Difference between revisions of "Carpobrotus chilensis"

(Molina) N. E. Brown

J. Bot. 66: 324. 1928.

Common names: Sea-fig
Basionym: Mesembryanthemum chilense Molina Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili ed. 2, 133. 1810
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 4. Treatment on page 86. Mentioned on page 76, 87.
FNA>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
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|name=Mesembryanthemum chilense
|name=Mesembryanthemum chilense
|publication_title=Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili ed.
|publication_place=2, 133. 1810
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="stem some measurement"><b>Stems </b>to 2 m;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="bark coloration;bark fragility;surface coloration;surface reflectance">gray fracturing bark with mahogany, shiny surface beneath.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="leaf pubescence"><b>Leaves </b>glaucous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="blade shape;blade position;blade position;blade position;blade position;blade length;blade width;outer angle architecture or pubescence or relief">blade rounded-triangular in cross-section, widest distal to middle, 4–7 × 0.5–1.2 cm, outer angle smooth.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="pedicel some measurement"><b>Inflorescences:</b> pedicel 10–50 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="flower diameter"><b>Flowers </b>3–5 cm diam.;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="calyx lobe shape;calyx lobe some measurement;outer angle architecture or pubescence or relief">calyx lobes slightly triangular in cross-section, 10–20 mm, outer angle smooth;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="petal count;petal coloration;petal architecture or arrangement;petal some measurement">petals 100–140, rose-magenta, 2–3-seriate, 10–25 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="stamen count;stamen coloration;stamen architecture or arrangement;stamen some measurement;stamen relief">stamens 100–250, white, 3–4-seriate, 4–7 mm, papillate proximally;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="anther coloration">anthers yellow;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="stigma some measurement;stigma height or length or size;stigma relief">stigmas 2–3 mm, shorter than stamens, papillate adaxially.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="fruit coloration;fruit coloration;fruit coloration;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit shape;fruit some measurement"><b>Fruits </b>green to yellowish, oval to subglobose, 17–20 mm;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="receptacle shape">receptacle tapering to pedicel.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="seed count"><b>Seeds </b>200–350.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Stems </b>to 2 m; gray fracturing bark with mahogany, shiny surface beneath. <b>Leaves</b> glaucous; blade rounded-triangular in cross section, widest distal to middle, 4–7 × 0.5–1.2 cm, outer angle smooth. <b>Inflorescences</b>: pedicel 10–50 mm. <b>Flowers</b> 3–5 cm diam.; calyx lobes slightly triangular in cross section, 10–20 mm, outer angle smooth; petals 100–140, rose-magenta, 2–3-seriate, 10–25 mm; stamens 100–250, white, 3–4-seriate, 4–7 mm, papillate proximally; anthers yellow; stigmas 2–3 mm, shorter than stamens, papillate adaxially. <b>Fruits</b> green to yellowish, oval to subglobose, 17–20 mm; receptacle tapering to pedicel. <b>Seeds</b> 200–350.</span><!--
|phenology=Flowering year-round, mostly early spring–summer.
|habitat=Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides
|habitat=Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides
|elevation=0-100 m
|elevation=0-100 m
|distribution=Calif.;Oreg.;Mexico;South America;s Africa.
|distribution=Calif.;Oreg.;Mexico;South America;s Africa.
|discussion=<p>The flowers of Carpobrotus chilensis open in the morning and close at night.</p><!--
--><p>Most of the material currently found in California is probably of hybrid origin, potentially from five species. In previous floras, California material has been misidentified as Carpobrotus aequilaterus Haworth, which was published with a description of vegetative characters only and no type specimen. A. H. Haworth (1812) stated that it was most closely related to Mesembryanthemum elongatum Haworth, which today would be assigned to Conicosia. S. T. Blake (1969) selected two Salm-Dyck illustrations to typify C. aequilaterus. One illustration, from Chile, has been identified by the Bolus Herbarium in South Africa as C. deliciosus L. Bolus, a species from southwest Africa. The second illustration matches horticultural material in Australia but not material collected in California. Historical material collected in San Diego was identified by John Torrey in 1854 as Mesembryanthemum dimidiatum Haworth, now Carpobrotus dimidiatus (Haworth) N. E. Brown, from southeast Africa. The introduction would likely have been from Portuguese ships traveling around the Cape of Good Hope to the east in the 1500s. Material identified as C. dimidiatus is also found on the Juan Fernandez Islands off Chile, a reprovisioning stop for early sailing vessels. There is more recently introduced material in California of C. edulis, C. acinaciformis (Linnaeus) L. Bolus, and C. quadrifidus L. Bolus from southwest Africa. Of those, only C. edulis has naturalized.</p><!--
