Difference between revisions of "Nymphaeaceae"

Common names: Water-lily Family
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3. Treatment on page 66.
FNA>Volume Importer
imported>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="herb duration;herb growth form or habitat;herb architecture"><b>Herbs,</b> perennial, aquatic, rhizomatous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="">roots adventitious;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="root derivation;chamber prominence;portion reproduction">air chambers conspicuous in vegetative portions of plant.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="rhizome architecture;rhizome architecture;rhizome orientation;rhizome growth form;rhizome size or width"><b>Rhizomes </b>branched or unbranched, erect or repent, tuberous-thickened, sometimes bearing stolons.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="leaf orientation;leaf arrangement;leaf location;leaf location;leaf location;leaf location;leaf location"><b>Leaves </b>arising directly from rhizome, alternate, floating, submersed, or emersed;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="stipule presence;stipule presence">stipules present or absent;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="petiole length or size">petioles long.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;margin architecture or shape;margin architecture or shape;margin architecture or shape"><b>Leaf-</b>blade lanceolate to ovate or orbiculate, with basal sinus [peltate], margins entire to spinose-dentate.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="inflorescence position;inflorescence position;flower architecture or arrangement or growth form"><b>Inflorescences </b>axillary or extra-axillary, flowers solitary.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="flower reproduction;flower reproduction;flower duration;flower duration;flower location;surface habitat"><b>Flowers </b>bisexual, protogynous [homogamous in some species of Nymphaea], diurnal or nocturnal, borne at or above water surface, occasionally submersed;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="peduncle length or size">peduncle long;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s11" data-properties="involucre presence">involucre absent;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s12" data-properties="perianth duration;perianth position;perianth position;perianth position">perianth often persistent in fruit, hypogynous to perigynous [epigynous];</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s13" data-properties="sepal atypical quantity;sepal quantity;sepal fusion">sepals usually (4-) 5-12, distinct;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s14" data-properties="petal quantity;petal architecture">petals numerous [rarely absent], often transitional to stamens;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s15" data-properties="stamen quantity">stamens numerous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s16" data-properties="filament width;filament size">filaments broad to slender;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s17" data-properties="anther dehiscence">anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, with or without connective appendage;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s18" data-properties="">pistil 1, 3-35-carpellate and locular;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s19" data-properties="pistil quantity;pistil architecture;pistil architecture or structure in adjective form;pistil placentation">placentation laminar;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s20" data-properties="ovule quantity">ovules numerous per locule;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s21" data-properties="stigma architecture;stigma architecture or arrangement">stigma sessile, radiate on stigmatic disk.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s22" data-properties="fruit architecture or shape;fruit dehiscence;fruit dehiscence"><b>Fruits </b>berrylike, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s23" data-properties="seed quantity"><b>Seeds </b>several-numerous;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s24" data-properties="aril presence;aril presence">aril present or absent;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s25" data-properties="endosperm count or density">endosperm sparse;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s26" data-properties="perisperm quantity">perisperm abundant;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s27" data-properties="embryo size">embryo minute;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s28" data-properties="cotyledon quantity;cotyledon texture">cotyledons 2, fleshy.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Herbs,</b> perennial, aquatic, rhizomatous; roots adventitious; air chambers conspicuous in vegetative portions of plant. <b>Rhizomes</b> branched or unbranched, erect or repent, tuberous-thickened, sometimes bearing stolons. <b>Leaves</b> arising directly from rhizome, alternate, floating, submersed, or emersed; stipules present or absent; petioles long. <b>Leaf</b> blade lanceolate to ovate or orbiculate, with basal sinus [peltate], margins entire to spinose-dentate. <b>Inflorescences</b> axillary or extra-axillary, flowers solitary. <b>Flowers</b> bisexual, protogynous [homogamous in some species of <i>Nymphaea</i>], diurnal or nocturnal, borne at or above water surface, occasionally submersed; peduncle long; involucre absent; perianth often persistent in fruit, hypogynous to perigynous [epigynous]; sepals usually (4-)5-12, distinct; petals numerous [rarely absent], often transitional to stamens; stamens numerous; filaments broad to slender; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, with or without connective appendage; pistil 1, 3-35-carpellate and -locular; placentation laminar; ovules numerous per locule; stigma sessile, radiate on stigmatic disk. <b>Fruits</b> berrylike, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent. <b>Seeds</b> several-numerous; aril present or absent; endosperm sparse; perisperm abundant; embryo minute; cotyledons 2, fleshy.</span><!--
|distribution=Nearly worldwide
|distribution=Nearly worldwide.
|discussion=<p>Genera 6 (including Barclaya), species ca. 50 (2 genera, 17 species in the flora).</p><!--
|discussion=<p>Genera 6 (including Barclaya), species ca. 50 (2 genera, 17 species in the flora).</p><!--
--><p>Nymphaeaceae are insect-pollinated, often by beetles.</p><!--
--><p>Nymphaeaceae are insect-pollinated, often by beetles.</p><!--
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|author=John. H. Wiersema; C. Barre Hellquist
|author=John. H. Wiersema;C. Barre Hellquist
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|illustrator=John Myers
|illustrator=John Myers
|distribution=Nearly worldwide
|illustration copyright=Flora of North America Association
|distribution=Nearly worldwide.
|publication title=
|publication title=
|publication year=
|publication year=
|special status=
|special status=
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_379.xml
|source xml=https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation/src/2e0870ddd59836b60bcf96646a41e87ea5a5943a/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_379.xml
|anther dehiscence=dehiscing
|aril presence=absent;absent
|chamber prominence=conspicuous
|cotyledon quantity=2
|cotyledon texture=fleshy
|embryo size=minute
|endosperm count or density=sparse
|filament size=slender
|filament width=broad
|flower architecture or arrangement or growth form=solitary
|flower duration=nocturnal;diurnal
|flower location=submersed
|flower reproduction=protogynous;bisexual
|fruit architecture or shape=berrylike
|fruit dehiscence=dehiscent;indehiscent
|herb architecture=rhizomatous
|herb duration=perennial
|herb growth form or habitat=aquatic
|inflorescence position=extra-axillary;axillary
|involucre presence=absent
|leaf arrangement=alternate
|leaf location=emersed;submersed;emersed;submersed;floating
|leaf orientation=arising
|leaf-blade shape=lanceolate;ovate or orbiculate
|margin architecture or shape=entire;spinose-dentate
|ovule quantity=numerous
|peduncle length or size=long
|perianth duration=persistent
|perianth position=hypogynous;perigynous
|perisperm quantity=abundant
|petal architecture=transitional
|petal quantity=numerous
|petiole length or size=long
|pistil architecture=3-35-carpellate
|pistil architecture or structure in adjective form=locular
|pistil placentation=laminar
|pistil quantity=1
|portion reproduction=vegetative
|rhizome architecture=unbranched;branched
|rhizome growth form=repent
|rhizome orientation=erect
|rhizome size or width=tuberous-thickened
|root derivation=adventitious
|seed quantity=several;numerous
|sepal atypical quantity=4;5
|sepal fusion=distinct
|sepal quantity=5;12
|stamen quantity=numerous
|stigma architecture=sessile
|stigma architecture or arrangement=radiate
|stipule presence=absent;absent
|surface habitat=water

