Physalis solanacea

(Schlechtendal) Axelius

Phytologia 79: 11. 1995. (as solanaceous)

Basionym: Margaranthus solanaceus Schlechtendal Index Seminum (Halle) 1838: 8. 1838.
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 14.

Herbs annual, taprooted, sparsely pubescent to ± gla­brous, hairs simple, antrorse, appressed, to 0.5 mm. Stems erect, branching from near base and at most nodes, branches spreading, distal internodes congested, 1–18 dm. Leaves petiolate; petiole mostly 1/2 as long as blade; blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, (1–)2–4.5(–7) × 1–3(–4) cm, base unequal, margins entire to irregularly sinuate or with 1+ large teeth. Pedicels 1.5–3 mm, 3–5 mm in fruit. Flowers: calyx 1.5–2.5 mm, lobes 0.5–1 mm; corolla deep purple, rarely greenish or yellowish with 5 very large purple spots visible through corolla, urceolate, bulging beyond calyx, 2.5–4.5 mm; anthers yellow to purple, not twisted after dehiscence, 1 mm; style sometimes exserted. Fruiting calyces nearly filled by berry, 5-ribbed, not sharply angled, 8–17 × 6–13 mm. 2n = 24.

Phenology: Flowering (Jun–)Aug–Oct(–Dec).
Habitat: Grasslands, pinyon-oak-juniper woodlands, disturbed areas, weedy fields, along streams.
Elevation: 10–2100 m.


Ariz., N.Mex., Tex., Mexico.


Congested internodes on the distal portions of plants of Physalis solanacea give the superficial appearance of multiple leaves or flowers at a single node. It is wide­spread in Mexico except for Baja California (north and south).

Selected References


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Janet R. Sullivan +
(Schlechtendal) Axelius +
Margaranthus solanaceus +
Ariz. +, N.Mex. +, Tex. +  and Mexico. +
10–2100 m. +
Grasslands, pinyon-oak-juniper woodlands, disturbed areas, weedy fields, along streams. +
Flowering (Jun–)Aug–Oct(–Dec). +
Margaranthus +
Physalis solanacea +
Physalis +
species +