|discussion=<p>The flowers of <i>Carpobrotus chilensis</i> open in the morning and close at night.</p><!--
--><p>Material collected today and identified as Carpobrotus chilensis is hybridized with C. edulis to such an extent that good material of the second parent may no longer exist in California. In Chile, there are five South African species—C. edulis, C. deliciosus, C. muirii L. Bolus, C. mellei L. Bolus, and C. dimidiatus—in addition to hybrids among these. All of these South African species found in Chile are referred to in the literature and on herbarium sheets as C. chilensis. R. A. Philippi (1864) designated a lectotype for C. chilensis. This specimen was a mixed sheet of C. edulis and a second species with purple flowers. The sheet was unfortunately cut apart, and the second fragment is now separated from the identifying labels.</p>
--><p>Most of the material currently found in California is probably of hybrid origin, potentially from five species. In previous floras, California material has been misidentified as <i>Carpobrotus</i> aequilaterus Haworth, which was published with a description of vegetative characters only and no type specimen. A. H. Haworth (1812) stated that it was most closely related to <i>Mesembryanthemum</i> elongatum Haworth, which today would be assigned to <i>Conicosia</i>. S. T. Blake (1969) selected two Salm-Dyck illustrations to typify C. aequilaterus. One illustration, from Chile, has been identified by the Bolus Herbarium in South Africa as C. deliciosus L. Bolus, a species from southwest Africa. The second illustration matches horticultural material in Australia but not material collected in California. Historical material collected in San Diego was identified by John Torrey in 1854 as <i>Mesembryanthemum</i> dimidiatum Haworth, now <i>Carpobrotus</i> dimidiatus (Haworth) N. E. Brown, from southeast Africa. The introduction would likely have been from Portuguese ships traveling around the Cape of Good Hope to the east in the 1500s. Material identified as C. dimidiatus is also found on the Juan Fernandez Islands off Chile, a reprovisioning stop for early sailing vessels. There is more recently introduced material in California of <i>C. edulis</i>, C. acinaciformis (Linnaeus) L. Bolus, and C. quadrifidus L. Bolus from southwest Africa. Of those, only <i>C. edulis</i> has naturalized.</p><!--
--><p>Material collected today and identified as <i>Carpobrotus chilensis</i> is hybridized with <i>C. edulis</i> to such an extent that good material of the second parent may no longer exist in California. In Chile, there are five South African species—<i>C. edulis</i>, C. deliciosus, <i>C. muirii</i> L. Bolus, C. mellei L. Bolus, and C. dimidiatus—in addition to hybrids among these. All of these South African species found in Chile are referred to in the literature and on herbarium sheets as <i>C. chilensis</i>. R. A. Philippi (1864) designated a lectotype for <i>C. chilensis</i>. This specimen was a mixed sheet of <i>C. edulis</i> and a second species with purple flowers. The sheet was unfortunately cut apart, and the second fragment is now separated from the identifying labels.</p>
Line 40: Line 49:
name=Carpobrotus chilensis
name=Carpobrotus chilensis
|authority=(Molina) N. E. Brown
|authority=(Molina) N. E. Brown
Line 47: Line 55:
|basionyms=Mesembryanthemum chilense
|basionyms=Mesembryanthemum chilense
|phenology=Flowering year-round, mostly early spring–summer.
|habitat=Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides
|habitat=Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides
|elevation=0-100 m
|elevation=0-100 m
|distribution=Calif.;Oreg.;Mexico;South America;s Africa.
|distribution=Calif.;Oreg.;Mexico;South America;s Africa.
|publication title=J. Bot.
|publication title=J. Bot.
|publication year=1928
|publication year=1928
|special status=
|special status=Introduced
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V4/V4_178.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V4/V4_178.xml
|species=Carpobrotus chilensis
|species=Carpobrotus chilensis
|anther coloration=yellow
|bark coloration=gray
|bark fragility=fracturing
|blade length=4cm;7cm
|blade position=distal;middle
|blade shape=rounded-triangular
|blade width=0.5cm;1.2cm
|calyx lobe shape=triangular
|calyx lobe some measurement=10mm;20mm
|flower diameter=3cm;5cm
|fruit coloration=green;yellowish
|fruit shape=oval;subglobose
|fruit some measurement=17mm;20mm
|leaf pubescence=glaucous
|outer angle architecture or pubescence or relief=smooth;smooth
|pedicel some measurement=10mm;50mm
|petal architecture or arrangement=2-3-seriate
|petal coloration=rose-magenta
|petal count=100;140
|petal some measurement=10mm;25mm
|receptacle shape=tapering
|seed count=200;350
|stamen architecture or arrangement=3-4-seriate
|stamen coloration=white
|stamen count=100;250
|stamen relief=papillate
|stamen some measurement=4mm;7mm
|stem some measurement=0m;2m
|stigma height or length or size=shorter
|stigma relief=papillate
|stigma some measurement=2mm;3mm
|surface coloration=mahogany
|surface reflectance=shiny

