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(W. Bartram) Goldblatt & Henrich

Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78: 510. 1991.

Common names: Celestial-lily Bartram’s ixia
Basionym: Ixia coelestina W. Bartram
Synonyms: Beatonia coelestina (W. Bartram) KlattMarica coelestina (W. Bartram) Ker GawlerSalpingo-stylis coelestina (W. Bartram) SmallSphenostigma coelestina (W. Bartram) R. C. FosterTrichonema coelestina (W. Bartram) Sweet
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 401. Mentioned on page 399.
FNA>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Revision as of 04:35, 27 July 2019

Plants slender, 15–30 cm. Bulbs dark brown, 12 mm diam. Stems simple, rarely 1-branched. Leaves 3–4; basal leaves usually 2, blade narrowly lanceolate to linear, ca. 1/2 stem, 1–3 mm wide; cauline leaves 1(–2), distalmost often entirely sheathing, shorter than basal. Rhipidia usually 1–2-flowered; outer spathe 24–36 mm, inner (33–)40–55 mm. Tepals blue, lanceolate-ovate, ± equal, outer whorl slightly larger than inner, 24–32 × 14–17 mm; filaments distinct, ca. 3.5 mm; anthers 6–7 mm; ovary conic, often included in spathes, ca. 4 mm; style 10–12 mm; branches 3, flat, less than 2 mm. Capsules ovoid, 7–12 mm. Seeds ca. 2 mm. 2n = 28.

Phenology: Flowering mostly May–Jul.
Habitat: Pine flatwoods


Of conservation concern.

Calydorea coelestina blooms well only after a fire. The flowers open at sunrise and last about three hours. The species is rare, but not currently threatened. A single collection from Camden County, southern Georgia (Schallert s.n., UC) requires confirmation.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Calydorea coelestina"
Peter Goldblatt +
(W. Bartram) Goldblatt & Henrich +
Ixia coelestina +
Celestial-lily +  and Bartram’s ixia +
Pine flatwoods +
Flowering mostly May–Jul. +
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. +
Beatonia coelestina +, Marica coelestina +, Salpingo-stylis coelestina +, Sphenostigma coelestina +  and Trichonema coelestina +
Calydorea coelestina +
Calydorea +
species +