Difference between revisions of "Quercus lobata"


Anales Ci. Nat. 3: 277. 1801.

Common names: Valley oak
EndemicSelected by author to be illustrated
Synonyms: Species BenthamVariety (Bentham) WenzigSpecies unknown
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA>Volume Importer
FNA>Volume Importer
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--><span class="statement" id="st-d0_s0" data-properties="tree duration;tree atypical some measurement;tree some measurement;trunk architecture or arrangement or growth form"><b>Trees,</b> deciduous, to 25 (-35) m, usually with solitary trunks.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s1" data-properties="bark coloration;bark architecture or pubescence;bark coloration"><b>Bark </b>gray, scaly, deeply checkered in age.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s2" data-properties="twig coloration;twig coloration;twig coloration;twig diameter;twig pubescence"><b>Twigs </b>yellowish, gray, occasionally reddish, 2-4 mm diam., densely or sparsely tomentulose.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s3" data-properties="bud coloration;bud coloration;bud shape;bud atypical some measurement;bud atypical some measurement;bud some measurement;apex shape;apex pubescence"><b>Buds </b>yellowish or light-brown, ovoid, (2-) 3-5 (-6) mm, apex occasionally acute, densely pubescent.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s4" data-properties="petiole some measurement"><b>Leaves:</b> petiole 5-12 mm.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s5" data-properties="leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade shape;leaf-blade atypical length;leaf-blade atypical length;leaf-blade length;leaf-blade atypical width;leaf-blade width;base shape;base shape;base shape;base shape;base shape;base shape;distance quantity;distance quantity;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;lobe shape;secondary-vein quantity;apex shape"><b>Leaf-</b>blade broadly obovate or elliptic, moderately to deeply lobed, (40-) 50-100 (-120) × 30-60 (-75) mm, base rounded-attenuate, cuneate, or truncate, rarely subcordate, margins with sinuses usually reaching more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes oblong or spatulate, obtuse, rounded, or blunt, secondary-veins 5-10 on each side, apex broadly rounded;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s6" data-properties="surface coloration;surface coloration;hair coloration;hair coloration;hair reflectance;hair pubescence;hair count or density;hair arrangement or shape;hair position relational;hair orientation;hair orientation;hair arrangement or shape">surfaces abaxially whitish or light green, densely to sparsely covered with interlocking appressed or semierect, 8-10 (-14) -rayed stellate hairs, adaxially dark green or grayish, glossy or somewhat scurfy because of sparse stellate hairs.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s7" data-properties="acorn arrangement;acorn arrangement;acorn architecture"><b>Acorns </b>solitary or paired, subsessile;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s8" data-properties="cup shape;cup shape;cup shape;rim width;rim width;rim width;scale coloration;scale coloration;scale shape;scale relief">cup deeply cupshaped, hemispheric or turbinate, rim thick, 10-30 mm deep × 14-30 mm wide, scales grayish or cream, more acute near rim, strongly and irregularly tuberculate, especially toward base of cup;</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s9" data-properties="nut coloration;nut shape;nut shape;nut length;nut atypical width;nut width;nut shape;nut shape;nut shape;nut shape">nut light-brown, oblong or fusiform, 30-60 × (12-) 15-25 mm, tapering to acute or rounded apex.</span> <span class="statement" id="st-d0_s10" data-properties="cotyledon fusion"><b>Cotyledons </b>distinct.</span><!--
--><span class="statement" id="st-undefined" data-properties=""><b>Trees,</b> deciduous, to 25(-35) m, usually with solitary trunks. <b>Bark</b> gray, scaly, deeply checkered in age. <b>Twigs</b> yellowish, gray, occasionally reddish, 2-4 mm diam., densely or sparsely tomentulose. <b>Buds</b> yellowish or light brown, ovoid, (2-)3-5(-6) mm, apex occasionally acute, densely pubescent. <b>Leaves</b>: petiole 5-12 mm. <b>Leaf</b> blade broadly obovate or elliptic, moderately to deeply lobed, (40-)50-100(-120) × 30-60(-75) mm, base rounded-attenuate, cuneate, or truncate, rarely subcordate, margins with sinuses usually reaching more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes oblong or spatulate, obtuse, rounded, or blunt, secondary veins 5-10 on each side, apex broadly rounded; surfaces abaxially whitish or light green, densely to sparsely covered with interlocking appressed or semi-erect, 8-10(-14)-rayed stellate hairs, adaxially dark green or grayish, glossy or somewhat scurfy because of sparse stellate hairs. <b>Acorns</b> solitary or paired, subsessile; cup deeply cup-shaped, hemispheric or turbinate, rim thick, 10-30 mm deep × 14-30 mm wide, scales grayish or cream, more acute near rim, strongly and irregularly tuberculate, especially toward base of cup; nut light brown, oblong or fusiform, 30-60 × (12-)15-25 mm, tapering to acute or rounded apex. <b>Cotyledons</b> distinct.</span><!--
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|publication year=1801
|publication year=1801
|special status=Endemic;Selected by author to be illustrated
|special status=Endemic;Selected by author to be illustrated
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-fine-grained-xml.git/src/287ef3db526bd807d435a3c7423ef2df1e951227/V3/V3_517.xml
|source xml=https://jpend@bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/fna-data-curation.git/src/9216fc802291cd3df363fd52122300479582ede7/coarse_grained_fna_xml/V3/V3_517.xml
|section=Quercus sect. Quercus
|section=Quercus sect. Quercus
|species=Quercus lobata
|species=Quercus lobata
|acorn architecture=subsessile
|acorn arrangement=paired;solitary
|apex pubescence=pubescent
|apex shape=rounded;acute
|bark architecture or pubescence=scaly
|bark coloration=checkered;gray
|base shape=subcordate;truncate;cuneate;truncate;cuneate;rounded-attenuate
|bud atypical some measurement=5mm;6mm
|bud coloration=light-brown;yellowish
|bud shape=ovoid
|bud some measurement=3mm;5mm
|cotyledon fusion=distinct
|cup shape=turbinate;hemispheric;cup-shaped
|distance quantity=/2;1
|hair arrangement or shape=stellate;stellate
|hair coloration=grayish;dark green
|hair count or density=sparse
|hair orientation=semierect;appressed
|hair position relational=interlocking
|hair pubescence=scurfy
|hair reflectance=glossy
|leaf-blade atypical length=100mm;120mm
|leaf-blade atypical width=60mm;75mm
|leaf-blade length=50mm;100mm
|leaf-blade shape=elliptic;moderately deeply lobed
|leaf-blade width=30mm;60mm
|lobe shape=blunt;rounded;obtuse;spatulate;oblong;blunt;rounded;obtuse;spatulate;oblong;blunt;rounded;obtuse;spatulate;oblong;blunt;rounded;obtuse;spatulate;oblong
|nut atypical width=12mm;15mm
|nut coloration=light-brown
|nut length=30mm;60mm
|nut shape=tapering;acute or rounded
|nut width=15mm;25mm
|petiole some measurement=5mm;12mm
|rim width=×14-30;10mm;30mm
|scale coloration=cream;grayish
|scale relief=tuberculate
|scale shape=acute
|secondary-vein quantity=5;10
|surface coloration=light green;whitish
|tree atypical some measurement=25m;35m
|tree duration=deciduous
|tree some measurement=0m;25m
|trunk architecture or arrangement or growth form=solitary
|twig coloration=reddish;gray;yellowish
|twig diameter=2mm;4mm
|twig pubescence=tomentulose
-->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Quercus sect. Quercus]]
-->[[Category:Treatment]][[Category:Quercus sect. Quercus]]

