
(Limpricht) M. Fleischer

Musc. Buitenzorg 4: 1136. 1923.

Etymology: Greek pseudo- , false, and genus Scleropodium
Basionym: Scleropodium sect. Pseudoscleropodium Limpricht Laubm. Deutschl. 3: 142. 1896 (as Pseudo-Scleropodium)
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 452. Mentioned on page 405, 408, 656.

Plants large, in loose mats, yellowish to golden green. Stems reclining to suberect, julaceous, regularly to irregularly pinnate, branches loosely terete-foliate; central strand present; pseudoparaphyllia orbicular-triangular; axillary hairs of 4–9 cells. Stem leaves erect or appressed, crowded and imbricate to loosely arranged, broadly ovate to oblong, strongly concave, weakly plicate when dry; base scarcely decurrent; margins entire to weakly toothed; apex gradually tapered, rounded-obtuse, apiculate; costa to 30–70% leaf length, slender, terminal spine absent; alar cell walls thick; laminal cells linear-flexuose, 10:1. Branch leaves similar. Sexual condition dioicous; [inner perichaetial leaves erect, apex subulate-acuminate. Seta brown when mature, smooth. Capsule inclined to pendulous, reddish brown, oblong-cylindric, curved; annulus well defined, of 2 rows of cells; operculum bluntly conic. Calyptra naked. Spores 11–13 µm].


Introduced; Europe, introduced nearly worldwide, primarily in temperate areas.


Species 1.

... more about "Pseudoscleropodium"
Wilfred B. Schofield† +
- Limpricht M. Fleischer +
Scleropodium sect. Pseudoscleropodium +
Europe +, introduced nearly worldwide +  and primarily in temperate areas. +
Greek pseudo- , false, and genus Scleropodium +
Musc. Buitenzorg +
lawton1960a +, miller2000a +  and miller2001a +
Pseudoscleropodium +
Brachytheciaceae +