Dayton
}} {{Treatment/ID/Synonym
|name=T. subpubens
|name=T. subpubens
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) Norton
|authority=(Engelmann ex S. Watson) Norton
|hierarchy=Euphorbiaceae;Euphorbia;Euphorbia subg. Esula;Euphorbia lurida
|hierarchy=Euphorbiaceae;Euphorbia;Euphorbia subg. Esula;Euphorbia lurida
Line 46: Line 52:
|elevation=1300–2800 m.
|elevation=1300–2800 m.
|distribution=Ariz.;Calif.;Nev.;N.Mex.;Utah;Mexico (Baja California).
|distribution=Ariz.;Calif.;Nev.;N.Mex.;Utah;Mexico (Baja California).
|discussion=<p>Euphorbia lurida has been treated as a complex of several taxa in the past, but only a single, broadly-defined species is recognized here. This species is variable in both the pubescence and shape of the bracts subtending the cyathia and also in the degree of crenation of the gland margin. In the northern part of its range, E. lurida appears to intergrade with E. brachycera, and it can be difficult to distinguish these two species in northern Arizona and New Mexico. A report of the species from Sonora, Mexico, based on a single immature collection (V. W. Steinmann and R. S. Felger 1997) has not been verified.</p>
|discussion=<p><i>Euphorbia lurida</i> has been treated as a complex of several taxa in the past, but only a single, broadly-defined species is recognized here. This species is variable in both the pubescence and shape of the bracts subtending the cyathia and also in the degree of crenation of the gland margin. In the northern part of its range, <i>E. lurida</i> appears to intergrade with <i>E. brachycera</i>, and it can be difficult to distinguish these two species in northern Arizona and New Mexico. A report of the species from Sonora, Mexico, based on a single immature collection (V. W. Steinmann and R. S. Felger 1997) has not been verified.</p>
Line 55: Line 61:
name=Euphorbia lurida
name=Euphorbia lurida
|authority=Engelmann in J. C. Ives
|parent rank=subgenus
|parent rank=subgenus
Line 67: Line 72:
|distribution=Ariz.;Calif.;Nev.;N.Mex.;Utah;Mexico (Baja California).
|distribution=Ariz.;Calif.;Nev.;N.Mex.;Utah;Mexico (Baja California).
|publication title=Rep. Colorado R.
|publication title=in J. C. Ives, Rep. Colorado R.
|publication year=1861
|publication year=1861
|special status=Selected by author to be illustrated
|special status=Illustrated
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/9216fc802291cd3df363fd52122300479582ede7/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V12/V12_1028.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V12/V12_1028.xml
|subgenus=Euphorbia subg. Esula
|subgenus=Euphorbia subg. Esula

Latest revision as of 20:12, 5 November 2020

Herbs, perennial, with thick rootstock. Stems erect or ascending, unbranched, sometimes sinuous, 5–30 cm, glabrous or sparsely to densely puberulent. Leaves: petiole 0–1 mm; blade oblanceolate to obovate, 8–20 mm × 3–7 mm, base truncate or cuneate, margins entire, apex obtuse to rounded, minutely mucronate, surfaces puberulent or glabrous; venation inconspicuous, only midvein prominent. Cyathial arrangement: terminal pleiochasial branches 3–5, each 1–4 times 2-branched; pleiochasial bracts ovate to broadly ovate or oblanceolate, wider than distal leaves; dichasial bracts distinct, rounded, oblanceolate, or subreniform, base cuneate or obtuse, margins entire, apex obtuse, slightly mucronate; axillary cymose branches 0–4. Cyathia: peduncle 0.3–0.9 mm. Involucre cupulate, 2–2.2 × 1.3–1.8 mm, glabrous; glands 4, oblong to broadly ovate, usually truncate, 0.5–0.8 × 1–1.6 mm, margins irregularly crenate to strongly dentate; horns absent or usually divergent or straight, 0.1–0.3 mm, usually slightly longer than, occasionally equaling, teeth on gland margin. Staminate flowers 10–20. Pistillate flowers: ovary glabrous or puberulent; styles 0.7–1 mm, 2-fid. Capsules ovoid, 3.5–4 × 4–4.5 mm, 3-lobed; cocci rounded, smooth to slightly rugose, glabrous; columella 3.2–3.5 mm. Seeds gray to dark gray, truncate-oblong to truncate-ovoid, 2.8–3 × 1.7–2 mm, irregularly pitted; caruncle conic, 0.6 × 0.7 mm.

Phenology: Flowering and fruiting spring–summer.
Habitat: Open pine-oak forests, dry slopes and canyons.
Elevation: 1300–2800 m.


V12 1028-distribution-map.jpg

Ariz., Calif., Nev., N.Mex., Utah, Mexico (Baja California).


Euphorbia lurida has been treated as a complex of several taxa in the past, but only a single, broadly-defined species is recognized here. This species is variable in both the pubescence and shape of the bracts subtending the cyathia and also in the degree of crenation of the gland margin. In the northern part of its range, E. lurida appears to intergrade with E. brachycera, and it can be difficult to distinguish these two species in northern Arizona and New Mexico. A report of the species from Sonora, Mexico, based on a single immature collection (V. W. Steinmann and R. S. Felger 1997) has not been verified.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Euphorbia lurida"
Ricarda Riina +, Dmitry V. Geltman +, Jess A. Peirson +  and Paul E. Berry +
Engelmann +
Woodland spurge +
Ariz. +, Calif. +, Nev. +, N.Mex. +, Utah +  and Mexico (Baja California). +
1300–2800 m. +
Open pine-oak forests, dry slopes and canyons. +
Flowering and fruiting spring–summer. +
in J. C. Ives, Rep. Colorado R. +
Illustrated +
Euphorbia palmeri +, E. palmeri var. subpubens +, E. subpubens +, Tithymalus luridus +, T. palmeri +  and T. subpubens +
Euphorbia lurida +
Euphorbia subg. Esula +
species +