Latest revision as of 22:57, 5 November 2020

Stems to 2 m; gray fracturing bark with mahogany, shiny surface beneath. Leaves glaucous; blade rounded-triangular in cross section, widest distal to middle, 4–7 × 0.5–1.2 cm, outer angle smooth. Inflorescences: pedicel 10–50 mm. Flowers 3–5 cm diam.; calyx lobes slightly triangular in cross section, 10–20 mm, outer angle smooth; petals 100–140, rose-magenta, 2–3-seriate, 10–25 mm; stamens 100–250, white, 3–4-seriate, 4–7 mm, papillate proximally; anthers yellow; stigmas 2–3 mm, shorter than stamens, papillate adaxially. Fruits green to yellowish, oval to subglobose, 17–20 mm; receptacle tapering to pedicel. Seeds 200–350.

Phenology: Flowering year-round, mostly early spring–summer.
Habitat: Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides
Elevation: 0-100 m


V4 178-distribution-map.gif

Introduced; Calif., Oreg., Mexico, South America, s Africa.


The flowers of Carpobrotus chilensis open in the morning and close at night.

Most of the material currently found in California is probably of hybrid origin, potentially from five species. In previous floras, California material has been misidentified as Carpobrotus aequilaterus Haworth, which was published with a description of vegetative characters only and no type specimen. A. H. Haworth (1812) stated that it was most closely related to Mesembryanthemum elongatum Haworth, which today would be assigned to Conicosia. S. T. Blake (1969) selected two Salm-Dyck illustrations to typify C. aequilaterus. One illustration, from Chile, has been identified by the Bolus Herbarium in South Africa as C. deliciosus L. Bolus, a species from southwest Africa. The second illustration matches horticultural material in Australia but not material collected in California. Historical material collected in San Diego was identified by John Torrey in 1854 as Mesembryanthemum dimidiatum Haworth, now Carpobrotus dimidiatus (Haworth) N. E. Brown, from southeast Africa. The introduction would likely have been from Portuguese ships traveling around the Cape of Good Hope to the east in the 1500s. Material identified as C. dimidiatus is also found on the Juan Fernandez Islands off Chile, a reprovisioning stop for early sailing vessels. There is more recently introduced material in California of C. edulis, C. acinaciformis (Linnaeus) L. Bolus, and C. quadrifidus L. Bolus from southwest Africa. Of those, only C. edulis has naturalized.

Material collected today and identified as Carpobrotus chilensis is hybridized with C. edulis to such an extent that good material of the second parent may no longer exist in California. In Chile, there are five South African species—C. edulis, C. deliciosus, C. muirii L. Bolus, C. mellei L. Bolus, and C. dimidiatus—in addition to hybrids among these. All of these South African species found in Chile are referred to in the literature and on herbarium sheets as C. chilensis. R. A. Philippi (1864) designated a lectotype for C. chilensis. This specimen was a mixed sheet of C. edulis and a second species with purple flowers. The sheet was unfortunately cut apart, and the second fragment is now separated from the identifying labels.

Lower Taxa

... more about "Carpobrotus chilensis"
Nancy J. Vivrette +
(Molina) N. E. Brown +
Mesembryanthemum chilense +
Sea-fig +
Calif. +, Oreg. +, Mexico +, South America +  and s Africa. +
0-100 m +
Coastal dunes and bluffs, margins of estuaries, along roadsides +
Flowering year-round, mostly early spring–summer. +
bicknell1998a +
Carpobrotus chilensis +
Carpobrotus +
species +