Latest revision as of 22:48, 5 November 2020

Herbs, perennial, aquatic, rhizomatous; roots adventitious; air chambers conspicuous in vegetative portions of plant. Rhizomes branched or unbranched, erect or repent, tuberous-thickened, sometimes bearing stolons. Leaves arising directly from rhizome, alternate, floating, submersed, or emersed; stipules present or absent; petioles long. Leaf blade lanceolate to ovate or orbiculate, with basal sinus [peltate], margins entire to spinose-dentate. Inflorescences axillary or extra-axillary, flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual, protogynous [homogamous in some species of Nymphaea], diurnal or nocturnal, borne at or above water surface, occasionally submersed; peduncle long; involucre absent; perianth often persistent in fruit, hypogynous to perigynous [epigynous]; sepals usually (4-)5-12, distinct; petals numerous [rarely absent], often transitional to stamens; stamens numerous; filaments broad to slender; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, with or without connective appendage; pistil 1, 3-35-carpellate and -locular; placentation laminar; ovules numerous per locule; stigma sessile, radiate on stigmatic disk. Fruits berrylike, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent. Seeds several-numerous; aril present or absent; endosperm sparse; perisperm abundant; embryo minute; cotyledons 2, fleshy.


Genera 6 (including Barclaya), species ca. 50 (2 genera, 17 species in the flora).

Nymphaeaceae are insect-pollinated, often by beetles.

Formerly Nymphaeaceae often have been treated to include Cabombaceae and Nelumbonaceae, but these are now generally segregated.

Lower Taxa


1 Perianth nearly globose at anthesis; stigmatic disk with margin entire to crenate or dentate, appendages absent; leaf venation essentially pinnate. Nuphar
1 Perianth spreading at anthesis; stigmatic disk with prominent, distinct, upwardly incurved appendages around margin; leaf venation essentially palmate. Nymphaea