Revision as of 13:42, 27 July 2019

Trees, deciduous, to 25(-35) m, usually with solitary trunks. Bark gray, scaly, deeply checkered in age. Twigs yellowish, gray, occasionally reddish, 2-4 mm diam., densely or sparsely tomentulose. Buds yellowish or light brown, ovoid, (2-)3-5(-6) mm, apex occasionally acute, densely pubescent. Leaves: petiole 5-12 mm. Leaf blade broadly obovate or elliptic, moderately to deeply lobed, (40-)50-100(-120) × 30-60(-75) mm, base rounded-attenuate, cuneate, or truncate, rarely subcordate, margins with sinuses usually reaching more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes oblong or spatulate, obtuse, rounded, or blunt, secondary veins 5-10 on each side, apex broadly rounded; surfaces abaxially whitish or light green, densely to sparsely covered with interlocking appressed or semi-erect, 8-10(-14)-rayed stellate hairs, adaxially dark green or grayish, glossy or somewhat scurfy because of sparse stellate hairs. Acorns solitary or paired, subsessile; cup deeply cup-shaped, hemispheric or turbinate, rim thick, 10-30 mm deep × 14-30 mm wide, scales grayish or cream, more acute near rim, strongly and irregularly tuberculate, especially toward base of cup; nut light brown, oblong or fusiform, 30-60 × (12-)15-25 mm, tapering to acute or rounded apex. Cotyledons distinct.

Phenology: Flowering late winter–early spring.
Habitat: Valley floors and moderate slopes, open grasslands, savannah and oak woodlands, riparian areas in chaparral
Elevation: 0-1700 m


Mature trees of Quercus lobata are among the largest oaks of the United States. The species hybridizes with numerous other species, but the hybrids are not common in most parts of its range. On Santa Cruz and Santa Catalina islands, however, occur extensive and relatively stable populations that show intermediate characteristics with Q. pacifica (see treatment). The hybrids have been given the name Q. ×macdonaldii, and they differ from Q. lobata in the following: leaf sinuses reaching less than half the distance to the midrib; leaves usually smaller, the lobes often more acute and brighter green; and acorns smaller, with more acute apices.

The Yuri used Quercus lobata in the treatment of diarrhea (D. E. Moerman 1986).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Quercus lobata"
Kevin C. Nixon +  and Cornelius H. Muller +
Valley oak +
0-1700 m +
Valley floors and moderate slopes, open grasslands, savannah and oak woodlands, riparian areas in chaparral +
Flowering late winter–early spring. +
Anales Ci. Nat. +
Endemic +  and Selected by author to be illustrated +
Species +  and Variety +
Quercus lobata +
Quercus sect. Quercus +
species +