Marina calycosa
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 27: 83. 1977.
Herbs, decumbent, 0.5–2 dm. Stems branched or simple, eglandular or nearly so, strigulose. Leaves 1–3 cm; leaflets (9 or)11–25, blades obovate to oblong-obovate, 1.5–7 mm, surfaces pubescent, not gland-dotted abaxially. Peduncles 0.3–3 cm. Racemes moderately densely flowered; axis (1–)1.5–6.5 cm; bracts 2.5–4 mm. Pedicels 0.3–0.6 mm. Flowers nodding; calyx 5.2–7 mm, hirtellous, tube 1.8–2.5 mm, rib intervals each with ± 5 glands, lobes lanceolate-elliptic, slightly unequal; corolla bicolored; banner whitish or pinkish tan, blue or purplish near margin, deltate-cordate to reniform, 3.7–5 mm; epistemonous petals whitish, blue or purplish on margins; wings obliquely ovate, 3.3–4.2 × 2.1–2.8 mm; keel broadly ovate or obovate, 4.3–5.8 × 3–3.7 mm; stamens 7–8 mm; filaments distinct to 2.5–3 mm; anthers 0.7–1 mm. Loments obliquely obovoid, 2.6–3 mm, puberulent, with arcs of glands distally. Seeds 2 mm.
Phenology: Flowering spring–early summer (late summer–fall).
Habitat: Rocky or sandy hillsides in oak woodlands, dry grassland.
Elevation: 1200–2500 m.
Ariz., N.Mex., Mexico (Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Sonora).
Marina calycosa is similar in habit and overall appearance to Dalea neomexicana, which it overlaps in range and with which it has, sometimes, been confused.
Selected References