Hennediella heimii

(Hedwig) R. H. Zander

Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 248. 1993,.

Basionym: Gymnostomum heimii Hedwig Sp. Musc. Frond., 32. 1801
Synonyms: Desmatodon heimii (Hedwig) Mitten Pottia heimii (Hedwig) Fürnrohr
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 636. Mentioned on page 19, 29, 594, 635.

Leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, tubulose and stiff; distal margins with a 1-stratose border of elongate cells, distal lamina cells 10–16 µm. Sexual condition monoicous, either synoicous or autoicous. Sporophytes often present. Seta 5–15 mm. Capsule stegocarpous, systilius; theca wide-mouthed, 1–2.4(–3.5) mm; peristome absent.


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North America, s South America, Europe, Asia, Pacific Islands (New Zealand), Australia, Antarctica.


Varieties 15 (2 in the flora).

In Hennediella heimii, European infraspecific taxa attributed to the flora area are not distinct in the New World (see R. T. Wareham 1939). S. Flowers (1973) may have included H. stanfordensis in his concept of this species, judging from the description, illustrations and his attribution of dioicy. However, like H. stanfordensis, this species may have gemmae borne on proximal rhizoids. This taxon exhibits polymorphisms (discussed by Wareham) with considerable variation in differentiation of the leaf border of elongate cells and marginal dentition, the distal cell ornamentation, and in length of capsule. It may be confused with Tortula obtusifolia but that species has no trace of marginal dentition and is yellow in KOH.

Selected References



1 Leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, tubulose but not concave or cucullate, apex acute, margins dentate distally, costa percurrent. Hennediella heimii var. heimii
1 Leaves broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, concave and often cucullate, apex usually obtuse, margins usually entire, costa often ending before the apex Hennediella heimii var. arctica
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Richard H. Zander +
- Hedwig R. H. Zander +
Gymnostomum heimii +
North America +, s South America +, Europe +, Asia +, Pacific Islands - New Zealand +, Australia +  and Antarctica. +
Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. +
Desmatodon heimii +  and Pottia heimii +
Hennediella heimii +
Hennediella +
species +